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Recent content by BigGirlSea

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  1. BigGirlSea

    What is your highest adult weight?

    Right now - 371 as of last week!:shocked:
  2. BigGirlSea


    That's what I was thinking... I read a review from someone online that said he got stuck on the rocks a bit more than his teenage daughter because he was "hefty" hopefully that's the worst that would happen! Thanks for your advice everyone! Jennifer
  3. BigGirlSea


    Hi everyone! I am heading out to CT/MA tomorrow and one of the friends that I am visiting wants to go innertubing in the Farmington River. I googled and found the company that we would most likely use and emailed them to ask what weight their inner tubes go up to. I received the following...
  4. BigGirlSea

    Anime Eating

    Interesting thread to me as last night I saw an anime movie - Paprika - with my friends (the first I'd ever seen) that had a very large male character in it. In a review I read he is described as "Tokita Kohsaku (Tôru Furuya), a morbidly obese, genius-level man-child." At first I was annoyed...
  5. BigGirlSea

    Beth Ditto

    I just gotta say.... I Love hearing all you girls come out about your girl crushes on Beth (or just admiration in general) sometimes I feel alone here in my girl liking :blush: but reading the comments I feel right at home! ;)
  6. BigGirlSea

    The beach - ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

    I wish more guys would do this!:) I am on a cruise right now in the Caribbean and have enjoyed having the chance to "people watch" lots of BHM in the ships pool as well as at the beach and I am loving it! :wubu:
  7. BigGirlSea

    Any Lesbian/Bisexual FFA's?

    Many people think of sexuality as something more fluid. Maybe these people didn't realize for years when they were in a relationship that they were attracted to the same gender. I am glad to see this whole thread! ;)
  8. BigGirlSea

    Girly yucky stuff.

    Em- I would talk to the doctor about this again or get a second opinion from someone else. Also it is completely possible to have PCOS without the cysts... and you can be treated for this without the cysts as well. If I don't do something to induce a period (provera) I don't know how...
  9. BigGirlSea

    Finding a travelling companion

    What about posting an ad your local Craigslist to see if there are any people in your area interested in something like this? That way you could meet and get to know each other first before committing to some big trip together! I agree that an essential part of finding a good travelling...
  10. BigGirlSea

    The "Favorite Ice Cream Flavor" Thread

    Cake Batter at Cold Stone - I love it with almost anything mixed in! and Chocolate Chip Mint - It's been my favorite since I was a kid! Always had it at my birthday parties with the cake! So is there anywhere in the NW you can find Cinnamon ice cream? It sounds so good to me but I...
  11. BigGirlSea

    Who here is SINGLE and LOOKING?

    I'm not looking too hard - but if you happen to be in the Pacific NW or near NOLA - I am single and looking!
  12. BigGirlSea

    The good and the bad of 2005

    Good: *Ended a seven year relationship that was WAY over! *Got a new car! *A Caribbean cruise vacation!!! :) *The opportunity to volunteer in Louisiana after Hurricane Katrina (although Katrina herself definitely counts as a BAD thing) *Learning lots of new things about myself...
  13. BigGirlSea

    Jeans for the belly heavy, booty-lacking girl

    Although they are still sometimes a bit big in the leg area I have found that lately I love the Supreme Jeans line at Lane Bryant. They have stretch in them so that helps with the belly fitting! It's odd because I can't seem to fit into most of the pants at Lane Bryant (I am a size 28 or 30...