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  1. DuskyJewel

    Food Porn (Food Gawker - combined threads)

    http://www.tastespotting.com :eat2: Ah.. Food Gawker came about when Tastespotting went down temporarily about a year ago. They often have the same submissions, but both are favorites of mine. They accept submissions, so get going you amateur food photogs Yummy stuff!
  2. DuskyJewel

    Do you know why you are fat?!

    I was a very small baby, a bit over 5lbs, and have been making up time ever since. ;) While I am no paradigm of a perfectly healthy diet, I am not left center compared to my thin friends, yet I sit here at 400+ and 5'2". My only issue of late has been mobility, but I just had blood work done...
  3. DuskyJewel

    Finally got insurance and a full physical...was surprised at the results!

    Jenny, congrats!!! I, too, am healthy and fat :-) Thank you for the recommendation on locating a doc. I have a respectful gyno who makes me comfortable for Pap smears, but at my last visit two weeks ago he insisted referring me to a bariatric doctor despite my good health. It might be time...
  4. DuskyJewel

    Fat and your identity

    Great question! My identity has always been the "really smart, really fat Black chick". All three together!! :) How would I change if I were thinner? I would like to think I would be the same person, but so much of who I am and how I think are based on my past experiences and THOSE...
  5. DuskyJewel

    Memories I want to Share from Vegas Bash!

    Thank you, sweetie! It brought back sooooo many memories! I wish I were there right now and cannot wait for next year. I watched the other videos on your site and you just captured so much of the spirit and people. Thanks, again!!
  6. DuskyJewel

    Flying Fat

    Thank you to everyone who has posted their experiences. You have all empowered me to get my big booty on a plane and out into the world by reminding me that preparation goes a very long way and that I am not alone. Now I am just going to find a cheap (if possible) fare, get my two seats, and...
  7. DuskyJewel

    Is that hard to find love for a big girl ?

    Well, we could go to Brazil in December for the World Engineering Convention. Over 5.000 of the world's best....why limit yourself ;)
  8. DuskyJewel

    Foods that you'll never try again.

    okra (fried or otherwise), fresh peaches, raw potato slices.. that's all I can think of.
  9. DuskyJewel

    Anthony Bourdain and Ted Nugent discuss obesity in America. They guys are the worst!!

    I am bitterly disappointed as well. I treasured my copy of Kitchen Confidential and credit Bourdain with demystifying fine restaurants for me. I knew he was a wise-ass, but I figured that was a bit of NYC attitude and it was fine by me. To know that he harbors such nasty opinions makes it...
  10. DuskyJewel

    SSBBW in the Workplace

    I also have not found my weight to be an issue once I have landed a position. Like you, I think it has a lot to do with my education and the belief instilled in me to hold my head up. However, I think that message had more to do with my being Black than with being supersized. Interestingly...
  11. DuskyJewel

    Foreign Nestle commercial - Thin Woman in a Fat World

    I thought it was kind of cute. Not great, though. The commercial was a play on the old stereotypical, cyclical sitution where the fat girl is portrayed as sad, lonely, and rejected. Therefore, she goes home and eats a tub of her favorite ice cream thereby perpetuting her situation by causing her...
  12. DuskyJewel

    Anyone Colorado people on these boards?

    You better!! BTW, I am looking too cute in your clothes! Thank you!!
  13. DuskyJewel

    What bothers me most about the fat acceptance community

    Wish I could have said this! As someone fairly new to the entire community, I actually like the acronyms and I do not feel dehumanized in any way. I will admit there is a bit a secret society thing that I like. Maybe it is because I am too new to be jaded, but having a shortcut language makes me...
  14. DuskyJewel

    sony got some controversy at E3 with the game called fat princess

    I think you have hit the nail on the head. I have been going back and forth with my opinion of the game and I have to agree.. the "controversy" is in the fat in Fat Princess. The women who have been critical in interviews are most likely not fat-positive nor interested in advancing size...
  15. DuskyJewel

    Anyone Colorado people on these boards?

    I am in the Dever area and would definitely love to meet and greet and hang out.