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Recent content by Fatasy2006

Dimensions Magazine

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  1. Fatasy2006

    feed the movie

    That's exactly why I rented it. Fat girls, weight gain, cannibals. Always fascinated me.
  2. Fatasy2006

    Calling all Geezers.......

    Hi ho, ya'll. 56 here. Been an FA ever since puberty. Nothing more sensual to me than the idea of a beautiful woman (of any size) gaining weight. I've always been that way -- even way back when the Beach Boys ruled the US record charts. Oh, WOW, I'm old! :eek: Big guy myself -- around...
  3. Fatasy2006

    My FEED comments

    I rented. . . I watched. . . I yawned. Even if you put aside how much they got wrong about this community, the movie, as a movie, wasn't much of a movie. And, as "Forest" would say: "That's all I have to say about that."
  4. Fatasy2006

    My FEED comments

    LOL I see your point. I bet I'll get some strange looks from the clerk when a man my size checks out the video. But that comes with the territory. And it's a lot of territory!
  5. Fatasy2006

    Hello to Weight Board

    I appreciate your feedback. I really do.
  6. Fatasy2006

    My FEED comments

    So it IS available in the U.S. now. Do you remember what section of the BlockBuster store you found it in? Was it a particularly large store or would you think most BB stores would have the video? Mark
  7. Fatasy2006

    Hello to Weight Board

    I've been coming here checking out the posts for years. Have very rarely spoken up and never introduced myself here. Earlier today I posted a greeting on the Main Board in the "introductions" thread, so for the basic stuff, you can find it there, if you're interested. My photo is in my...
  8. Fatasy2006

    How honest and how serious are you?!

    I've been fat all my life. I've never really been motivated to loose weight because I love to eat and I love fat. And while i would admit I'd wave a magic wand tomorrow if it would make me thin, the times when I feel my fattest I also feel the most arroused. Frankly, I've never had the...
  9. Fatasy2006

    The show your face/introduction thread

    Believe me, I'm not a timid sort of fellow. However, I'm a little nervous about introducing myself here. I don't really need to explain that, do I? We all have people in our "real lives" who wouldn't understand what on earth we're doing here. Anyway, I've been reading these forums every day...