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Fully Processed Pudding - by Cat Tac (~BBW (Multiple), Eating, ~XWG)

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Oct 9, 2005
~BBW (Multiple), Eating, ~XWG - A very successful company's CEO seems to be channeling much of the profit into a unique employee benefit

Fully Processed Pudding
by Cat Tac

Some months ago it was noted in another thread that the Weight Room link to the below story was corrupted and this story feared lost. Happily it has now been retrieved and is re-posted here)

Chapter 1

Miss X was so pretty her co-worker "friends" were jealous. She had a well-paid job and was fabulously fit working out in the company gym everyday. Not all in the garden was rosy, though as she had had a series of awful relationships with people she had known at work. This had resulted in a big distraction from her academic work to become a qualified accountant and, ultimately, obtain an executive position on the board.

She had eventually been forced to leave the firm because she had failed her accountancy exams three years in a row and could not stand the stigma of watching more junior people promoted over her as her academic failures had continued.

She had applied for the new job with a firm in the big city, which was a position she considered far beneath the one she currently occupied but did pay a higher salary despite its junior status.

The day of the interview arrived, and she had called in sick at her existing place of work; she did not want to lose any holiday entitlement, after all.

She arrived just in time for the interview, despite the poor public transportation service that she'd had to use. She was told to sit down by the receptionist, who had left the room some time ago, only to return with a very creamy coffee full of sugar.

"They are ready to see you now," she was eventually told, and led into a room.

She sunk down into a very low very wide armchair and felt quite humble as she looked up at the three panelists who were going to interview her.

She sipped her coffee and grew quite used to its sweetness as she began to relax. She was surprised how calm she had become as the panel in front of her - who were still talking amongst themselves - had yet to address her.

She had been surprised by her potential interviewers, who were not only very young for what must be very senior jobs, but they were all, without exception, at least double her own weight.

The lady in the middle of the fat panelists spoke first from behind the big table. "We are pleased to meet you and apologize that we kept you waiting so long in the waiting room."

Miss X felt more relaxed and just sat there smiling while the boss spoke. It occurred to her that she must be looking a bit stupid after five minutes and so interjected with a rather unrelated question about the sports facilities available to the staff. The boss looked annoyed by the interruption, and one of the other panelists politely answered her question.

"There used to be a gym here, which I used to use when I joined a year ago, but it was replaced by an expanded staff restaurant..."

The boss interrupted her fat colleague and said, "This is rather a good point to have a break and introduce you to the facility. We can continue after our meals."

Young Miss X was surprised at the time she had been in the interview suite.

She looked at her pretty gold watch, and it was 11.30 already, an hour since she had left the waiting room.

Even so, it seemed a little early for lunch - which was already at a table for her, next to others for her new found fat colleagues. By now, she was confident she had the job, and her mind was already racing at the thought of giving her notice in at her old place.

Normally, she would have protested at the amount of food laid before her and its nature (full of calories). But he was hungry from having missed breakfast and this did not appeasr to be a corporate culture where meals were often skipped. The other girls smiled at each other as they saw the greedy thoughts go through the new girl's mind.

"Of course, there is the company car and the $5000, 6 month bonus to consider in addition to your starting salary," said the young blonde, head of personnel.

"Would you like some more pudding?" said the boss. "The chefs here pride themselves on them!" Miss X's little tummy was already threatening to explode, but she could not refuse as she was so happy with the pay and perks for the job, which was probably on offer.

"I would love some but I must use your washroom."

The lady from personnel offered to take her there and had already heaved herself from her seat to oblige the potential new recruit.

The walk back to the restaurant along the decadent corridor had sufficiently shifted the large meal in Miss X's tummy, and she could now face the extra pudding. Her jaws ached from the talking and the extended lunch. They were all about to leave the table when one of the panelists leaned across the table, letting her belly engulf a good part of the table, which strained under the weight. "I must just wipe your mouth for you, Miss X. It's covered with chocolate cake, and I don't want you to spoil your chances when you meet the boss. “

She could just see the man in the distance of the huge office at the top of the building.

