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Melissa17:Happy Birthday Melissa - by Billiejo (~BBW, Eating, Romance,~SWG)

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Oct 9, 2005
~BBW, Eating, Romance,~SWG - Mel gets two great presents on her birthday

Melissa 17: Happy Birthday Melissa
(The Perfect Present For a Plumpette)
by Billiejo

(Click here for prior installment)

"Mmm, good pasta." said Christie to herself.

Her study vacation had been rather uneventful just like everyone else, and like everyone else, she had put on a bit more weight. Christie had blown up so gradually she had grown accustomed to it.

Deep down she still hated the fact she was fat, and that all her friends had gotten fat too. But now she was beginning to accept and enjoy it. Christie's belly was like pizza dough, soft and squishy. It ballooned forward onto her lap and sat in three gigantic rolls. She had gone up a cup size in her breasts, and was still inflating in that area.

"Meh, being fat's not so bad," she thought, "At least I get to eat what I want."

It was that fact that made her enjoy being tubby. Being able to just eat without caring about her figure made her much happier inside. Christie was beginning to accept that fat was now a norm in her life. Surrounded by plump friends and being chubby herself pushed this.

Christie left her room for a bathroom break and spotted the scales next to the sink. She bit her lip doubtfully.

"Should I bother?" se thought.

She hadn't weighed herself since the sleep over with the girls. That was when she weighed in at 180. There was no denying she'd blimped up a little more since then, so Christie decided to weigh out of curiosity.

"Oh blast, I can't even see past my stomach." she sighed to herself as the numbers spun.

"189. Woah, there's another 9 pounds."

She stood in front of the mirror and observed her prominent gut. Standing on her side, she sucked in to see how small she could get it.

"Ooof...." she exhaled, her tummy expanding forward. There was no hiding Christie's large belly, even when she sucked in. She experimentally pushed her belly out as far as she could, feeling it stretch her track pant's waistband. Her belly was so smooth and round, as she rubbed its smooth surface with her hands. She cupped her breasts in her hands and bounced them a little. She liked their new found larger size.

Alright, Christie decided. She was ok with being tubby, it wasn't so bad. As long as it didn't get too out of control, she was going to be happy.


"Mel honey I've organised your party." said Mel's mum.


"You're 19 next week, remember?"

Mel's eyes widened, "Wow, I am! Cool, so what's going on?"

"I've just invited Christie and the other girls. I don't want a big party in the house."

"Aww, I guess that's ok." replied Mel. She was more concerned about how fat she was getting.

"Well considering you have your first exam the next day...." added her mum.
"Yes mum. I'll be fine, don't worry." Mel huffed.

She was happy though, she hadn't seen the girls since the last day of school, except for Ashlee of course. And Nick, Mel was desperate to see him again, but he hadn't called. She knew it was impossible to get a guy to make the first move, so decided she'd move soon.

Mel wondered how Jodie's date with that David kid had gone. Vicky seemed to have disappeared from existence, no doubt locked in her room studying. Mel was suddenly excited about the prospect of her upcoming party, she had completely forgotten about her birthday until now.

"Well that's cool, thanks mum." Melissa said before returning upstairs to her study, her well-rounded bum cheeks swaying from side to side.

Melissa sat studying for a while but couldn't stay focussed. She had a decent amount of energy and felt she was wasting it by just sitting around. She looked down in her chair, her hips were so wide now. Her ass was phenomenal now. And now a little too much fat was settling on her waistline. She got a rush of butterflies as she pinched her fleshy midriff.

"Hmm...." she pondered, twisting her mouth to the side and pursing her lips.

She suddenly felt insecure, her heart tingling.

"I'm not that fat...." she told herself.....but 194 pounds?

Her mother walked in, "Mel honey, you've been in here too long, why don't you go for a walk?"

Melissa looked out the window, it was cloudy and windy.

"Gee, I dunno." she replied.

"C'mon Melissa, I know study is important but you still need to exercise."

"But mum...." groaned Mel.

"Good then!" ignored her mum, "Be home before dark."

Mel sighed before heaving herself out of her chair.


Melissa waddled down the street and towards the park. She hadn't been there in a while. Not since she had gotten stuck in the playhouse playing hide and seek with Christie. Things had changed since then.

