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  1. Leonard

    Edited Posts

    Sometimes after I post a dissenting opinion, I worry people will get mad and edit what I posted to agree with everyone else. I just wish I had the courage and conviction to stand by my opinions sometimes, you know?
  2. Leonard

    Fat Jokes

    As a fat person or fat admirer, do you find fat jokes funny? If not, are there exceptions? Does it depend on the joke? If so, what kind fat jokes are funny and which aren't? Also, feel free to provide examples of fat jokes you find funny, offensive, or both.
  3. Leonard

    The Edited Thread II

  4. Leonard

    The White Power Thread

    That's right kiddies, this thread is devoted to celebrating the power of white text! There's only one rule in this thread, and that's WRITE WHITE!
  5. Leonard

    are fat women who eat in my bed irresponsible?

    As I am sure you are all by now plainly aware, I love me the fatties. So, I got this problem, see? My problem is every time I bring some sexy porker back to my swingin' bachelor pad to play hide-the-roll-of-quarters, she always ends up EATING IN MY BED. It's like this. We have our fun, I...
  6. Leonard

    Add a Rule, Change a Rule, Take a Rule Away!

    Okay, so it's like this: This thread will begin with one rule. It is as follows: 1. Every post must include a reference to Greek mythology. Every ten posts, the tenth poster can either A) add a rule, B) change a rule, or C) take a rule away. It really is that simple. Now, Let's see...
  7. Leonard

    "Biggest Loser" Under Investigation

    http://www.thewrap.com/ind-column/no-weigh-producer-threats-halt-2020-investigation-biggest-loser-11417 http://www.nytimes.com/2009/11/25/business/media/25loser.html?_r=1&pagewanted=all The Times article is particularly interesting. Definitely supports my impression that the show places...
  8. Leonard

    There Is A Monster At The End Of This Thread!!!!!

    Hello, um, ever so sorry to bother everybody, but I'm afraid I have some terrible news. There is a MONSTER at the end of this thread. A big, hairy, spiny, scary MONSTER with red fangs and green eyes and claws like a lobster! At least I think that's what it looks like. I haven't seen it yet. But...
  9. Leonard

    The Damon Runyon Theater, "A Piece Of Pie" (1949)

    So, I'm a big fan of radio theatre. Recently I stumbled across an episode of "The Damon Runyon Theater" that I thought the citizens of Dimsville would enjoy. First, a little background on this series. Damon Runyon's short stories were the source material for the classic musical "Guys and...
  10. Leonard

    Christopher Walking Singing an Ode to the Big Ladies?

    I was checking out Ain't It Cool News earlier today and I stumbled across a story about John Waters' plans for the next Hairspray movie. I didn't see the first movie, but I have watched the 1988 original as well as the Broadway production. One particular excerpt caught my eye: Man, if this...
  11. Leonard

    Favorite WG Fiction Quotes

    Hello Fellow Readers. The other day I was thinking of an old favorite, "The Witness" by TR, when I remembered a really great speech given by the main character, Sarah Fox. Sarah has gone into hiding because she's going to testify as a witness in a mafia case, and in this scene she tells the...
  12. Leonard

    Dear Abby Game

    Hey friends, so this my idea for a game and you can stop me if it's lame but I just think it would be so much fun. The way it's played is that someone writes a letter to "Abby" asking for advice in the voice of person from film, literature, or history. Based on the clues in the letter, the...
  13. Leonard

    The Dimensions Scavenger Hunt!

    Okay, so here's my idea. Below I'm going to list three things that can be found in posts on these forums. The first person to post direct links to the three things on my list wins the scavenger hunt. If you win the scavenger hunt, you may make a list of your own. Don't feel like you have to...
  14. Leonard

    The Edited Thread

    So I was thinking...
  15. Leonard

    FA Disaster Stories

    I wasn't sure if this should be posted here or on the Main Board, but I'll put it here and see how it fits. As a young FA, I made many mistakes while trying to figure out exactly how to express my preferences. Discovering that my sexual desires did not align themselves with most other guys...
  16. Leonard

    What Does it Mean to be Fat?

    Hello all. I've been absent from these boards for a few weeks, but a recent encounter has pushed me out of the woodwork. I was walking home from class last week when I passed the following flier: What Does It Mean to be FAT? Thursday, April 5, 2007 5:30pm Slonim Living Room What does it...
  17. Leonard

    Sexy Video Time

    So, um, hypothetical question time. Let's say that you're trying to make a sexy video to give to a lady friend of yours. Let's also say that you're a performer, but that you have quickly realized that stage presence and screen presence are not one in the same. Let's also say you don't know...
  18. Leonard

    FA Hero Complex

    I’d like to share an observation that I thought others might like to weigh in on. I once read a theory in one of the threads in this forum. According to this theory, a lot of FAs intentionally look for partners with low self-esteem because they’re easier to control. I think there is some truth...
  19. Leonard

    "I don't really go for the FA type"

    I have read on this board that there are some girls who don't really like dating men who would be described as FAs. Though I don't know anyone in my social circles familiar with the term, I have also run into women who carry a disdain or distrust of "guys who like fat girls". For example, an...
  20. Leonard

    I'm REALLY Lovin' It

    I just had to share this. I found it here and thought some of you would appreciate it. The artists who contibute to the site often find their material online. Does anyone know who the original photograph belongs to?