"This is the top floor, Miss X. I hear you have been offered the terms of our most junior employee - are you prepared to accept them?"

She noddded and he smiled.

She woke the next morning and thought she had dreamt it all. She had been surprised, looking in her car mirror as she had driven away from the interview, at the chocolate cake still visible around her mouth and had felt slightly annoyed. She was also surprised now by the time. She had overslept by three hours and was extremely late for work - her old boring job, that is.

She was immediately disciplined by what had been once a junior member of staff as she had arrived at her old job.

"You will have to work through lunch to catch up!" she had been told. This was disappointing as she had had nothing to eat all that day, and her little tummy was demanding another rerun of yesterday's gluttonous excess.

She then had a brainwave which rippled up her body, better than any orgasm she had ever achieved and certainly better than any achieved from her lousy relationships. She tucked her resignation letter back in her bag and went to lunch, posting her acceptance letter to her new job on the way.

Normally, she went round to the gym for a Perrier water and a work out, but today she fed her new found hunger at a restaurant and spent two hours, in total, out of the office. The sheer thrill of it increased as she was ignored by her boss when she returned.

"Oh no! she thought quioxcetly , "they might sack me!"

She was happy that her behavior would lead to a sacking. If she became unreliable she might be given a 3-month payment in lieu and be asked to leave in the week!

It only took four days, and she was out, but not before she had been given, at her insistence, a glowing reference and six months of pay.

What bliss, she thought, as she left in her nice car. A whole three weeks off before my new job. What shall I do?

Her two-hour lunch breaks for four days had begun to get her in shape for her new job (After all they took two hours for lunch at the new place). She had not seen the inside of a gym since her interview and now had plenty of time to do what she wanted. Surely she could get back to her fitness routine now that she had all day. In three weeks, she could be back to her old self.

(She had noticed that her clothes were all tight on her, and she was beginning to breathe harder going upstairs in her final days of her old job).

She pulled up at her local gym and went inside and pulled out her newly laundered work-out gear. It had been two weeks since the sacking, and she had finally decided to get down the gym; quite apart from the fact that she was bored silly, she realized her over indulgence was getting ridiculous. Her two-hour lunch breaks and the thought of a more relaxed peer group at her new job, who did not appear to mind being overweight, had prompted her to lie in bed too late and generally to "slob out."

The gym near her home was mostly used by hard working people (she remembered when she used to be one of them) and was quite empty, except for some fat housewives. All the same, she was quite alone in the changing room when she tried to get into her old sports gear. She pulled, yanked and jumped trying to get on her old shorts and finally made it. Fortunately her top was fairly loose and hid the tummy tyre, which sat on top of the straining elastic on her shorts.

She got into the gym, already feeling liked she'd started after her clothes ordeal. She adjusted the speed on the running machine to a half what she used to use and began pounding the rubber track. She felt uncomfortable and did not "flow" anymore as she had done with her old body. She then felt a wave of pointlessness as the silly running machine was "taking her nowhere.”

After three minutes she pressed the red button to stop, and as the machine ground to a stop, she collapsed on the now stationary track. This was the last moment she ever thought of herself as thin. After all, she had gone down to the gym and had "some sort of workout.”

She then tried to get up from her collapsing position on the stationary rotating rubber and fell backwards on to the floor. The seams on her shorts had had enough and gave way. Her newly bought large pink under garment could be seen through her old white shorts.

Her first day at the new job was as good as the interview day in that the food at lunchtime was great. She had blown two months of "sacking money" on a whole wardrobe of smartly tailored expandable garments.

Miss X was chomping on her daily meal with her friends when the unseen camera panned over. The dark man on the top floor gazed approvingly at the "new" girls, who had been fully conditioned by the gourmet food, who laughed as he heard snippets from the conversations of his new recruits.

"MMMM, isn't it lovely?� --- "I had to get more clothes at the Mall, I can't get into the old ones." --- "this food is divine"--- "I got another pay rise yesterday." --- "I cannot walk around in stilettos anymore." --- "I've burned mine.�

Always nice to look at the new puddings, he thought.