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  1. Juicy Pear

    Food Glorious Food: Foods and Restaurants you miss

    As a kid I lived near Chicago. I remember getting Vienna hot dogs from an outdoor vendor. The poppyseed buns, the sound of the hot dog skin breaking when you bite into it, the toppings - perfect! No other hot dog begins to compare to this experience.
  2. Juicy Pear

    FASHIONABLE Wide Width Shoes?! HELP!

    I don't have an answer, but I appreciate the answers given. I need an extra wide size 9. I can't even find women's shoes at Payless to fit me. I've been wearing men's shoes for years.
  3. Juicy Pear

    Final Report on Cantaloupe Deaths in US

    I prefer peaches, nectarines and watermelon to cantaloupe. Still, I now wish I had stopped and bought a bunch the other day when I drove by the local farmer's market. Saw tons of fresh cantaloupe sitting on the outdoor tables. Should have bought some to support the local farmers.
  4. Juicy Pear

    matza ball soup

    I think she used kosher chicken bouillon. The broth was very clear with a bit of fine parsley and I remember a few sliced carrots. She probably put mirepoix in the broth. Aunt Yetta cooked with chicken schmaltz a lot. There was fat in the batter, I think, and that's why the water kept the...
  5. Juicy Pear


    Just found this online. The traditional kimonos shown look like they may be easy to sew up without a pattern. http://www.asianideas.com/kimonorobes.htm I love Japanese culture. Does that make me a Nippophile?
  6. Juicy Pear

    Random FOODEE Thoughts and Confessions

    I think grape leaves are used to wrap Salvadorian tamales. Or is that banana leaves? I forget. I'll find out next time I talk to my friend from El Salvador.
  7. Juicy Pear

    matza ball soup

    One of my favorite childhood memories is eating my Aunt Yetta's matzoh ball soup on a cold winter day. I remember watching her make them. She would keep the faucet running to wet her fingers so she could roll the balls without the batter sticking to her hands. Then she would drop them into the...
  8. Juicy Pear

    Random FOODEE Thoughts and Confessions

    I am sick with a cold, have nothing fun to eat in the house and no one who isn't busy to run to the store for me. I want something good! :(
  9. Juicy Pear


    A simple adaptation of a Japanese kimono shouldn't be too hard to make. I've thought about making one for myself. It would also be relatively inexpensive. :)
  10. Juicy Pear

    Final Report on Cantaloupe Deaths in US

    It's a shame that so many people completely stopped buying cantaloupe. It really hurt the farming industry and was totally unnecessary. The tainted fruit came from one farm in Colorado. Two weeks after the listeria outbreak, all the infected cantaloupe would have been completely rotten and...