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BOTH Lonesome Valentine by LJ Rock [~BHM, ~BBW, feedism, stuffing, overeating, romance]

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LJ Rock

Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2005

Two jaded singles have a chance encounter at a local grocery store on Valentine's Day, and soon find themselves bonding over their mutual love of stuffing and weight gain..

Lonesome Valentine
by LJ Rock

Lonesome Valentine 03.jpg

Chapter One

“Another Valentine’s Day alone,” Rebecca sighed as she wobbled her way into the grocery store. It had been a long day, and all Rebeca wanted to do was load up on goodies so she could go home and pig out like a fiend. “No one seems to want this body anyway,” she said to herself, “I may as well just go ahead and ruin myself.”

Rebecca had long struggled to maintain an acceptable weight by society’s standards, having been heavy since she was very young. Once she entered her mid twenties the weight began to really stack on, and now that she was thirty she was the heaviest she’d ever been, nearly double the weight she was when she graduated from college.

“I’m already fat,” she thought to herself as she grabbed a cart and began wheeling it around, leaning heavily upon the handlebar, “I might as well just keep on eating and let myself get fatter. Apparently that is my destiny in life: to just get as fat as I possibly can.”

She was feeling down on herself at the moment, feeling lonesome as she saw symbols all around her of the love being celebrated by so many happy couples around the world on Valentine’s Day. The truth of the matter was though that she really never minded being fat. In fact, she rather liked it. She found comfort in touching her soft rolls, her bulging tummy, her plump and undulating breasts. She liked the way it felt when her big butt would sway from side to side as she waddled about. Even though she was turning to food for comfort in this moment of sadness, she was just as comfortable stuffing herself in times of joy and happiness as well.

It seemed however that these days there were more occasions for her to feel sad and alone than there were for her to celebrate anything. She had a few boyfriends in the past, nothing too serious, but since she’d started putting on a lot of weight she was having a hard time finding someone who was willing to date a “fat chick.” Rebecca would often spend her evenings online, looking at websites designed to connect plus-size women with the men who supposedly loved them, but it seemed as though most of those men weren’t very serious about being in a relationship, and the ones who were didn’t live anywhere near her. The whole experience of trying to date online just made her feel more lonesome.

“Okay, first I’m stopping at the deli,” she thought, “I’ll get loads and loads of meats and cheeses so I can make myself a giant sandwich. I’ll get lots and lots of potato chips and some big bottles of soda to wash it all down. I’ll get several pounds of bacon and sausage, fry them all up and eat them straight from the pan. I can just feel the grease rolling down my throat, filling up my gut and making me get fatter by the second.”

Rebecca loaded her cart up with cold cuts, prepared meats and rotisserie chickens before she began zigzagging up and down the center aisles, tossing all manner of snacks and junk food on top of the growing pile in her cart. Then she made her way toward the bakery section. This was by far her favorite section of the store as she had an absolute passion for sweets and desserts.

“Look at that cherry cheesecake,” she thought to herself as she stared through the glass case at the bakery counter, “it looks absolutely divine!” She then imagined what it would be like to take that cake home and shove every last slice of it down her throat one by one. “Then I’ll have some blueberry pie, some apple pie, that pineapple upside-down cake over there. I’ll stuff my face full of sweets until I’m big as a house, then I’ll top it all off by squirting an entire can of whip cream into my mouth.”

Rebecca started licking her lips and salivating at the thought of having all of this amazing food to herself. “I’m so greedy,” she said to herself in a gleefully devious tone, “such a greedy, gluttonous pig. There’s enough food in my cart to feed a hundred people, and it's all mine! It’s all for me!”

For a moment Rebecca’s sadness subsided as her mind reeled at the thought of how much she was going to eat when she got home. However, something in her heart began to feel heavy as she thought about the fact that she was going to be all alone. “I wish I could find a cute, chubby guy who loves to eat as much as I do. We could pig out together and get fat together, give each other belly rubs when we’re both super-stuffed. That would be like a dream come true.”

