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  1. R

    no-one hates fat chicks but fat chicks

    my opinion doesn't change from one message board to another. Your entitled not to agree, but people here seem to WANT to make me out as some terrible villain.
  2. R

    no-one hates fat chicks but fat chicks

    thats fantasy I've made a lot of comments, some can be construed as negative, but I never made any anti fat comments. I'm amazed to see people who want to be respected as they are, be so intolerant of some one with differing oppinions.
  3. R

    beliefs about fat and health

    A stern but reasonable moderator once told me that it was my job as the newb to educate myself as to what people around here believe. I thought a good place to start would be the medical professions claims that obesity increases the risk of a number of illnesses from Diabetes to Insomnia...
  4. R

    What is Masculine?

    I take a sort of spiritual approach to defining feminine and masculine. Ying and Yan, Sun and Moon, fire and water. Its not about male and female its about two necessary parts to a whole. The left brain and the right brain, night and day, earth and sky etc etc. I think masculine...
  5. R

    no-one hates fat chicks but fat chicks

    The way people overreacted to my posts in the other thread, I just figured I'd tread light, like the the one called olwen suggested. I don't think everyone here is quite as well adjusted as you are. I'm not interested in upsetting anyone else. i wasn't saying anything bad about fat, I'm just...
  6. R

    'Born' out of negativity?

    anyone who wants to continue this conversation with me to productive ends is free to email me but I won't be posting in this thread anymore. Cause I don't think i have anything to say that most of want to hear. Thats and a moderator came knocking and accused me of insulting people.
  7. R

    'Born' out of negativity?

    Where was I whining, appologizing and offering perspective is whining?? Thats ridiculous. Accurately describing some ones behavior is not name calling. More hypersensitive crap. And congratulations on your ability to find typos. Well done.
  8. R

    no-one hates fat chicks but fat chicks

    This is true of many men. However curves doesnt always mean fat. While surely there is some fat involved, height, weight distribution and bone structure really have more to do with it than fat. I've seen some chicks look terrible at 170, and others who look totally fking yummy at 170. My last GF...
  9. R

    Social acceptance as an FA..

    Regular guys catch hell for dating different sorts of chicks all the time. We used to bust my friends balls for dating a pretty Italian girl that was also pretty hairy. She had a noticable moustache. Or the guy who dates the tall girl or the Plain Jane or the butter head chick, some times it...
  10. R

    'Born' out of negativity?

    Thats the kinda response I have been waiting for. Some logic, some reason, some good sense, a bgood deal of perspective, instead of rediculously over reactive defensive BS. Theres definately a lack of understanding on my part, and I definately appreciate you taking the time to outline it for me...
  11. R

    'Born' out of negativity?

    theres no passive in my agressive TYVM. You felt compelled to defend yourself against a statement that was not directed at you. Thats the action of a guilty conscience. You felt that my statements applied to you, thats why your responded the way you did. You probably think of yourself in...
  12. R

    'Born' out of negativity?

    Not to offend the poor woman that was pushed down the stairs, but manning up is 100% healthier than lying at the bottom of a stairwell weeping. I understand that you feel bad about things that have been done to you in the past, I took my fair share of abuse as a fat lil kid, but god damnit...
  13. R

    'Born' out of negativity?

    I cant seem to find an eye rolling smiley. This is exactly the sort of hypersensitivity I'm talking about. I dodn't name a single name or point a damn finger, I made a general statement and the guilty parties jumped out to defend themselves and their weak behavior. if you were so assertive...
  14. R

    The Slings and Arrows From a 'Newbie'

    personally, i don't care for your cartoons, but that guy was being unnecesarrily deuchey about it. How often to we see anatomically correct funny page comic strips?? Its fairly rare. Even in animated cartoons, the most sucessful ones do not accurately depict the human form. thats really just...
  15. R

    Once again fat people do not get good sex

    I'm not getting as much sex as I'd like, but when I do ocassionally seal the deal i tend to shock and awe. Matress puddles speak louder than medical studies.