Basically New
I've learned a lot since being a member here. A lot of that knowlege is in the form of distinguishing the real gainer/feedees I'm looking for from the guys who just have the fantasy. I have no problem with either, but I'm really getting tired of guys telling me they are the feedee of my dreams only to find out they're really just pretending.
I understand that a lot of feedees here have never had real belly rubs. It's hard to find feeders in the first place, and even harder to find the right one. But capitalizing on a lack of practical experience is just not the way to go. Allow me to illistrate.
I was chatting with a guy not long ago who didn't know his measurement, had no size goal and got lost in conversation when I started into the fetish stuff. In fact, when I asked his how big he was, he restated his weight. TWICE. I realize that not all gainers are into measuring, but this guy didn't even tell me what size clothes he wanted to fit in, reactions from other people, the way it feels, stretchmarks, etc. He didn't have to slightest realistic quality about him. If he wanted me to admire his body, wouldn't he at least tell me where he carried most of his weight? Oh, he never posted pics online, hence my inquiry. All he told me was that he never had his belly rubbed and didn't know what it felt like, he liked to eat a lot but didn't go into any detail of what food, how it makes him feel, sensations, etc., and that he liked how he looked in the mirror. He never pointed out his favorite parts (like rolls, stretchmarks, double chin, that kind of thing) nor did he mention anything he wanted to improve (bigger strecthmarks, larger capacity for food, increase size of particular area like belly or ass).
I also asked him how much he can eat and if he had a goal for stuffing (again, not all of them do, but I was trying to make conversation). This is where he got completely lost. It was a very straightforward question, but he had no answer. AT ALL. As in, he didn't even bother to say stuffing wasn't his thing. When I asked about his eating goal, he ignored the question in similar fashion. He didn't say a word about his favorite foods, if he likes to cook, if he likes to eat vs being fed or both, NOTHING of that nature. He just kept repeating things about how big he was and how sexy it made him feel, asking what a belly rub feels like, etc. This led me to conclude that he just wanted me to jump to the touchy feely part so he could jerk off. There was a definate eagerness in his he assumed everyone was there for the same thing.
This is just the most recent of a very common experience. When I chat with so-called feedees, it doesn't take long to figure them out. What I don't get it why they would call themselves real feedes or actual gainers if they have no intention of doing so. I could share a fantasy easy--I have several I return to in those private moments. And I understand how fantasy-driven this whole community is (artwork, stories and morphed photos are easy to find). They call us "FAs" for a reason, right? But the deception factor here is really starting to piss me off. If a guy just said he never met a feeder but doesn't want to gain, I could chat with him. Although he doesn't practice we share a common interest. But telling me one thing and doing another is a whole different animal.
I've found that Fat Admiration is really more of a lifestyle than just a pornographic moment. Too many people (men and women alike) exclusively see his community as an easy way to get laid (real or cyber). The same can be said about any fetish oriented community. But in this case, since it is more of a lifestyle, I think it is important to know the difference between a person who is really doing it versus a person who is "there-and-gone," so to speak.
So, my question to the group is this. Well, these. First, have you had this or a similar experience? What do you do when you find yourself in this postion? And how do you relate (gainer, FA, fantasizer, etc.)? I can't be the only one who sees something amiss here.
I understand that a lot of feedees here have never had real belly rubs. It's hard to find feeders in the first place, and even harder to find the right one. But capitalizing on a lack of practical experience is just not the way to go. Allow me to illistrate.
I was chatting with a guy not long ago who didn't know his measurement, had no size goal and got lost in conversation when I started into the fetish stuff. In fact, when I asked his how big he was, he restated his weight. TWICE. I realize that not all gainers are into measuring, but this guy didn't even tell me what size clothes he wanted to fit in, reactions from other people, the way it feels, stretchmarks, etc. He didn't have to slightest realistic quality about him. If he wanted me to admire his body, wouldn't he at least tell me where he carried most of his weight? Oh, he never posted pics online, hence my inquiry. All he told me was that he never had his belly rubbed and didn't know what it felt like, he liked to eat a lot but didn't go into any detail of what food, how it makes him feel, sensations, etc., and that he liked how he looked in the mirror. He never pointed out his favorite parts (like rolls, stretchmarks, double chin, that kind of thing) nor did he mention anything he wanted to improve (bigger strecthmarks, larger capacity for food, increase size of particular area like belly or ass).
I also asked him how much he can eat and if he had a goal for stuffing (again, not all of them do, but I was trying to make conversation). This is where he got completely lost. It was a very straightforward question, but he had no answer. AT ALL. As in, he didn't even bother to say stuffing wasn't his thing. When I asked about his eating goal, he ignored the question in similar fashion. He didn't say a word about his favorite foods, if he likes to cook, if he likes to eat vs being fed or both, NOTHING of that nature. He just kept repeating things about how big he was and how sexy it made him feel, asking what a belly rub feels like, etc. This led me to conclude that he just wanted me to jump to the touchy feely part so he could jerk off. There was a definate eagerness in his he assumed everyone was there for the same thing.
This is just the most recent of a very common experience. When I chat with so-called feedees, it doesn't take long to figure them out. What I don't get it why they would call themselves real feedes or actual gainers if they have no intention of doing so. I could share a fantasy easy--I have several I return to in those private moments. And I understand how fantasy-driven this whole community is (artwork, stories and morphed photos are easy to find). They call us "FAs" for a reason, right? But the deception factor here is really starting to piss me off. If a guy just said he never met a feeder but doesn't want to gain, I could chat with him. Although he doesn't practice we share a common interest. But telling me one thing and doing another is a whole different animal.
I've found that Fat Admiration is really more of a lifestyle than just a pornographic moment. Too many people (men and women alike) exclusively see his community as an easy way to get laid (real or cyber). The same can be said about any fetish oriented community. But in this case, since it is more of a lifestyle, I think it is important to know the difference between a person who is really doing it versus a person who is "there-and-gone," so to speak.
So, my question to the group is this. Well, these. First, have you had this or a similar experience? What do you do when you find yourself in this postion? And how do you relate (gainer, FA, fantasizer, etc.)? I can't be the only one who sees something amiss here.