"Oof, these undies keep riding up into my bum crack!" she stifled, reaching her hand between her bloated buns to yank her undies out.

Her underpants were another constant nagging of her weight. Every time Melissa had to pull the materials out of her bottom it made her even more insecure. It was as if her mind was telling her, lose some of that ass or buy larger undies. Melissa was trying hard to stay in denial about her most recent weight gain, but it was getting harder. The wind blew hard as Mel folded her arms to protect from the cold.

"I thought it was supposed to be summer weather." she thought to herself.
Melissa was too oblivious, if not lazy, about her most recent blimpage, and was only now realising the effects of it. After her little incident at Ashlee's house, she had decided she had better watch her weight carefully.

Mel was worried about the future. How big would she get? She felt like a whale already. While it had nearly been a year since she began gaining weight, the time felt like it had flown by.

Melissa walked through the park quietly, deep in thought. Her plump bottom wobbled and bounced in her clingy bike pants, which showed no effort to stop the wobbling of her buns. Mel stopped and looked around, seeing only a few people around.

One or two glanced awkwardly at her rear end, obviously in her opinion shocked at its size. Mel got tingles before subconsciously reaching to her bum. She sucked in her tummy in an attempt to reduce its size, but a hefty amount of blubber was still rather noticeable.

"Oh my goodness....." she mumbled under her breath, "I am sooo fat!"

Melissa was struggling with her usually brilliant denial skills, her fatness feeling more noticeable when she was out in public. Mel as restless. At a typical crossroad in her life, the lack of social contact and excess of exams and studying was driving her insane. She looked forward to her party. A chance to hang out with her friends without the massive pressure placed on them for the exams. It would hopefully take her mind off her well-filled out bottom too.

"Argh!" she grumbled, having to tug her undies out of her butt crack again.
Melissa really wanted to start that long awaited diet with Christie, but with so much work that needed to be done with exams, she couldn't find the time, which annoyed her to no end. She would only get chubbier if she didn't watch her lifestyle.


Christie, Jodie and Vicky were all walking to Melissa's party. All three had attempted to make themselves look good, but with all of them bloating up nicely, clothes were a little tight. Christie's floral button down shirt clung to her belly tightly, making her almost look pregnant. Jodie wore a singlet top with a thin knitted vest over her shoulders. Her deep cleavage welled up her chest every time she breathed in, stretching her top tighter across her breasts. Vicky's love handles were rather noticeable in her top, her tight jeans not helping her situation. Her wide bum swayed as she walked, her butt crack visible over her jeans waistband.

"So what did you guys get Mel?" asked Vicky, clutching her present in her hands.

"Oh I just bought her a new pair of nice jeans," said Christie, "She's grown out of her other pairs. I also got her some fancy chocolates. Because we all know how much she adores the stuff."

"No way! I got her choccies too!" hyped Jodie.

Christie frowned a bit, "Oh....this ain't good. We can't both give her the same thing...."

They looked to Vicky, who was biting her lip.

"Vick, what did you get her?"

"Ummm....." Vicky pouted, "I got her chocolate too...."

All three stopped on the pavement.

"What do we do?" asked Christie.

"I dunno....this is awkward..." replied Jodie.

They pondered for a second.

"I know!" exclaimed Vicky, "How about we combine all our presents and make it a group effort?"

"Good idea! And we all know Melly won't deny a ton of choccies for her birthday!" laughed Christie.

Melissa was getting ready in her room. She couldn't believe she was nineteen. Finally she was an adult. No more restrictions for her. She was feeling much happier now she had something to celebrate about. Tonight she was finally allowed to have a drink. Her mum had bought her a dress to wear, but Mel knew it wouldn't fit her. It was a tiny little red dress with no straps that simply clung to the torso and hips.

She thought it might be worth a shot trying to it into it. Mel pulled on a g-string before attempting to pull the dress on. She wriggled the clingy red fabric up to her thighs before beginning to struggle. The dress stretched, but not far enough, her soft bum had too much flab on it to squash into the dress. She wriggled her hips in an attempt to stuff her plump bottom into the dress. Her ass cheeks were like two water balloons, soft and squishy to touch.

