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  1. applemac

    Coming out - your experience and advice

    Thank you for the advice. I really want to tell her because it does eat at me that she doesn't know and that I lied to her. Once I get a good opportunity I hope I can work up enough courage to say what I need to say.
  2. applemac

    Coming out - your experience and advice

    congratulations... I wish you the best of luck. Here is my pathetic story haha- I've wanted my girlfriend to know about my preference for a while, but I guess I sort of just wanted her to figure it out for herself by piecing together the little clues I leave here and there. But one day...
  3. applemac

    How to answer the inevitable question...?

    Ok so just the other day she made some comment about how she doesn't want to get too fat. I told her that it would be really sexy and make me very happy if she did but then she said that it wold make her very uhappy... oh well, can't always get what you want:rolleyes:
  4. applemac

    How to answer the inevitable question...?

    Haha that wasn't too much info. Actually, our relationship is pretty much exactly like that right now. We live together now and she never seems as though she feels self-conscious about her weight. She will eat what and whenever she pleases and I will kiss her belly, grab her roll sides, etc...
  5. applemac

    How to answer the inevitable question...?

    Hmm.. I wish I had a good answer for you. I have never told my girlfriend straight out that I am a fat admirer. She is fairly pudgy though and I'm pretty sure she can tell that I like that about her. I'm not really sure why I haven't told her. She is always telling me that she wants me to...
  6. applemac

    do you remeber...

    I'm pretty sure that the whole fat concept has always interested me ever since I was very young. Growing up, my mother always talked about how disgusting fat people were and would always talk about how horrible of a thing it is to be fat, (even though she never has been). I don't think I...
  7. applemac

    Quitting smoking and weight gain

    Haha yeah, of course quitting smoking is way more important and I want to do it no matter what. I was just kind of curious, that's all. But it's ok, I think this is kinda a dead topic anyway.
  8. applemac

    Quitting smoking and weight gain

    I'm trying to stop smoking and I have heard that many people put on some weight after they quit. So I was wondering if anybody has had any experience with this and would care to share any information. I know most people try to watch what they eat and exercise when they are quitting so that...
  9. applemac

    Hi i am a FA Feeder, just want to know if there are many big girls in USA

    huh.. and I've been living here all this time and I didn't even know that
  10. applemac

    Beth Ditto

    I thought this was pretty interesting: blog.thismagazine.ca/archives/2007/06/index.html (There's a really good video rant at the end of the article. I'm not sure if anybody has already seen this, but you guys should watch it) Whenever I hear media commentators bemoaning the scourge of...
  11. applemac

    You know what's kinda strange

    When I first started to realize that I was attracted to bigger girls, (before I even discovered this site) it was only the girls who were slightly chubby or plump that I would find attractive. Then one day I stumbled upon Dimensions and I was a little put off by the images and talk of women who...
  12. applemac

    so my girlfriend wants me to gain

    I have always been very thin, (currently a little under 140lbs. at 5' 10"). My girlfriend on the other hand is fairly chubby and also very pretty:wubu: She has said a few times that she would like it if I gained 20 pounds or so, and I would really like that too. I've been trying but it seems...
  13. applemac

    What film made you really think?

    Maybe you didn't fully understand the movie... it has deeper meanings than what you might see just on the surface without analyzing it. Also, parts of it are kind of left up to the person watching it to decide for themselves the reason why everything had happened.
  14. applemac

    What are you reading at the moment?

    Just read About a Boy and On the Road now I'm re-reading High Fidelity
  15. applemac

    What film made you really think?

    If you want to see a movie that will really really make you think, you need to watch Donnie Darko... just trust me, it's an excellent movie!