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AU: Libya rebels killing black workers

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Brooklyn Red Leg

Anarcho-Capitalism FTW!
Mar 19, 2008

ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia - Libyan rebels may be indiscriminately killing black people because they have confused innocent migrant workers with mercenaries, the chairman of the African Union said, citing the fears as one reason the continental body has not recognized opposition forces as Libya's interim government.

"NTC seems to confuse black people with mercenaries," AU chairman Jean Ping said Monday, referring to the rebels' National Transitional Council. "All blacks are mercenaries. If you do that, it means (that the) one-third of the population of Libya, which is black, is also mercenaries. They are killing people, normal workers, mistreating them."

He added: "Maybe it's looters, uncontrolled forces. But then the government should say something, condemn this. We want to see a signal that the African workers that are there, they should be evacuated."

Ping's comments follow concerns from international rights groups about beatings and detentions of immigrants from sub-Saharan Africa.

Score one more of 'unintended consequences'. Where is your frakking humanitarian war, now, eh? Oh hey, I forgot, Obama got The Nobel Peace Prize so this makes it all okay!