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The Bottomswells: Night at the Buffet - (Both, Food, SWG)

Dimensions Magazine

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Proud owner of Megas
Sep 30, 2005
SSBBW, SSBHM, Extreme Eating, ~SWG - The 1st of 3 stories about a massively obese couple and their positive outlook on life.

The Bottomswells: Night at the buffet

By Coop

Not much goes on at the Grand Central Buffet. People come in to eat, then pay and leave. It's usually never crowded but it does get the job done and satisfy the people there. However, one day changed everything, which not only shocked and amazed everyone involved, but gathered more business for the restaurant than usual.

It was late Saturday morning and the afternoon shift was just beginning. There were a few customers there eating and the cashier was at her post fiddling around, being bored as usual. The Saturday afternoon shift is always the slowest shift since not many people show up. The manager walked in to inspect the place and the cashier acted as if she was dedicated to her work.

The dull and boring atmosphere changed once the double wide entrance opened and in walked perhaps the biggest, fattest, widest couple anyone had ever seen. The cashier was simply awestruck at their massive size.

First entered the husband. He was a very VERY big man. He had a large stomach and a double chin. His gut was almost as wide as the width of the double wide doorway. His ass was also massive and rivaled his stomach; it swayed gently behind him as he waddled in. His wife was next; big and wide as her husband. However, her breasts were massive and her bottom was even bigger than her husband's. Her elephantine hips touched the sides of the doorway as she entered and the two of them made their way to the cashier.

"Uhh....." was the only thing the cashier could make out before she was interrupted by the manager.

"How can I help you people?"

"Oh, we just want a table for two please. My wife and I are very hungry."

The Manager nodded delightfully. "Very well then. Will you be sitting in a booth or a table?"

His wife answered next. "A table will be fine. I don’t think we can fit in a booth anyway." She chuckled, slapping her huge belly. Then she leaned close to the manager. "Just between you and me, sitting on small chairs with this big butt of mine is a huge turn on for me."

The manager just smiled. "Well, I'm not one to argue so we'll set you up a table. And we'll put you by the buffet, okay."

"That's very nice, thank you," the husband replied. And the two followed the manager to the table.

The two sat down, their fat asses totally engulfing the chair as it creaked in protest.

"Well I don't know about you, sweetheart, but I'm starving. Let's get food!"

The two of them then waddled to the buffet and started piling on the food.

They grabbed fried chicken, mashed potatoes, ribs, gravy, peas, carrots, steak, tons of different finger foods, and then filled their glasses up with soda. They came back with enough food to feed a family of 10. They wasted no time at all eating their food with reckless abandon.

As they ate, the customers inside started to stare at the huge couple and their eating ability. However it wasn't a look of disgust, but a look of amazement at how much they could eat. The husband tore at his fried chicken with ease stripping it right off the bone as his wife was shoving spoonfuls of mashed potatoes into her mouth. As they ate they adjusted their huge butts to fit on the chairs more comfortably.

It wasn't long before they finished the first of many plates. After eating they got back up and went back for seconds then thirds, and so on and so on.

The people passing by noticed their huge forms devouring everything in their path and walked in to see the spectacle. As more and more people showed up the manager took advantage of this and asked them if they wanted to eat.

It turns out that they would just pay to watch this couple eat, and so they sat at other tables watching the Bottomswells eat more and more. No one was sickened by their display of gluttony, but rather surprised at their eating capacity. People were making positive comments about the couple.

"Wow....I never knew anyone who could eat so much. Pretty cool."

"I wonder if I ate as much as that if I'd get that big."

"That's amazing. My wife has nothing on these two."

The Bottomswells themselves were flattered by these comments and just continued to eat more and more. As they got up for what appeared to be their fifth meal, a couple of minor incidents occurred. As the husband gathered his food he dropped one of the garlic cheese breads on the floor. "Can't let that go to waste." He bent down to pick it up, accidentally knocking his huge bottom into another patron and sending her to the floor. She didn't have anything on her plate so she quickly got up and went back to picking her food without saying anything.

