We wanted to bring the topics we discussed in the bash workshops back to the Dimensions community for further discussion. A full list of the workshops is <<here>>, but this thread is for discussion based on the
Strategies for Health workshop specifically.
Use this thread to continue the discussion, give feedback, or bring up more topics you’d like to see covered in the future.
Strategies for Health
Leaders: Falstaff400 (Dave G.), BigBeatifulMe (Ginny)
Health issues such as sleep apnea, diabetes, lymphedema, or other chronic conditions can be challenging, but there’s no need to go it alone. Whether you’re newly diagnosed or you’ve been dealing with this stuff for years, come share your tips for taking care of yourself in a fat-positive way.
Strategies for Health workshop specifically.
Use this thread to continue the discussion, give feedback, or bring up more topics you’d like to see covered in the future.
Strategies for Health
Leaders: Falstaff400 (Dave G.), BigBeatifulMe (Ginny)
Health issues such as sleep apnea, diabetes, lymphedema, or other chronic conditions can be challenging, but there’s no need to go it alone. Whether you’re newly diagnosed or you’ve been dealing with this stuff for years, come share your tips for taking care of yourself in a fat-positive way.