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  1. PamelaLois

    The 30th Olympiad! (beware: results may be revealed before events air on NBC)

    I love the Olympics! Is anyone else as big a fan as I am? What did you think of the opening ceremonies? What thoughts do you have on NBC leaving out the Abide With Me anthem and the tribute to terrorism victims? I thought they should have showed it instead of the Phelps interview. It was...
  2. PamelaLois

    January Iron Foodee Challenge

    Since Misty and I tied, we decided to submit an ingredient together. Oddly enough, the item we picked hasn't been used before, even though it's a very basic food item! The ingredient for the month is......... RICE!!! So let us have it, your best recipes that include RICE!!! Any kind of...
  3. PamelaLois

    R. I. P. Leslie Nielson

    So sad to hear that Leslie Nielson died! He was one of my favorite actors, the deadpan delivery, the sense of the absurd, a funny funny man. :sad:
  4. PamelaLois

    We Are The World remake

    Did anyone else see the new remake of We Are The World tonight on the Olympic opening ceremonies broadcast? What did you think of it? How about using Michael Jackson's image and voice? The rap sections? Opinions?
  5. PamelaLois

    Goodbye Captain Phil

    I was very sad today to hear of the death of one of the most colorful characters on TV, Captain Phil Harris of the Cornelia Marie, one of the featured crab fishing vessels on Deadliest Catch. He will be sadly missed by his sons, I am sure, and all the fans of the show. Phil had a zest for life...
  6. PamelaLois

    Exceptionally sucky week

    Well, finally, the week from hell is over. My father passed away on the 18th, it was a complete shock. He went out almost exactly how he joked that he wanted to die, on the golf course with his buddies. He had a massive heart attack on Monday 16th, and while his buddies were able to keep him...
  7. PamelaLois

    Book group discussion - October

    Thanks for voting for my suggestion, Pillars of the Earth by Ken Follett. I hope you all enjoy the book, I know it's long, but it's worth the effort. Here's the link to September's book - Geek Love.
  8. PamelaLois


    Did we have a summer? :mad: It's August 31 and it's about 50 degrees out! I am freezing! I had to get a blanket out of the blanket chest last night because I was so cold, I do NOT like pulling the cold weather things out of storage when it's still freaking SUMMER!!!!! I had no tomatoes and...
  9. PamelaLois

    Cemetary Scandal in Alsip Illinois, USA

    I searched around on the boards and couldn't find a mention of this, but if I missed it earlier, then just delete this message and send me to the right one. From The Chicago Tribune, June 10, 2009: Reporting from Alsip, Ill. - They came in droves, generations of families pushing relatives in...
  10. PamelaLois


    So, yesterday I was talking to one of my co-workers. We were discussing my former place of employment, which is also her almost former place of employment (she gave her 2 weeks notice). She was recruited to work with me at my current place of employment, on my recommendation, because she is an...
  11. PamelaLois

    Swine Flu

    OK, so I heard the most moronic bit of PC nonsense about Swine Flu on the news tonight! Some Muslim extremists are livid over the name of the disease and consider in an insult to Islam and they insist it should be renamed "Mexican Flu". If this isn't the stupidest thing I have ever heard, I...
  12. PamelaLois

    Name A Saturday Morning Cartoon no longer on the air

    In the spirit of the TV Show no longer on the air list thread, I bring you the "Saturday Morning Cartoon show no longer on the air list". Copy and paste the list, adding the number, your name and the cartoon or Saturday morning show (Or Sunday). Like the TV show thread, only one entry per...
  13. PamelaLois

    Who Doesn't Love Cheese

    So, today I had to go to traffic court, whoop de do, didn't have to pay any fines or anything, just had to show I got my license plate sticker. But anyhow, the court building is near a restaurant that has the best Saganaki, and I was "forced" to go there for lunch. I had forgotten just how...
  14. PamelaLois

    Superstars of Dance

    Anyone been watching this show? Who do you think is the best? Which group, duet or solo are you rooting for? And what's with Michael Flatley's accent? The dude is from Chicago, fercryinoutloud, lose the fake Irish accent. The Shaolin Monks blew me away, the Irish dancers, all of them, have...
  15. PamelaLois

    Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

    So, I went to see the occupational health physician on Wednesday, and he diagnosed me with tendonitis and neuropathy in both hands, wrists, and the left elbow. I most likely will have to have surgery on my left hand, and maybe the right. I am a dog and cat groomer, and he said I can't do my...
  16. PamelaLois

    OK, I get it now (Rock Band PS2)

    I just didn't get the whole concept of Guitar Hero or Rock Band. When people talked about how they stayed up all night playing the games with their friends, I thought it was just goofy. Well, I finally get it! My brother & his wife had the game fired up for us tonight, and it was a riot! I...
  17. PamelaLois

    Ben & Jerry's 30th Anniversary Flavor

    Oh My GOD!!! Has anyone tried the new B&J's 30th anniversary Cake Batter ice cream flavor? It is yellow cake batter flavored ice cream with chocolate frosting swirl. FABU!!!!!!! :wubu: I thought the Oatmeal Cookie flavor was the best, but I was wrong, this is the new best.
  18. PamelaLois

    I need some advice.....

    OK, so this is kind of a long story, and I need some advice on how to handle it. Here goes. About two years ago I began chatting with a very nice man online. We had a LOT in common and got on very well online and in phone conversations. We have talked almost every day for the last two...
  19. PamelaLois

    Cracker Oddness

    OK, so I was just watching The Princess Diaries (big dork here) and there was a commercial for Kraft Mac & Cheese CRACKERS? Has anyone tried these things? The whole idea just strikes me a wrong. Reminds me of another cracker oddness: Chicken in a biscuit. What is with that?
  20. PamelaLois

    Iron Foodee Challenge for June?

    Do we have an ingredient yet for June? If so, I can't find the thread, could someone please help me? Thanks