Chapter Two

“Ha! Valentine’s Day! What a stupid holiday,” Bruce said as he slammed his car door and started heading for the store’s entrance. “It’s not even a real holiday; it’s just a stupid fake holiday made up by the candy companies to sell more candy.”

As he pushed his way through the front door, he lumbered his way over to the carts and began wheeling around, up and down the aisles, grabbing all of the snacks and treats he could get his hands on. “All these dumb suckers out here, buying their girlfriends jewelry, taking them out to expensive restaurants, paying exorbitant amounts of money for some stupid bouquet of flowers. Such a rip off!”

Bruce huffed and puffed as he made his way through the market, his heavy gut weighing him down as he pushed his shopping cart along. It didn’t take much time for him to accumulate a rather large pile of goodies in his cart, and just when he thought he was ready to check out, a thought occurred to him: “Ice cream! I’ve got to get ice cream!”

Making his way over toward the frozen foods section, he noticed from afar a rather attractive looking woman. She was plump and curvy, and her hair was tied up in a cute little bun at the top of her head. As he got closer he noticed that her cart was loaded up almost as full as his own, maybe even fuller. “Wow, what a woman,” he said to himself before quickly turning his attention back to the matter at hand. “Ice cream! I’ve got to get some ice cream.”

There were so many choices. In truth, he wanted to grab all of it. “I’m such a greedy fatty,” he thought to himself, imagining what it would be like if he actually did grab all of the ice cream in the freezer and didn’t leave any for anyone else. He imagined how gigantic he would be if he actually attempted to eat all of the ice cream in the store, how his guts would churn inside of him as he rolled around the floor like a massive gelatinous blob. He thought about how gooey and sticky his face and his hands would be from diving in face first and eating every last bite of ice cream as though he were a pig at a trough. “Yeah,” he thought to himself, “that would be amazing!”

Just as he was thinking this, he reached into the freezer to pull out a tub of ice cream, and as he turned around to put it in his cart, he was shocked to find himself belly-to-belly with the beautiful lady he’d been admiring just minutes before. They were so close in fact that they nearly knocked one another over with their giant protruding bellies.

“Oh, excuse me,” said the woman, “I’m so sorry.”

“Oh no,” Bruce answered, “it’s my fault. I gotta watch where I’m going — you know this thing has a mind of its own sometimes,” and he pointed to his big belly sticking out in front of him.

“Tell me about it,” the woman responded, gesturing toward her own impressive girth, “I can’t even walk through my house without knocking everything over with my belly and butt as I walk by.”

“Yeah, I’ve been there,” Bruce answered. There was an awkward pause, and Bruce wasn’t sure if he should continue to chat this lovely lady up or leave her be. Fortunately for him, the woman made her desire to engage clear as day.

“How is that flavor?” she said.

“I’m sorry?” Bruce replied quizzically.

“The ice cream,” the lady responded, pointing to the cardboard tub that Bruce held in his hands. “How is it? I haven’t tried it yet.”

“Oh, this,” Bruce said, “I haven’t tried it either, but how bad can it be? It’s ice cream.”

“Good point,” the lady said with a pleasant smile, “I don’t think I’ve ever eaten a bowl of ice cream that I didn’t love.”

“I don’t think I’ve ever eaten a bowl of anything that I didn’t love,” Bruce kidded. They were both laughing and smiling now, and it seemed as though right there in front this open freezer door, the proverbial ice between these two strangers had indeed been broken.

“My name’s Rebecca,” said the lady as she extended her right hand.

“Bruce,” replied the gentleman as he took her hand in his and shook it delicately. The two of them then proceeded to talk about their favorite ice cream flavors, their favorite pizza toppings, their favorite pizzerias and burger stands in town and so on. Then they started comparing the items that they each had in their shopping carts. In time they both started walking along together as they fetched a few of the last minute items that they had managed to tempt one another with. As they did, they continued talking and they discovered that not only did they have similar tastes for food, but also similar tastes in music, movies and literature.

