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  1. beth1954

    Apnea Safety

    I've tried all the face gear you can imagine. I have a co-worker with sleep apnea and he thought that I was mouth-breathing too, but I get this dry horrible feeling (like a mouth full of sand) before I even go to sleep when I'm sure my mouth isn't open. I know I have to find out what I can do...
  2. beth1954

    need advice about pain in my knees

    Well, I have gone through the same thing too! I had surgery on my right knee for a torn meniscus probably about 13 years ago. And now I have had off and on problems with both knees (mostly the right knee) for a long time now. In 2003 it was just unbearable. I went to the same doctor that had...
  3. beth1954

    Apnea Safety

    Well..........I'm not one to talk, because I have moderate to severe sleep apnea. I have had the sleep study, and I have had 2 different machines and probably 5 different "head gear" setups. I am still not compliant. I just can't sleep with those gadgets on my head. I know the risks, but I...
  4. beth1954

    Desperately seeking panties

    Taking out my crappy personal life on people I don't even know. Guess I need to pop another Klonapen. Sorry.
  5. beth1954

    Desperately seeking panties

    thanks for your understanding AnnMarie
  6. beth1954

    Desperately seeking panties

    Miss AnnMarie (Are we live?) --- Yes, I HAVE shopped at all the fat girl stores that I can find. Excuse me if I don't understand how to correlate the 1x, 2x, 3x, 4x, 5x with the 10, 11,12, 13, 14, 15 and the 18/20 and 22/24 and 26/28. I don't know where a "15" fits in with the other ways...
  7. beth1954

    Desperately seeking panties

    Volatile, I tried your link and it didn't go through. So I went to Avenue and I don't think they are big enough for me. I usually wear a 15 (Catherine's sizes) I don't know what a 15 would be in the number sizes that Avenue uses.......
  8. beth1954

    Desperately seeking panties

    Carrie, I did try some of the links that I was given way back then. Hipster panty by promise is no longer available. The second link you sent --that style is no longer available. I found the one that was like a boy cut but a little longer and it has been backordered forever. Making it...
  9. beth1954

    Desperately seeking panties

    I am desperately seeking panties that don't make me want to kill myself! I usually wear a size 15 from Catherine's. The cotton high cuts. But they have been creeping up and I'm just RAW where the panty goes up to my inner thighs/legs. I can't stand it anymore. Once in awhile I have to take...
  10. beth1954

    I Can't Find Comfortable Panties!

    Sandie, I LOVE some of the blouses on that sight. Just what I'm looking for but they are WAY out of my price range. Thank you for the link though!
  11. beth1954

    I Can't Find Comfortable Panties!

    Carrie, I have looked at the panties that look like shorts. I was worried about them riding up under jeans. But you said they don't? My jeans are not tight, so that might help. I have been debating whether or not I should get them How about the boy cut? thanks so much for your information...
  12. beth1954

    I Can't Find Comfortable Panties!

    I can't find panties that don't pull up and make my skin raw where the leg opening meets my skin. I'm miserable all the time. When I go to Catherine's, I buy size 15, and they are "OK" but always end up making me miserable eventually. Does anyone know where to buy large panties that are...
  13. beth1954

    Acceptance For Newbies

    ...........and I would like to accept myself the way I am, but just can't. I want to lose weight so badly but never go through with it. I am in the middle of a pity party all the time.
  14. beth1954

    When do you feel like you're fat?

    I always feel fat and look awful:(