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Recent content by GroovaliciousGoddess

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  1. GroovaliciousGoddess

    Show time! The bodytype thread!

    I'm a 24 hour glass.
  2. GroovaliciousGoddess

    my rant on the ny craigslist rant and raves site - what is a bbw? ssbbw?

    That's like a "plus size" model is anyone over a size 0... If you can still count her ribs, she is still a minus.
  3. GroovaliciousGoddess

    Hey Everybody

    Welcome John...
  4. GroovaliciousGoddess

    What book are you?

    I'm Catch 22 as well.
  5. GroovaliciousGoddess

    Ladies, how does this woman's perspective make you feel?

    Hear Hear. Apart from that, if god really did exist she would probably be a woman, and created us with brains.
  6. GroovaliciousGoddess

    Happy Birthday AnnMarie! :)

    Happy Birthday:bow:!!!
  7. GroovaliciousGoddess

    Aussie girls

    Hi newbie here from Sydney... Got to balance out those Melbournites.
  8. GroovaliciousGoddess

    Is an FA a must?

    It's a because of or despite of argument isn't it? Does a guy like you BECAUSE you are fat, or DESPITE you being fat (or skinny, or disabled)? I suppose it's the same argument our skinny sisters give. They probably love the fact that they get lots of attention because of their nice...
  9. GroovaliciousGoddess

    Want to see something completely appalling?

    MMMM, Lando Calrissian. Dammit now I feel like lobster.
  10. GroovaliciousGoddess

    The show your face/introduction thread

    Hello everybody. Just call my Groovy. I'm from Australia.