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  1. spiritangel

    New Hashtag to be aware of #fatsidestories

    Whilst it is hearbreaking how many things I see that I can relate to, or that leve me angry and Irate at just how some people behave the fact that people are sharing and are standing up on twitter and not only saying me too but also supporting each other is pretty amazing check it out...
  2. spiritangel

    We got married Donna and Philippe

    Congrats may you have a wonderful life together
  3. spiritangel

    Dimensions Friends on Youtube

    I remember why I have not been using it because it would not let me log in without adding a phone number I think it is to do with the new way they link your YouTube to your google account
  4. spiritangel

    Dimensions Friends on Youtube

    Sorry I don't :( I ended up starting my own Channel and Linking all my Dimm's vids in a section there was wondering if the project had completely fizzed :(
  5. spiritangel

    Bloggers -- post your latest entries here

    I have been moving towards a vlog rather than blog so here is my Latest YouTube Vlog (kind of scary how much pro fat shaming stuff there is on YouTube) Fat Shaming is Not Ok
  6. spiritangel

    Having 2nd thoughts about relationship and want some judge-free advice.

    RUN!!! Not gonna sugar coat this the No Social Media thing is the start of a very slippery slope, because it is a way of controlling you and also starting to isolate you. Trust your gut. Your feeling like something is off and that is always something you need to listen to. The also...
  7. spiritangel

    One Completely Random Sentence...

    it's been forever ........
  8. spiritangel

    The Thread for Random Single Confessions Part ... I don't know what Part

    Happy Dance tosses around Confetti Congrats !!!! That is awesome news do we get to see the ring?? IC This year has been tough, crazy tough but it has also shown me what amazing friends I have the last month I have gotten gifts exactly on Days where I have also had an avalanche of just...
  9. spiritangel

    One Completely Random Sentence...

    a few RAK's sent, would be more but some people do not have their addys (even hidden) on their wishlists :/
  10. spiritangel

    Truths-Answer a question/Ask a question.

    I have two Autumn and Spring Q: What is your current fav food to cook?
  11. spiritangel

    One Completely Random Sentence...

    I still keep hoping it is just a bad dream that your not really gone
  12. spiritangel

    RIP CastingPearls

    I just I can not even begin to imagine a world without her light and radiance in it
  13. spiritangel

    One Completely Random Sentence...

    soooooooooooooooo tired
  14. spiritangel

    2015 Singles Party :) (otherwise known as the Singles Thread)

    Sorry for the Post New Year break up. Welcome to the Singles Club pull up a chair, help yourself to snacks you are amongst some rather awesome company he there welcome I am sure it has lots of awesome surprises in store for all of us Hugs hello there Lol well be open but do not...
  15. spiritangel

    The One NON-DIMS RELATED Thing Annoying You Most Right Now Part Trois.

    Seriously sounds like she wants the attention, is it possible to change your dress or perhaps embellish yours somehow to make you the stand out as you should be.... it is very disrespectful of her I feel for you rock and a hard place I would say you could always tell her if she wears the...
  16. spiritangel

    2015 Singles Party :) (otherwise known as the Singles Thread)

    How cool is that?? Like when you make something fabulous you get leftovers or to hog the whole lot :) Welcome Dave, sometimes it takes tripping over someone really special to take us out of singledom in the meantime celebrate yourself See I solved that problem each person gets a doona...
  17. spiritangel

    2015 Singles Party :) (otherwise known as the Singles Thread)

    You will have to be gentle and teach me I am so out of practice re dancing on my own let alone with a partner :) that is always nice
  18. spiritangel

    2015 Singles Party :) (otherwise known as the Singles Thread)

    It is NYE in the Land down under and I think time for a New Singles Thread Come on in, pull up a chair, go for a dip in the pool or hang out on the dance floor Let's embrace how awesome being single can be sooo if your single speak up and say one thing you love about being...
  19. spiritangel

    oy, it's letters to people and things, part deuce!

    Dear 2015 You are My Year I am determined it will be awesome and amazing even if just in little ways. I am ready for changes both big and small, the kind that will make my world and my life richer and better so bring it on 2015 let's get the party started A very excited and...
  20. spiritangel

    Friends who self-fat-shame and believe they are unattractive and stuff

    I actually left a secret womens group on fb (a spin off from an Aussie bbw group I am in) for the same sort of thing I get we do not always feel beautiful or sexy no matter what our size but actively putting someone down who has worked hard on their own self esteem and feels good about who...