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BBW "The Office Party" by LJ Rock [~BBW, stuffing, overeating, public gluttony and humiliation]

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LJ Rock

Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2005
Simon brings his new girlfriend Laura to an office party thrown by his company, but gets more than he bargained for when his date's ravenous appetite gets the better of her. This is a censored version of a slightly longer and more sexually explicit story.

The Office Party
by LJ Rock

“Oh God!” Laura bellowed, her face grimacing in pain. “I’m so stuffed! Look at me, I’m getting huge!”

“You’ve been eating non-stop since we got here,” her boyfriend Simon said somewhat sternly. “You really ought to slow down. What must our hosts think of us?”

“I know! I’m sorry!” Laura pled as she soothed her aching tummy by rubbing it firmly. “I just can’t seem to help myself; whenever I go to a party and I’m surrounded by all kinds of delicious foods, I just make an absolute pig of myself.”

Simon and Laura had only been seeing one another for a few weeks when Simon asked Laura to accompany him to a soiree hosted by the company he worked for. It was a chance for him to rub elbows with upper management and to show his bosses that he wasn’t just some kid who ran and got coffee for people. He really wanted to make a good impression, and he thought by bringing his first serious girlfriend along with him to hobnob with some of the other company-wives that he’d be taken a bit more seriously.


*HICCUP!* “Oh no,” said Laura, “here they come! I always get — *HICCUP!* the hiccups when I overeat.”

Simon looked around him, afraid of what people might think if they saw what a shameless display of gluttony his date was exhibiting. Strangely enough, no one seemed to be paying them any mind.

“Sorry, Simon,” Laura said, “I don’t mean to — *HIC!* — embarrass you.”

“Not at all,” Simon said politely. Laura’s massive appetite and naturally corresponding size were some of the major qualities that had first attracted Simon to her in the first place. For as long as he could remember, Simon had always been intrigued by plus size and full figured women, and he loved nothing more than seeing a big and beautiful lady overindulging in copious amounts of delicious foods. He had never before however considered the consequences of bringing someone like this along with him to a work event.

“Ooh! Shrimp!” Laura cooed suddenly as a server walked by with a large platter of shrimp-cocktail hors d’oeuvres. As if she and Simon hadn’t talked at all about how much she was overeating, she quickly grabbed two in each hand and scarfed them down as if she hadn’t eaten in days.

“Laura!” Simon exclaimed with a smile on his face. He couldn’t help but be amused by her unabashed piggishness.

“Sorry!” she said with a mouthful of shrimp, globs of red cocktail sauce all over her lips and face, “I guess I just — *HICCUP!* — can’t help myself.”

“It’s okay,” Simon said to her, putting a hand gently on her distended belly. “I just don’t want you to overdo it and get a tummy-ache. You know how that goes.”

There have been numerous times when Laura and Simon had gone out to eat, and at the end of the night Simon would practically have to roll his date through the front door at home, tucking her into bed and taking care of her all night, as her overindulgence inevitably would lead to an acute case of indigestion and stomach pain. She’d moan and groan in agony as Simon would massage her huge overstuffed gut; it was clearly painful for her, but somehow she also seemed to really enjoy it.

“Hey, Alvarez!” one of Simon’s coworkers beckon unto him just then, “Come on over here, there’s someone you need to meet.”

“Sure thing,” he said. “Be right there.”

Turning to Laura, he watched her as she greedily licked her fingers, gazing around the room for more snacks she could devour. “Now listen,” Simon said to her, “I gotta go talk to this guy, he’s a new client with the firm. I’ll be back in a minute; just try not to go too crazy, huh? Leave some goodies for everyone else?”

“Okay, baby,” Laura said, still scanning the room, “I’ll see you in a minute.”

Laura quickly darted off towards a table where a fresh platter of lamb skewers had just been placed, while Simon went along and talked with his company’s new client. From a distance, Simon watched as Laura went on another rampage, stuffing her face full of anything and everything she could get her hands on. One by one, she grabbed the kabobs on the table and sucked them down her throat, cramming the entire stick in her mouth and pulling out a naked one through her front teeth, letting all the fatty and greasy slabs of meat just slide down her throat.