“So be honest with me,” Rebecca said as they were preparing to finally make their way over to the check out lines, “is all of this food in your cart actually for you, or do you have a family of nine you're trying to feed at home.”

“Ha!” Bruce chuckled. “No wife, no kids. I live alone. Not only is all of this for me, but I am most likely going to eat almost all of tonight.”

“Really?” Rebecca said, her pretty eyes growing wide. “You mean I’m not the only lonesome Valentine without a date tonight who’s going to go home and eat their blues away?”

“Apparently not,” Bruce answered, surprised to hear that this pretty lady didn’t have a sweetheart at home waiting for her.

They each went through the checkout line and paid for their items, each of them spending over three hundred dollars for their respective hauls. As they made their way out to the parking lot, pushing their overloaded carts in front of them, neither one of them felt as though they were ready to say goodbye to one another.

“Listen,” Bruce said “I honestly never do this —”

Rebecca stood waiting with baited breath, hoping that Bruce was thinking the same thing that she was. “Yes?” she prodded, trying to keep her cool as she stood there beside this handsome stranger in the middle of the supermarket parking lot.

“Well,” Bruce stammered, “since we’re both planning on dining alone this evening, I was thinking that – maybe we could eat together.”

Rebecca was anxious to say yes, but she hesitated. After all, she really didn’t know this guy. They’d only just met, and even though he seemed like a very nice man and they obviously had a lot in common, she worried that she may be getting ahead of herself and that if she wasn’t careful she might do something that she would later regret.

“How do I know you’re not some kind of serial killer or something?” Rebecca said, mostly joking but also somewhat serious. “I mean, I’ve only just met you.”

“I’m not a serial killer,” Bruce said with a smile, “just a fat guy who likes to eat.”

“Hmm, I’m not sure if I should,” Rebecca said, looking up at Bruce’s kind eyes and hoping that she wasn’t hurting his feelings.

Bruce then started rummaging around through the dozens of grocery bags that were piled up in Rebecca’s cart. He pulled out a large and beautiful hunk of cheese that Rebecca had selected from the dairy section earlier that evening. “I swear,” Bruce said, “on this beautiful chunk of smoked gouda that I am a man of honor and that absolutely no harm will come to you if you come to my house and spend the evening chowing down with me.”

Rebecca then looked up at Bruce with a smile on her lips and a sparkle in her eyes, then she sighed and said, “You just had to go for the gouda, didn’t you?”

Chapter Three

“Oh my gawd,” Rebecca groaned, “did we really just eat over six hundred — *hic!* — dollars in groceries just now?”

“***BUUUUURP!*** — Yup!” Bruce replied as he unbuckled his belt and let his massively overstuffed gut come pouring down like an avalanche. He then let out a long moan, followed by a gruff “uhh boy!” as he patted himself vigorously on his belly, making a loud thumping sound as the angry sea of digestive juices sloshed around inside of him.

Rebecca and Bruce had indeed polished every last morsel of food that they had brought back to Bruce’s house that evening, and the two of them were now laid out like a couple of bloated slugs on Bruce’s sofa, their huge bellies towering in the air above them.

“Look at us,” Rebecca sighed as she stared down at her abdominal expanse jutting out before her, “we look like a couple of — *hic!* — beached whales!”

“Or a couple of big fat cows ready to be made into steaks,” Bruce joked.

“Ugh! Those steaks you bought were — *hiccup!* — soooo good!” Rebecca opined. “So thick and tender.”

“And that teriyaki marinade you put on them was, oh — *BUUUUURP!* — ah, excuse me,” Bruce bellowed, patting himself on his big barrel chest, “That marinade was delicious. As stuffed as I am, I think I could — *UUURP!* — eat about a dozen more of those.”

“Oh gawd, me too!” Rebecca moaned sensuously. “What is wrong with me? Why am I such a — *hiccup!* — fat greedy piggy?”

“*URP!* — that makes two of us,” Bruce responded as he reached over and gave Rebecca a firm but gentle pat on her tummy.

