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BHM Round - by RV Gleason (~ FFA, BHM, Romance)

Dimensions Magazine

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Sep 29, 2005
~ FFA, BHM, Romance - new neighbor gets more of a welcome than anticipated


Illustration by FFA Artist on deviantArt.
by RVGleason

Round 1: meeting the new neighbor

Gwen kept a tight grip on the plastic bags she was carrying as she fumbled for the keys to the door of her apartment. She got the door open and entered the apartment, then made a beeline for the dining room table and began to place the bags on the table. She felt relieved to get the load off her hands and she quickly made her way to her bedroom and placed her purse and jacket on the bed.

Returning to the dining table she went to one of the bags and removed a large box from one of them. Going into the kitchen she opened one of cabinets and after a brief search removed a cake tray with a transparent lid. She cleaned the dish and lid then brought them to the table where the box rested.

Gwen opened the box and removed a large cake with vanilla icing. She gingerly placed it on the cake tray and covered it with the lid. Satisfied, she went back to the bedroom and began to change her dress. She sat at her dressing table and began to brush her long blonde hair.

As she brushed, she replayed in her mind the conversation she had with her landlady Barbara earlier in the day. Barbara and Gwen were very good friends and one of the apartments in Barbara's building was being rented after a long spell of being empty.

"Gwen, great news. I finally got the empty apartment on your floor rented".

"That's fantastic Barbara, congratulations. When is the new tenant moving in?"

"He's moving in today, he was looking for a furnished apartment and he's going to his storage space to pick up a few things".

"He? You mean a guy is moving in?"

"Yep, and I think you'll like him Gwen, he's cute and he's your type of guy".

"What do you mean 'my type of guy', Barbara?"

"You know, Gwen", Barbara said with a sly tone in her voice. "We know you have a thing for fat guys".

Gwen felt her face go red. "You mean that he's very,...."

"Well", Barbara giggled on the phone, "you're the welcoming committee in the building, just bring a cake as a gift and you'll see what I mean when you meet him. His name is Brandon and he's a really nice guy. Now, I have to go meet my sister tonight, but you two should hit it off well. I'll talk to you a little later, let me know what you think of him. Cheers".

Gwen finished brushing her hair and checked out her dress in the mirror before heading back to the kitchen to fetch the cake. As she approached the table she could hear a sound outside her apartment door of someone dragging some boxes down the hall. She walked to her door and looked through the peep hole in time to see a large frame pass by to the apartment next to hers. She could hear the person fumbling with keys to the door, then finally opening it and with a bit of a struggle, bring his boxes into the apartment.

Gwen quietly opened her door and poked her head out in time to see the door diagonally across from her apartment close. She closed her door and headed back to the dining table and picked up the cake tray.

"Well", she said to herself taking a deep breath, "If I'm going to welcome this guy, now's the time to do it".

Carefully opening the door while holding the tray, Gwen walked across the hall and stood in front of the apartment door. She took another deep breath and firmly knocked on the door. A deep male voice from the other side of the door answered.

"The door is open, come on in", the voice said in a friendly tone. Balancing the cake tray with one hand, Gwen carefully pushed the door open with her other hand.

"Hello", she said cautiously, "My name is Gwen, I'm your neighbor from across the hall. I'd like to welcome you to the building".

"Hi Gwen", the friendly male voice said. "I'm Brandon, I'm in the living room, just come on in".

Gwen walked through the door and headed to the sound of the voice in the living room. She entered the foyer and stopped dead in her tracks. What she saw almost made her drop the tray in her hands. In front of her, moving some boxes to the middle of the room, was the roundest person she ever saw in her life.

The guy was in his late 20's with a mop of curly, blonde hair which looked like a halo on top of his wide, round face. He must have weighed at least 400 pounds or more and his body was almost completely round. His arms and legs were very plump and when he stood briefly still he resembled a large, round ball. As he moved one of the boxes his large body wobbled and jiggled.

Gwen stared for about a minute before finally finding her voice. "Hello Brandon, I'm Gwen. Welcome to the neighborhood".

Brandon looked up at Gwen and a big, friendly smiled graced his wide face. "Hi Gwen, it's nice to meet you. Barbara told me I'd have a welcoming committee."

Looking at the cake tray, Brandon's smile became even wider. "Is that for me? That's so nice, you shouldn't have."

"Oh, it's no trouble at all", Gwen smiled, eyeing the round vision before her and feeling her face turn red. "Do you want me to put this in the kitchen for you?"

"Sure", Brandon said with a smile. "The kitchen is this way."

Brandon moved towards the direction of the kitchen as Gwen followed behind.

As they walked down the hallway, Gwen couldn't help but notice that Brandon's wide, round frame practically brush both sides of the corridor walls, which made Gwen grin a bit. Coming to the kitchen doorway, Brandon had to turn his wide body sideways in order to enter the room. He looked at Gwen with a sheepish look on his face which she found very endearing. Entering the kitchen, Brandon took the cake tray from Gwen and carefully placed it on the kitchen table.

"There", he said, "That'll be fine there. Can I offer you anything Gwen? I brought some soda and placed it in the fridge earlier today".

"A glass of soda would be fine, Brandon", Gwen smiled. "Do you need any help moving anything around?"

"Oh, I couldn't ask you to move anything", Brandon said.

"Oh, it's no trouble, really, I don't mind", Gwen replied.

"Well," Brandon said, "I was just going to move some books onto the shelves in the living room, and then hook up my flat screen TV to the wall."

"Then please, let me help, and then we can have some cake and soda when were done", Gwen said, beaming Brandon a big smile."

"Well, ok", Brandon replied, his wide round face smiling. "Let me get the boxes and between us we should be able to get everything done in no time. Follow me back to the living room, Gwen."

Brandon turned his large body sideways again as he squeezed through the kitchen doorway, then began to waddle towards the living room, his body wobbling back and forth.

"Right behind you, Brandon", Gwen smiled as she followed his large, round frame, doing her best not to giggle as the cute, fat man led the way.
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