“Look at her,” Simon thought to himself, “she is amazing! She’s an absolute eating machine!”

Laura quickly moved on once she’d exhausted all of the food at one table, waddling over to the next station as quickly as her chubby little legs could carry her. People around her were doing their best not to gawk, but it was hard to ignore this obese young woman devouring all in her wake at such a frenetic pace.

“I know I should probably be embarrassed by how much of a pig she is being,” Simon thought to himself, “but for some reason I just can’t turn away. I get so excited watching her eat — the more she stuffs her face, the more I want her!”

Simon was trying hard to stay engaged with his clients and coworkers conversations about stock reports and futures, and other things he had little interest in. Still all the while he had one eye on his beloved Laura as she tore the place apart like the ravenous beast she was.

“Okay, think of something else,” he thought, “think of reports, spreadsheets; try to pay attention to what these windbags are actually talking about.” Simon stared intently at the people around him, trying hard to not look up to see what Laura was stuffing herself with next. “There,” he said to himself, “that’s better. I think I might actually get through this.”

At that very moment, Laura let out the most explosively loud belch anyone had any business hearing whilst among polite company. The room went silent for a moment, followed by a light smattering of titters and snickers before the normal din of conversation continued. People seemed still determined to ignore Laura’s piggish behavior, but Simon was able to think of little else.

“Oh man! That did it!” Simon thought to himself as he felt a bead of sweat trickle down the back of his neck. “I’m so turned on right now; there’s no hiding it!”

Simon began to wonder just what was wrong with him, not so much because he was ashamed of how enthralled he was with his food-obsessed girlfriend, but moreover why he would waste any time wondering or worrying about what all of his stuck-up corporate cronies thought about it. What should he care what any of them think?

“Hey guys, have you seen this fat chick over here?” Simon heard some little toad of a man say as he came over to the group from someplace else. “She’s making a total pig of herself over here.”

“I wonder who she’s with,” a woman standing with the group pondered aloud.

“That would be me,” Simon confessed sheepishly. “I’d better go check on her.”

Simon excused himself from the group, who all seemed to have a somewhat dumbfounded look upon their faces. “Ah, who cares,” Simon said to himself. “Let them be shocked. Let them fire me if they want to! Right now, I need to go find my woman!”

He began combing the room for her, but as big as she was he seemed to have lost sight of her amongst the crowd in the grand hall that evening. He started calling out her name as he sought her out. As he made his way around the room, Simon could see evidence of her everywhere: piles of empty platters stacked up to the ceiling, tables full of bare chicken bones and empty drink glasses. It was then that he noticed a literal crumb trail on the floor.

“Aha!” he said. “I’ll find her yet!”

Following the long and winding trail of crumbs and drops of barbecue sauce, he soon came to a private table in a remote corner of the room, where he saw a very fat and overstuffed Laura talking to none other than Mrs. Jeanne Pelletier, the CEO of the company.

“Oh boy!” Simon thought to himself. “I’m really in for it now!”

Simon slowly made his way over to the table where the two women were talking. Mrs Pelletier was an older woman, likely in her early sixties, with shoulder length silver hair, rosy cheeks and very kind looking eyes. She wasn’t a tall woman, but there was still something kind of intimidating about her. Simon was shaking, unsure of what to expect. As he drew closer though, he could clearly see that the conversation Laura and her were having was nothing short of congenial and pleasant.

“Good evening, ladies,” Simon said as he approached.

“There he is,” Laura said enthusiastically. “There’s my Simon!”

“Mister Alvarez,” Jean said warmly as she swirled a glass of chardonnay around underneath her nose. “Please join us.”

Simon pulled up a chair and was amazed by what he saw. His girlfriend Laura, her face covered in barbecue sauce and crumbs, her giant belly hanging out over the waistline of her skirt, belching and hiccuping like a fiend, stuffed fatter than a Christmas goose — had completely charmed over Simon’s boss, the two of them laughing and chatting like old friends.

“I can’t even comprehend what I am seeing right now,” Simon thought to himself as he looked on in amazement. After observing Laura and Mrs. Pelletier chatting about recipes, old boyfriends and romance novels for what seemed like forever, Simon began to wonder if maybe he and Laura hadn't overstayed their welcome at this party already. Just when he was about to nudge Laura in her chunky arm and politely suggest that they leave, the kind and matronly CEO beat him to the punch.

