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Dimensions Magazine

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  1. MissKat

    Lookist Mediocracy

    Most mainstream artist can't sing now days. Like I'd only go to a live concert of someone who I know can sing. I do think that these shows like AI and the Voice find better talent than the ones that just pop on the scene simply because they audition without the help of computers. However, a...
  2. MissKat

    sounds of fatness

    I swish. Like a lot. Like I don't think I even noticed it until like a couple of months ago. I was at work, the power was out, I had to go through the warehouse and I could hear myself walking. For a moment, I didn't even know it was myself. Now I'm super aware. Even found myself trying to walk...
  3. MissKat

    The show your face/introduction thread

    Name: Kat Age: 27 Location: CA Likes: Books, movies, M&Ms, sports, books, dancing, books, french fries, snow globes, teen shows, oh and books! Dislikes: traffic, negativity, the day after Christmas, bad customer service... Music: Neo soul mostly, a little pop, 80's rock About me: I work...