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  1. The Fat Man

    Voice Chat

    I don't Minecraft but I'll join in the fun, maybe it'll be easier to make everyone's acquaintance via voice as opposed to text. I've used TeamSpeak for years so, easy peasy. Any peak hours I should look for?
  2. The Fat Man

    Austin Friends?

    I'm down around SA! Loves me a random trip to Austin.
  3. The Fat Man

    R A N D OM Awesomeness

    My bookshelves full of nerdom! And my vinyl collection.
  4. The Fat Man


    Me and Doug Benson after Oddball Fest in Austin. (Yes, he smelled wonderful.) :D
  5. The Fat Man

    Gentlemen, Post An Awesome Pic Of Yourselves

    Me at work! :)
  6. The Fat Man

    what is the most weight you have put on in a year?

    Near the middle to end of my marriage there was one year I ballooned like forty or fifty pounds up to the heaviest I've ever been, like 340 something. Scary / super erotic at the same time. Especially as my wife at the time also gained a good thirty pounds or so. Doubly so since it was all just...
  7. The Fat Man

    What are you happy about today?

    I got some time away from work to go to the WWE house show in SA with my buddy.
  8. The Fat Man

    Your top 3

    I'm from near SA! Few miles down 37. (also an enormous wrestling nerd)
  9. The Fat Man

    Your top 3

    Music (this is always subjective / hard to do, but currently) 1. Neutral Milk Hotel (always) 2. The National 3. Talking Heads Movies (holy crap this one is hard... ) 1. Young Frankenstein 2. Ghostbusters 3. Anything Scorsese I guess (Gangs, Wolf, Goodfellas, I mean Christ) (also...
  10. The Fat Man

    What are you happy about today?

    Been having some rough days, but my best bud has been really aware of how shitty I feel and has been there for me. Yay friends. :)
  11. The Fat Man


    I'm a selfie noob, be kind. Decided to give Instagram another shot, lol. #filters
  12. The Fat Man

    Approaching Women

    At this point in my life I'm clueless as to how to meet someone. I've struggled with anxiety and depression my whole life, my relationships were all started on the internet. I've actually never approached and asked someone out on a date out in the real world, always social media or dating sites...
  13. The Fat Man


    EDIT There we go.
  14. The Fat Man

    What is your weight right now?

    Around 320 currently.
  15. The Fat Man

    What is your weight right now?

    Started 2014 a little over 300, almost 330 now. Probably going to have to drop down again, but a little binge now and again doesn't hurt anybody. :)
  16. The Fat Man

    What Are You Happy About Today? Part 2

    I met a new lady friend. :D
  17. The Fat Man

    Kareem Abdul-Jabbar: 20 Things I Wish I'd Known When I Was 30

    http://www.esquire.com/blogs/culture/kareem-things-i-wish-i-knew?src=spr_FBPAGE&spr_id=1456_8333529 Fantastic read.
  18. The Fat Man

    R A N D OM Awesomeness
