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Recent content by adriantcu

Dimensions Magazine

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  1. adriantcu

    What'cha doing at Dims?

    I am here for any # of reasons, listed in no particular order of importance or brevity. Ratio of women to men (just being honest) Amazingly beautiful people (inside and out) Enjoy having some drama in my life (whether I admit it or not) Witty banter and conversation (people who will...
  2. adriantcu

    too big for normal club not big enough for the bashes

    Those were the lines of the day! Just my two cents: Having been in the scene for a long time (over ten years) I would say that there are a lot of women in the "tweener" category. I personally try to avoid categorizing and putting labels on women, yet my existence here at least acknowledges...
  3. adriantcu

    walk off a blind date

    I just wanted to say this thread is really interesting. I am totally guilty of squirming my way through dates (blind or not) and the whole time thinking "when the heck can I run". The realization i've come to is that perhaps the other person is thinking the same thing. I have found that...
  4. adriantcu

    Houston Tx BBW Halloween Party Fri Oct 24th - Saturday Oct 25th

    I used to hit up the events in SA all the time back in the late 90's / early 2000's. When the dallas event group disappeared I fell a bit out of sorts, but oh of course how times change. Thanks for the info!
  5. adriantcu

    what are you happy about today? Part 1

    I am happy that I finally beat the stupid m&m's candy halloween movie title game. It took me three hours and I didn't cheat. Oh well :)
  6. adriantcu

    New Kids On The Block

    wow..new kids...stole a few kisses to "please don't go girl" when I was a youngster....talk about blowing the dust off some memories
  7. adriantcu

    your user name

    I would normally say my screen name is simple...my first name, plus the college I graduated from....but honestly I think there is a bit more to it I think rather than using some pseudonym or moniker...I chose my real name because I am honestly pretty proud of who I am. Not vain, just happy...
  8. adriantcu

    What Are You Listening to Thread- Revisited ;)

    Maps..by the yeah yeah yeahs.... Yay for great songs discovered through rock band :) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SYJjHCZN46U
  9. adriantcu

    Questions About Houston, TX

    I know a lot of folks in Houston, and I know it has been a rough time lately for them. From the time i've spent there, it was a great city. Like any large city, there are aspects of life that can be annoying, but I would say the great parts of the city more than make up for those annoyances...
  10. adriantcu

    The show your face/introduction thread

    Welcome back from a fellow old timer turned newbie again :)
  11. adriantcu

    Houston Tx BBW Halloween Party Fri Oct 24th - Saturday Oct 25th

    Anybody going to this? Seems like it will be a great time!
  12. adriantcu

    Just a bit of a rant about online dating sites

    I really can't add anything to this, I totally agree. Like anything, some people have positive results with certain things, while others have negative experiences. While I amid that some dating sites are worse than others, most sites actually work very hard to find real success and give users...