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  1. Just_Jen

    Tattoo thread

    new tatty :D i love it sooo much!
  2. Just_Jen

    Happy Birthday The FeZ!!

    It's Tom's birthdayyyyy! YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY! Another year older!! XD you are immense don't forget it! Lets everyone wish him a happy birthday <3 :bow::bow::bow::bow::D:smitten::eat2::bow::bow::bow::bow:
  3. Just_Jen

    When the world isn't made for your weight.....

    I think at the time i was too embarrassed. it's the first time i've had that problem. next time i'll definately tell them that i want a different table cause that was so uncomfortable !
  4. Just_Jen

    When the world isn't made for your weight.....

    ouchie, god that sounds like a nightmare! !! it's so embarrassing when everyone looks :/ I recently had the experience of trying to fit in a resturant booth..i had to contort myself to sit in it and eep it's awful isn't it. :\
  5. Just_Jen

    When the world isn't made for your weight.....

    it's always reassuring to know that these things happen to other people!! my most embarrassing was i'd gone to stay at my boyfriend of the time's student house which he shared with a few others. I went to the toilet and heard a crack. Not realising what it was i flushed the toilet..then...
  6. Just_Jen

    the unofficial Doctor who thread

    that was such an amazing episode!! it scared me so much that i had to watch dr who confidential so i'd know they weren't coming to get me hahaha :D creeeeeepy
  7. Just_Jen

    Post pics of yourself....LIVING

    me and my new hair and mumma after seeing The Rocky Horror Picture Show at the theatre XD amazing!
  8. Just_Jen

    Fat Girl Angle Shots

    i love FGA! but it's not really to do with the fat but more because i think my best feature is my eyes and using that angle brings more attention to them ^_^
  9. Just_Jen

    Fat people: Do you like fat on the opposite sex?

    ill completely admit that i am most attracted to skinny men. I think for me it's the whole having something that you can't have (i.e. being skinny)..i just think it's plain hawt :) though obviously it all changes when personality is counted in too because then it could be anyone as long as...
  10. Just_Jen

    BBW in Academia Show Yourself

    woohoo i graduated yesterday :D I am now a bachelor of Arts with Honours for Social Work
  11. Just_Jen

    Ice Skating....

    everyone has good tips :D I'd suggest sticking nearish the side :D because at least then when you fall you can pull yourself up! I went ice skating for the first time last year and it was amazing but my poor skinny friend had difficulty pulling me up hahahah :D:D
  12. Just_Jen

    BBW Confessions thread

    *hugs* hope it went better then you felt <3 meep. I confess that today i'm struggling with the being alone part of singleness. I realised how long it's been since i've even been kissed and it's making me wonder if i'm just not kissable anymore.
  13. Just_Jen

    Recent Picture of You Part X !!!!!!!!!!! :D

    Aint you the cutest thing EVARRR!! :D hehe wowwwww....lovelies new look :D *drools*
  14. Just_Jen

    2010 Singles Thread

    You just have to get on with your own life and ignore it. fill the lonliness. because then when the person comes along it'll be an awesome added bonus t your life :D *not that im thinking you just sit haivng a mope by the way* woot I'm still single toooo! But i'm just enjoying being...
  15. Just_Jen

    Happy New Year Dimmers!

    Happy New Year everyone :D Here's to wishing that next year will be bigger and better then this year and that all our dreams come true <3
  16. Just_Jen

    North of England?

    *jumps for rolecall* Northerner right here..well now west yorkshire :D but still! :D woot!
  17. Just_Jen

    Loving ourselves first - attitudes of single folks

    we are so reading from the same hymn sheet girly :D i just wish others would see it that way too instead of feeling so down on themselves about not having a partner!
  18. Just_Jen

    The One NON-DIMS RELATED Thing Annoying You Most Right Now Part Trois.

    im annoyed because im sick :( ugh! why is it the christmas season makes sickness worse!
  19. Just_Jen

    What Are You Listening To? Redux

    defying gravity sung by the Glee cast ^_^