It seems like all my life I have desired and admired fat, and wanted to be fat. Even before puberty I would see the before and after weight loss ads, both for males and females, and mentally switch the sequence of the photos. I would fantasize of girls being inflated like blimps and slowly drifting to the ceiling. When I was about 13 I saw a National Geographic article about Polynesia and a photo of a boy who had a belly spilling over the waistband of his shorts and I wished I had a belly like that. I even tried to gain weight, but my metabolism in those early teen years made that an exercise in futility. As I moved on into puberty I always had crushes on the plump girls, but unfortunately I became entrapped by societal norms, and dated girls who were more in line with societys thoughts of proper weight. One or two were chubby, but none would really meet the definition of fat as defined by these boards. I married, divorced when I got tired of the cigarettes and the boozing, re-married. My second wife is a sweet lady who is in the high mid range of overweight on the BMI charts. I love her softness and her curves, her hips and her nice soft tummy.
I thought I was a weirdo, even a deviant for desiring fat ladies and having weight gain fantasies, with myself and my dream partner both gaining. About 6 years ago I discovered Dimensions and was astonished to realize I was not alone, there were plenty of men who also found fat to be sexy and beautiful. It was two years ago when I decided I would again try weight gain for myself. From November 2003 to March 2004 I gained about 11 pounds, then lost it. I found I miss my chubby little belly, and I am working on restoring it. Right now I am in the middle of what I call the parity project. My objective is to gain weight until I match my wifes BMI. This means adding about 20 pounds, and I find the feeling of my growing pudgy belly comforting.
Maybe this post is in the wrong place, but all my life I have desired to be chubby, and Im curious about why that should be. Any thoughts about why people want to get fat? Why thin people would desire to add on pounds? Im not talking about bulking up, but adding a soft jiggly belly. I tried Googling that too, searching on psychology of wanting to get fat, and came up with a big fat--- nothing.
Is there an explanation for this, or is it just a case of we are what we are?
I dont claim to understand all this, I just know that it is, and I seem to be wired this way.
I thought I was a weirdo, even a deviant for desiring fat ladies and having weight gain fantasies, with myself and my dream partner both gaining. About 6 years ago I discovered Dimensions and was astonished to realize I was not alone, there were plenty of men who also found fat to be sexy and beautiful. It was two years ago when I decided I would again try weight gain for myself. From November 2003 to March 2004 I gained about 11 pounds, then lost it. I found I miss my chubby little belly, and I am working on restoring it. Right now I am in the middle of what I call the parity project. My objective is to gain weight until I match my wifes BMI. This means adding about 20 pounds, and I find the feeling of my growing pudgy belly comforting.
Maybe this post is in the wrong place, but all my life I have desired to be chubby, and Im curious about why that should be. Any thoughts about why people want to get fat? Why thin people would desire to add on pounds? Im not talking about bulking up, but adding a soft jiggly belly. I tried Googling that too, searching on psychology of wanting to get fat, and came up with a big fat--- nothing.
Is there an explanation for this, or is it just a case of we are what we are?
I dont claim to understand all this, I just know that it is, and I seem to be wired this way.