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  1. L


    If it's any consolation, I am all about brooding angry!face. And I can't be the only one.
  2. L

    Interesting Ads on DIMS

    So far today...things to flavor water? And an add for a software system I use for work. So the internet knows I am a carbon based life form with a job. Eek!
  3. L

    Interesting Ads on DIMS

    Oh. Well, I have an unabashed love for all things Urban Decay, so mine are a perfect fit.
  4. L

    Interesting Ads on DIMS

    All I get is ads for makeup subscriptions. I assume it's based on your browsing history, like everything else.
  5. L

    unpopular opinions thread

    I didn't hear any victim blaming from you, but I think the overarching belief that we need people to "blend in" to avoid being assaulted (which - I hear you - isn't your thought process) is part of a larger culture of victim blaming.
  6. L

    Post 5 random facts about yourself!

    Used to ride a pony named Loki. Suspect that a) he was aptly named and b) you are on to something.
  7. L

    Post 5 random facts about yourself!

    If it helps any, it was probably the saddle, not you, that caused the horse to roll. They trap a lot of heat and irritants against the skin, and horses roll to relieve itching. Or because they're jerks. (Less common, but still possible. Horses are terrible people.)
  8. L


    Awwww. Shepard faces are the best faces. (But yours is gorgeous, too!)
  9. L


    That sounds like a challenge. Do your worst, sir. I have a second adorable puppy tucked away for emergencies.
  10. L


    Girl+puppy. If I'm not cute enough for posting, he definitely is.
  11. L

    BHM/FFAs Introduce yourself here

    I do, fwiw. I'm not sure what that says about my internal voice, nor my level of susceptibility to suggestion.
  12. L

    Your identity

    That's a brilliant marketing ploy. Especially if they give you the opposite of what you've been carrying around all your life. You'll need to invest in a whole new undergarment wardrobe for your additional bits!
  13. L

    unpopular opinions thread

    Worse. I had a LiveJournal! ...now safely deleted, thankfully.
  14. L

    unpopular opinions thread

    The thing is...it's not a fact. Youth in this generation are facing a number of challenges that we didn't have to, and yes, that changed the way that they interact with society. But our parents largely thought we were bratty, spoiled things, too. And we grew up. I work with teens and...
  15. L

    unpopular opinions thread

    This! And I DID work on a farm every summer, and help raise my younger siblings, and get my first (illegal!) job at 14. I still thought I was the center of the freaking universe and that no one had experienced the ~*~depths of emotion~*~ I was caught up in. That's...being a teen.
  16. L

    BHM/FFAs Introduce yourself here

    So. I'm not new. But I think it's been...three years since I've said anything? So hello, again! I missed you all!* ...this seemed as good a place to start as any. *unless you didn't miss me or are new enough that I am a stranger. In which case I retract my missings. So there?
  17. L

    "Why do you visit this board?" and other questions.

    I'm only here for the pictures. And to make occasional sarcastic remarks.
  18. L

    I am A Free Man!!

    I'm glad you settled things without too much drama, and I'm glad you're moving on and feeling good. (I am also glad that my first post since disappearing again gets to be a happy one - thank you!)
  19. L

    Girls That Like Big Guys Post Pics And Any Comments Here

    No need to hide...you're absolutely lovely. And that dress ROCKS!
  20. L

    Post Your Sexiest Pics Nekkid (2)

    I don't know how I missed these. Oo la la, pretty lady!