“Well I've got to be going now,” said Mrs. Pelletier as she rose to her feet, “I've got a meeting in the UK tomorrow and I have to catch an early flight. Mister Alvarez, where have you been hiding this delightful young lady of yours? You must bring her by my place for dinner some evening. My husband Thom and I would love to have you both.”

Simon stood still with his jaw agape, unable to think of how to respond. “We would love to,” Laura said cheerily, her smile beaming from ear to ear as she looked up to her new friend.

“I know you’ll be there, Laura,” Mrs Pelletier spouted playfully as she reached forward and patted Laura on her giant distended tummy. “We’ll put our chefs to work and satisfy that appetite of yours yet!”

The two women chuckled heartily as Simon looked on in utter disbelief, his eyes grew wide and his jaw fell down even further toward the floor. He simply couldn’t believe what he was seeing and hearing. As the young couple made their way out of the function hall and headed toward Simon’s car, Simon suddenly became very animated and anxious.

“Do you know who that was?” he asked excitedly. “I mean, do you realize who you were just talking to?”

“Mrs. Pelletier,” Laura responded flatly as she wobbled along side Simon, her overstuffed gut swashing from side to side as she moved. “She’s such a sweet lady.”

“That sweet lady is my boss,” Simon said as he held the door open for his companion. “She’s everybody’s boss. She’s the CEO of the company, her and her husband own the whole damn corporation. They're literally billionaires!”

“That’s awesome,” Laura said as she tried to scrunch herself down and make her body small enough to fit inside the little car door. “Thom sounds like such a nice guy. I can’t wait to meet him!”

“I can’t believe they invited you -- me -- US to their house,” Simon said, “like, you realize they live in a mansion, right? It’s been on covers of magazines; one of their walk in closets its probably bigger than my entire apartment.”

“So silly!” Laura giggled as she finally managed to stuff herself into the front seat of Simon’s car.

Simon made his way around to the drivers side of the car, closed the door, and sat silently looking into the dark evening skies for a moment, contemplating still the significance of what he just witnessed.

“I don’t even know how she knows my name,” he said as he gripped the steering wheel tightly. “I mean there are thousands of people working for this company, and I’m just an entry-level grunt worker. Most guys in the office have to put in four or five years just to be able to get coffee for The Pelletiers. How in the world am I even remotely on her radar?”

“Because I told her about you,” said Laura. “I told her that you were my boyfriend, that you are sweet and handsome and the best thing since — *HICCUP!* — sliced cheesecake, and she wanted to know all about you.”

“You told her about me?” Simon said with a grin, slowly turning his head to his right to look Laura in her face. There she sat beside him, looking like a bloated tick that was about to rupture. “That’s all it took? You just told her about me?”

“That’s it, baby — *HIC!*” said Laura as she leaned back as far as she could in the front seat of the car, allowing for a bit space between the dashboard and her bloated gut. "You're a lot more popular amongst your coworkers than you realize, Simon. Everyone really likes you."

"They do?" Simon said sounding astounded as he finally started up the car's engine and put it into gear.

Laura let her entire gut come spilling out of her top as she huffed and puffed with her tongue hanging down over her lower lip. “Boy, I sure could use a good belly-rub,” Laura cooed softly as she began massaging herself. Simon reached over and put a hand atop Laura’s massive abdomen, and began to move it back and forth gently.

“Wow, you got so big,” he said warmly, “you must have eaten a ton tonight.”

“At least a ton — maybe *HIC!* two!”

As Simon drove off into the night, he began to lose part of himself in the softness of Laura’s fat, entranced by the roundness and the fullness of her overstuffed stomach, noting how much more space she was taking up in the car. All of his life Simon had dreamed of having a woman in his life who was as big and as hungry as Laura was, and now that she was here beside him, he could hardly believe just how incredible the feeling was — she really was the woman of his dreams.

“You know, I really am a lucky guy,” Simon said as her lightly drummed his fingers on top of Laura’s big belly, making it wobble in place.

“I was just thinking the same thing,” Laura said with a smile, as the two of them made their way back home.


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