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Dimensions Magazine

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  1. C

    Modify the term "FA"?

    sproing. i've never liked the idea of identifying oneself with ones sexual preferences, it just seems shallow and a little creepy (more or less by case). i'm not ashamed that i like big women and i don't try to hide it but i would never identify as a fa or anything like that ... it just...
  2. C

    pop the post cherry

    well, fancy seeing you here.
  3. C

    what movies would you want to try stoned?

    requiem for a dream was, in fact, the FIRST movie i ever watched high... my friends are assholes like that.
  4. C

    What'cha doing at Dims?

    i found dims googling fatty pr0n when i was like 12. since then, i've occasionally spent time reading the boards every few months ago but it never felt right to register- probably because i spent so many years here before i was old enough to. recently i found myself hanging out on...
  5. C

    Louis Prima - FA

    i always sympathized with the banana split song. am i too young to know who louis prima is, or just too young to have intentionally listened to him?
  6. C

    Are there any FA's in Canada??

    i saw this thread and thought to myself, "ohmigod, i'm going to go and make THAT EXACT JOKE." lame.
  7. C

    Fat Girls Have Sex, Too!

    that makes two southpark references in one thread. we all need to watch less tv and have more sex.
  8. C

    How to know if somebody stares at you because he likes you?

    if i'm staring, it's cuz i dig you. can't vouch for the rest of the male species, tho.