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  1. S

    Post Pictures of Corseted BBWs?

    Actually, the "old fashion" had guys corseting as well. So if you think its a girls only thing, then you would be new school.
  2. S

    Post Pictures of Corseted BBWs?

    You dont need to have any shape for a corset really, they shape you. Thats the whole point of the ribbing and the lace bindings. Its also why a corset with out ribbing is either a cincher as it only cinches your waist, or a bustier (depending on its length.) So go get one an enjoy it.
  3. S

    BMI - What's Yours?

    Actually thats pretty much exactly right. It can give an idea of how big one is... but so can simple measurements. Its just a weight to height ratio formula, incredibly superficial. For the most part calipers or water displacement methods are the most accurate, but that being said, they too...
  4. S

    Post Pictures of Corseted BBWs?

    My girlfriend always loves corsets. Though shes not exactly a BBW in these photos, which are about a year old, I cant show recent photos of her in one because they would violate the forum rules heh. Shes a bit to big for her corsets now and they are damn expensive when buying a nice one.
  5. S

    BMI - What's Yours?

    Something to keep in mind. BMI is Body MASS Index. It is not an accurate measure of fat content at all. You need to use water displacement for that. BMI is just gives one a very vague idea. And BMI does account for all mass, including muscle. It actually doesnt account for body fat alone.