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  1. C

    Weight Board Confessional

    ok, curvy in the bbw category does it for me :) but it's always the thin girls who are attracted to me. what a dilemma.
  2. C


    come on, someone put on an Alaska bash. :)
  3. C

    Good bye Glenn Beck we'll miss you --NOT!

    I've heard him on the radio on occasion but i didn't even know he was on TV. Hell, I don't even watch tv so i guess that would help explain that one. Movies on the other hand I watch a lot of.....wait a minute, what were we talking about?
  4. C

    need weight gaining advice!

    eat.....a lot ;)
  5. C

    The Fat Woman of Your Dreams

    I remember a write up about Sara Lee foods and there was this picture of a plump model smiling, in a bikini and laying on top of a pile of Sara Lee cakes. It was pivital