“Ooh, that feels good,” she said, “do that again.” Bruce then proceeded to give a series of light taps on Rebecca’s big belly, making it bounce up and down in her lap as though he were dribbling a giant overinflated basketball. “Mmmm, that’s the spot,” Rebecca moaned, “right there, don’t stop — just a little more, a little more, a little — “


“Oh, excuse me!” said Rebecca as she soothed the sides of her aching tummy. “What a pig I am!”

“Feel better though?” Bruce asked.

“Much better,” Rebecca replied, “*hic!* — thank you.”

Bruce continued to rub and massage Rebecca’s belly, and soon she would reciprocate by reaching over and patting Bruce on his belly. They both seemed to be taken with one another, impressed by the other’s ability to overindulge as well as the resulting size of their bellies. Looking over at Bruce, Rebecca couldn’t help but feel as though her prayers had been answered, that she had somehow managed to find the big and handsome glutton of her dreams. Just as she had always desired, here was a guy who not only accepted her for who she was, but actually enjoyed indulging and overeating as much as she did. It seemed as though maybe she had found someone that she could really grow old and fat with.

“So,” she said to him softly, “what do you think we — *hup* — should do now?”

Bruce’s heavy panting grew heavier as he looked over at Rebecca, her beautiful dark eyes glazed over as though she were intoxicated, her chubby cheeks flush and her bosom heaving as she struggled to catch her breath. He could feel a stirring within him such as he hadn’t felt in many years. A carnal desire for this beautiful corpulent woman beside him washed over his entire body like a tidal wave, and his massaging of her softness grew deeper and his glare all the more intent. He attempted to shift his body over to one side so that he might get a better look into her eyes, but as he did, the angry ocean inside of him began to rage, and a barrage of audible gurgles bubbled up within him.

“I don’t know about you,” Bruce said sounding somewhat defeated, “but I think I’m — *HURP!* — too stuffed to move.”

“Ugh! Me too,” Rebecca said as she let her tongue dangle out over her lower lip, “I don’t think I’ve ever — *hic!* — been this stuffed before. I feel like if I even — *hic!* — try to move I might — *hic!* — explode!”

“I’ll tell you what,” Bruce said reaching over to grab a blanket he had folded on the arm of the sofa, “what say we just — *HUP!* — snuggle up here on the sofa for tonight, and in the morning we can — *HUP!* — see how we — *UUURP!* — how we feel.”

“That sounds like the best idea I’ve — *hic!* — heard all day,” Rebecca beamed softly as she looked over at Bruce’s handsome face. Bruce tossed the blanket out and spread it over both of their large and bloated bodies. The oversized fleece blanket felt warm and soft against the exposed skin of their distended bellies, and they quickly seemed to melt into one another as they huddled up close together. Both of their stomachs chugged and glugged inside of them as their massive bellies seemed to merge together beneath the warm blanket like two soft wads of clay.

As she rested her chubby face against Bruce’s big and meaty chest, Rebecca felt a feeling of comfort and safety as she had seldom ever felt with a man before, and somehow she felt as though she were exactly where she needed to be in that time and space. She continued to rub Bruce’s large tummy, losing herself in the smooth softness of its taut and overstretched skin. Bruce’s big paws continued to glide over the surface of Rebeca’s huge gut, caressing it lovingly as an expectant father would over his pregnant lover’s baby-bump. They drew closer and closer to one another as their fattened bodies seemed to melt into one another under the warmth of the soft and fluffy blanket and the layers upon layers of plush fat.

Feeling herself drifting off to sleep, Rebecca raised her head slightly so that she could whisper softly into Bruce’s ear, “Happy Valentine’s Day, Bruce.”

“Happy Valentine’s Day, Rebecca,” Bruce answered, and there they would lay, two lonesome Valentines lonesome no more, having found one another and sharing in their love of food and fatness, holding and caressing one another until they both settled in to a peaceful night’s slumber.


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