Ok, so this is a rant about opposition to feederism. I purposfully put it in the unprotected part of the Weight Board because I truly don't mind if anyone wants to refute what I'm saying.
I have gotten really angry, annoyed, and fed up with comments about people being 'against feederism' or 'uncomfortable with feederism.'
Feederism is a sexual fetish. It's something that brings sexual arousal to participants when they engage in certain behaviour or think about/fantasize about certain behaviour. If you are sexually aroused by gaining weight, thinking about gaining weight, eating a very large amount of food, encouraging those actionts in a partner, or thinking about those things...it has nothing to do with what sort of person you are. It says nothing about your personality, ethics, or behaviour.
Is feederism unhealthy? NO.
Is it possible that weight gain or excessive weight gain is unhealthy? Of course. But that has nothing to do with a sexual fetish---it's a physical issue. In other words, your body does not know that you gained weight because of feederism. It's the gain itself, not the sexuality.
If you have a shoe fetish and break into a woman's house and steal her shoes, it's the burglary that's wrong, not the fetish.
If you are a peeping tom and spy on an unwilling person, it's the intrusion of privacy that's wrong, not the fact of you being a voyeur.
Rape and procreative sexual intercourse are the same physical action, what makes rape a crime is the mental state, an unwilling partner, and reasoning the act took place.
Manipulation and dishonesty are in no way the exclusive province of feeders. Manipulating a woman into gaining weight by buying food that is her weakness or telling her you'll leave if she does not continue gaining is wrong and nasty and sick and evil. So is manipulating a woman into having vanilla sexual intercourse with you by claiming you love her when you just want to get into her pants.
Humans are sexual beings and the pursuit of sexual gratification is a biological instinct. If your pursuit of sexual gratification involves lying, harming another person, an unwilling partner, or criminal behaviour, it's wrong. Otherwise it's not.
Feederism is not something done to the feedee. The feedee ideally is an active and willing partner. Feederism is not about the feeder getting off on a partner's weight gain, it's ALSO about the feedee getting off on weight gain. If this were not the case, those without partners would never intentionally gain or get sexual enjoyment from overeating or being fat.
Rant probably over but if i think of more...i'll keep it up.
I have gotten really angry, annoyed, and fed up with comments about people being 'against feederism' or 'uncomfortable with feederism.'
Feederism is a sexual fetish. It's something that brings sexual arousal to participants when they engage in certain behaviour or think about/fantasize about certain behaviour. If you are sexually aroused by gaining weight, thinking about gaining weight, eating a very large amount of food, encouraging those actionts in a partner, or thinking about those things...it has nothing to do with what sort of person you are. It says nothing about your personality, ethics, or behaviour.
Is feederism unhealthy? NO.
Is it possible that weight gain or excessive weight gain is unhealthy? Of course. But that has nothing to do with a sexual fetish---it's a physical issue. In other words, your body does not know that you gained weight because of feederism. It's the gain itself, not the sexuality.
If you have a shoe fetish and break into a woman's house and steal her shoes, it's the burglary that's wrong, not the fetish.
If you are a peeping tom and spy on an unwilling person, it's the intrusion of privacy that's wrong, not the fact of you being a voyeur.
Rape and procreative sexual intercourse are the same physical action, what makes rape a crime is the mental state, an unwilling partner, and reasoning the act took place.
Manipulation and dishonesty are in no way the exclusive province of feeders. Manipulating a woman into gaining weight by buying food that is her weakness or telling her you'll leave if she does not continue gaining is wrong and nasty and sick and evil. So is manipulating a woman into having vanilla sexual intercourse with you by claiming you love her when you just want to get into her pants.
Humans are sexual beings and the pursuit of sexual gratification is a biological instinct. If your pursuit of sexual gratification involves lying, harming another person, an unwilling partner, or criminal behaviour, it's wrong. Otherwise it's not.
Feederism is not something done to the feedee. The feedee ideally is an active and willing partner. Feederism is not about the feeder getting off on a partner's weight gain, it's ALSO about the feedee getting off on weight gain. If this were not the case, those without partners would never intentionally gain or get sexual enjoyment from overeating or being fat.
Rant probably over but if i think of more...i'll keep it up.