The next incident occurred a few minutes after. The wife noticed her sneaker was untied so she bent over and backed herself up to the wall for leverage. What she didn't realize was that her giant bottom pinned a man against the wall. As she tied her shoe, her gigantic rear was grinding this man against the wall, crushing him. Luckily for her the man was an FA so he didn't mind. Also when they turned the couple had a tendency to knock over cups and plates with their huge stomachs and wide asses.


Four hours had passed since the obese couple had walked into the buffet. More and more people were coming in just to watch them eat. They weren't just eating...they were slowly growing bigger as well. An inch of stomach could be visible from the man's shirt and his wife's butt crack was slowly becoming more and more visible. Everyone but the manager was shocked and amazed at how much the couple could eat. The manager knew the couple and it turns out they had eaten here before but at night.

When Brendan Bottomswell and Alice Gluttonu started dating they were a considerably skinny couple from the east coast. They both, however, shared a love for food and eating it. Not only that, they both had a desire to let themselves go and indulge in their greatest fantasy of eating and weight gain. Unfortunately, they came from families who looked down on fat.

When Brendan and Alice got married, they moved to California and were finally able to live that dream. They ate a lot of food and continued to balloon up until they reached the size they are today. Going for their sixth or seventh plate of food, they grabbed more food this time and brought it back to the table. As they sat the chair creaked more and more as the fat couple shifted their huge bottoms on them. It wouldn't be long before the chairs gave way.

Another hour or so passed and now the place was overcrowded with everyone watching the couple eat and grow. The more food they ate the slightly bigger they grew, Brendan’s stomach getting bigger, Alice's breasts getting rounder and her ass growing larger. It was quite a spectacle. They had put 20 pounds onto their ever-expanding forms. At this point it was time for dessert. They both got two large sundaes and ate them slowly and wonderfully. All eyes in the place were fixated on the two as they ate. The chairs reached their limit and were about to go asunder. As they took their last bite the chairs broke and the two fell onto the floor. At the same time their stomachs surged out, causing their stomachs to bulge out of their shirts as they rested, rubbing their bellies.

"Oh that was good...." Brendan replied as he finished off with a loud burp.

"Yeah....Very, very...satisfying," Alice retorted. The couple slowly got up and looked around at the damage of the chairs as well as the entire crowd.

"Honey....we did it again," Alice playfully said.

"Yeah, I know....guess we don't know our own appetite huh."

The people then just went back to their food and ate as the two waddled to the manager.

"I'd like to apologize for our behavior, sir. I guess we let our eating get way out of hand and we would like to pay for--"

The manager angrily cut them off. "SAVE IT!" Then his angry demeanor changed to a more elated one. "Sir, madam. I have to say I am quite amazed at your wonderful display of gluttony. Because of you and your wife, I have gotten more business than ever before! I would like to shake your hand!"

He shook Brendan's giant-sized hand, then leaned over to Alice and hugged her massive body. "I would be honored if you ate here more often - for free! You guys attract more customers!"

"Well, if you guys keep making more good food then you can count on us!" Brendan said happily as he thanked the manager. "We had best be going now. We'll be back tomorrow."

The Bottomswells waddled out to the door....almost.

"Alice...I've got a problem. I'm too big for the doorway."

"Don't worry, tubby. I'll give you a push." Alice put her hands on her husband's large rump and pushed hard, getting her man through. She succeeded only to be stuck by her own large bottom. "Now I'm stuck!" She tried to wriggle her huge ass through but to no avail.

"Don't worry, Alice. I'll get you through." He pulled hard as she tried to move and was able to squeeze through, landing right on her husband's giant body. The two got up and laughed at the situation.

"Brendan....I think we need to go on a small diet...we're getting too big, hun."

Brendan looked at his wife and answered, "Nah...They just need to widen the doorway a little."

The two kissed and waddled off into the sunset.

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