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Dimensions Magazine

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  1. M

    My weight gain..my butt and thighs are so much bigger!!!

    You have just GREAT legs!
  2. M

    Caught between gaining and not?

    I was in your situation about 2 years ago, I decided to go for the gain and with the help of quite a bit of fast food (not healthy I know but who can resist taco bell!) Anyway, I now weigh about 260 and am happy at that weight, but to answer your question, I think its natural to have doubts, it...
  3. M

    Guess the shape!!

    I agree with the extra gorgeous hourglass:smitten:
  4. M

    How much weight do YOU think I should gain?

    Though it has been said before, if you are really asking if you should gain weight than only you can decide it, how much you put on should be how much you're comfortable with not how much we think. Know that you are very attractive just as you are now. However, If you just want opinions...
  5. M

    Kenzie's Comparision pic!

    You truly are gorgeous, thought you should know, :happy:
  6. M

    the ONE thing annoying you the most right now??

    At the grocery store I work at, while unloading food from a supply truck, I tipped over an entire pallet of glass jars of pickles... My fault, but still very irritating, four hours later I still smell like pickles...
  7. M

    Has anyone else noticed this

    urban legend or not as a college student, I have seen quite a few girls who have put on a fair ammount of weight from those noodles...
  8. M

    Hi Dimensions

    Hey, everyone. I'm new here and just thought I would introduce myself. I'm 20 years old, in college and have known that I'm an FA since I was about 15. Anyway, looking forward to getting to know everyone. Peace.