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Sep 29, 2005
Lucky Se7en: BHM-FFA, Eating and Stuffing. Based on the movie and graphic novel 'Se7en'.


Illustration by Tubberton at deviantArt

Lucky Se7en

Chapter One - The Meeting

Frank groggily opened his eyes, feeling a dull throbbing in his head. The room he was in was brightly lit and he blinked his eyes a few times till they adjusted to the light. Taking in his surroundings Frank found he was in a room and he was sitting in front of a large dining table. He shook his head in hopes of clearing the cobwebs. He tried to lift his hands to his face and found he couldn't move them. It was then he realized that his hands were tied behind his back. Frank began to break out in a cold sweat and shake in fear, which made his large 450 pound body quiver and jiggle. He tried to think on how he got into this situation, but one word filled him with a sickening dread: seven.

The word, which had been purposely misspelled as 'Se7en', came from a crime story that had recently been in the news of a series of ghastly torture killings by a demented serial killer that followed the theme of the seven deadly sins, the victims having met their demise through one of the "sins": envy, sloth, greed, lust, pride, wrath and gluttony. It was the final sin on the list that most concerned Frank and made the blood in his huge body run cold. The news reported that one of the first victims of the 'Se7en' killer was a fat man about the same age and weight as Frank who was found in a filth strewn room who had been force fed to the point that his stomach ruptured from a kick from the killer and he literally ate himself to death. Even though the news reported that the killer was eventually caught and executed by a detective on the case who learned that the madman had brutally murdered the detective's wife and unborn child, the story unnerved Frank. There are a lot of sickos out there, he thought, and someone might try to copycat the 'Se7en' killer's crimes. Frank worked at home and rarely ventured out as he was insecure about his weight. It was a long time after the story of the 'Se7en' killings had died down a bit to be replaced by other stories before Frank felt safe enough to go out again.

It was about two months after the killings were no longer in the news that Frank decided to revisit an all you can eat buffet restaurant he used to dine at frequently. It was open into the late hours and Frank was a big eater and felt self conscious about eating in public. He shifted his large, round frame through the door and the owner gave him a very warm greeting, remarking that it was a long time since Frank had last been at the buffet. Frank thanked the owner for the greeting, then picked up a large plate and approached the buffet table and began piling up his plate with fried chicken, ribs, some pork chops, French fries and pasta. He brought his packed plate to a secluded table at the rear of the restaurant and began to dig into his meal. Every so often he turned a nervous eye to the front door of the place whenever another customer entered, then determinning that things were okay, with relief returned to his meal.

Frank was finishing off the last few ribs and chicken wings and was considering a return to the buffet to refill his plate. It was then that he heard a female voice to the side of his table say softly, "Hi, do you mind if I join you?"

Frank was startled by the voice. He was so intently focused on the last of his meal that he hadn't noticed someone was close by. He turned to the direction of the voice and his eyes widened with surprise. By his table carrying a plate that was piled as high with food as his had been earlier was a beautiful young, tall, statuesque blonde woman with incredibly blue eyes. She was wearing a smart sweater outfit that clung to her form. The smile on her pretty face was dazzling and Frank could only dumbly stare back at her. The young blonde smiled sweetly at Frank and softly said, "I'm sorry, but is it okay if I join you at your table?" Frank blinked and shyly smiled. "Umm, sure", he began to stammer. "I mean, yes please!", and Frank awkwardly moved his large frame and began to stand and offer the blonde the chair opposite his across the table. "Thank you", the young lady smiled as she placed her packed plate on the table and sat in her chair. Frank smiled shyly as he heavily plopped back into his seat, unable to help himself from staring at the the deep blue eyes of the mysterious, smiling woman.
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