A friend had to cut a real life conversation with me short, she wanted to race home so that she could connect with her internet boyfriend. She is on the line between having a real person who cares about her and says "how was your day honey"... and a completely fake thing.
She makes considerations for her "boyfriend", but does not seem to have any intention of actually meeting. He tells her he is not married. She is not sure when pressed and doesn't really care.
The important thing is that they are there for one another, communicating all the time. He is online and skype for her so much, how could he fit someone else into his life?
if he was married (whatever, I say.. I have my questions) how could he spend so much attention on her? He knows her better than anyone else...
They are there for one another all the time, waiting to hear about her work challenges.
He sends her gifts, (he bought her video cam last year), and this seems to work well. They talk about meeting but when pressed she admits that she doesn't really think they would work in the real world.
Isn't this this is the real world? She is having more of a relationship with this man she's never shared oxygen with, than many multi-year husband-wife teams I know.
I was chatting to an online male friend who took a jealous hissy fit when he learned that i had other chatting buddies.
I wonder about the lines. In that case, I had to make things clear to the fellow. There is a distinction in my world about a real relationship and an online one, though i have had my feelings hurt here, as most of you probably had too.
Curious about what the lines are for you, i thought to pose this here for discussion.
What do you think the lines are?
Are there unspoken lines between being a "player" and just playing around?
For some of us there is a game element at work here, these people don't seem to understand that there are real people with real feelings behind every Online Handle/Nick name here.

For argument's sake, let's take the people that are in the practice of lying and being deceptive for some kind of kinky thrill. Those people are not what I want to consider here.
I put this to you, what do you make of this?

She makes considerations for her "boyfriend", but does not seem to have any intention of actually meeting. He tells her he is not married. She is not sure when pressed and doesn't really care.
The important thing is that they are there for one another, communicating all the time. He is online and skype for her so much, how could he fit someone else into his life?
if he was married (whatever, I say.. I have my questions) how could he spend so much attention on her? He knows her better than anyone else...
They are there for one another all the time, waiting to hear about her work challenges.
He sends her gifts, (he bought her video cam last year), and this seems to work well. They talk about meeting but when pressed she admits that she doesn't really think they would work in the real world.
Isn't this this is the real world? She is having more of a relationship with this man she's never shared oxygen with, than many multi-year husband-wife teams I know.
I was chatting to an online male friend who took a jealous hissy fit when he learned that i had other chatting buddies.
I wonder about the lines. In that case, I had to make things clear to the fellow. There is a distinction in my world about a real relationship and an online one, though i have had my feelings hurt here, as most of you probably had too.
Curious about what the lines are for you, i thought to pose this here for discussion.
What do you think the lines are?
Are there unspoken lines between being a "player" and just playing around?
For some of us there is a game element at work here, these people don't seem to understand that there are real people with real feelings behind every Online Handle/Nick name here.
For argument's sake, let's take the people that are in the practice of lying and being deceptive for some kind of kinky thrill. Those people are not what I want to consider here.
I put this to you, what do you make of this?