She was slowly making progress, scrunching her face up in distaste at the sound of fabric stretching to the limit. Finally, her butt was contained in the dress. She them squirmed her fat body into the tube-like dress. It outlined every curved shape of Melissa's chubby form, pulled across her bum cheeks tightly. The indentation of her deep bum crack was visible as the dress struggled to stretch across Mel's wide rump. Her cute little belly bulged forward, having no pants waistband to support it. Her belly button was visible as the dress sank slightly into it. Up the top, her breasts oozed over the top of the dress, cleavage welling up and down as she breathed deeply.

"Oooh...this is so tight! I can barely move!" she complained to herself.

She waddled awkwardly over to her mirror to examine herself. She could grab her tummy roll through the red fabric, her love handles outlined too. Her eyes ballooned when she saw the width of her womanly hips.

"Oh my goodness!" she gasped, placing her hands to the sides of her wide hips to size them up.

They looked so much bigger in this revealing dress, which came up to about mid-thigh level. Mel twisted her lower body to get a glimpse of her porky bum. The dress was pulled so tightly across her cheeks that she feared she'd rip it in two. There was no way she'd be able to bend over in this ensemble, let alone move to much as all. Her breath was short and quick as the cups of the dress squeezed her boobs tightly.

"Well this is hardly flattering...." she gasped to herself, "But I guess I still look pretty."

"Honey, the girls are here!" called her mum from down stairs.

Melissa strolled downstairs, her long brown hair bobbing down her back.

"Hey guys!"

"Hey Mel! Happy birthday!" cheered the girls, hugs all around.

"You look gorgeous, Mel!" laughed Jodie, even though Melissa was in fact bulging out of her dress.

Mel was having a fair amount of trouble breathing in her constricting clothing.

Every deep breath caused her breast flesh to well up over the top, her breasts pressed together tightly to produce great cleavage.


The night was a success on the whole, Melissa didn't know what to think when she opened her presents though.

"Oh, new jeans! Thank you Christie!" she smiled.

Christie smirked.

"So hang on, this present is from all three of you?" asked Mel, holding up the large box.

"Yep, well it wasn't going to be, but...you'll see when you open it." stumbled Vicky.

Melissa ripped into the wrapping paper eagerly. Her eyes bulged out of her skull.

"CHOCOLATE!" she screamed in delight.

Christie nudged Jodie and whispered, "Told you she'd like it."

Mel jiggled and bounced happily in her seat, her fat butt wobbling like jelly.

"Thank you guys!" giggled Mel.

Mel's mum entered with a bottle of champagne.

"Let's have a toast to the birthday girl!" she laughed.

Mel smiled happily, it was a great night.

Later on the party was halted by a knock on the door.

"Keep going, guys! I'll be back in a sec!" said Mel, waddling over to the front door. Her enormous and inflated bum cheeks rolled and bounced rhythmically. She opened the door to see who it was, her heart skipped a beat. It was Nick.

"Hey Nick! How are you?" she stuttered eventually.

Nick seemed just as stunned. Standing before him, Melissa looked absolutely gorgeous. He looked her up and down, seeing her cute tummy outlined in her red dress, the indentation of her belly button visible. Her massive boobs poked over the top of her dress while her wide hips flowed into her soft, chubby legs.

"....Hey!" Nick replied, finally snapping back to reality, "I thought I'd come say happy birthday."

"Oh thank you, why don't you come in?" asked Mel, turning slightly and waving her hand for him to come in. Nick caught a glimpse of Melissa's round, bouncy rear end and felt a tingle.

"Umm, no actually. I ah was wondering if I could talk to you for a sec?"

"C'mon Mel, what are you doing?!" called Vicky from the other room, before seeing Nick at the door, "Ooh, sorry sorry!"

Mel tried to giggle a little to fill the awkwardness as Vicky turned around and wandered off back into the lounge room.

"Umm, sure." replied Mel to Nick.

Nick reached out his hand for Mel to take it. Melissa inhaled deeply and took it. The pair sat out on the front brick fence of Mel's front yard.

"I was waiting to hear from you." said Mel.

"Yeah sorry, I was kinda nervous to call..." replied Nick.


"Just cos....I think I like you." stumbled Nick.

Melissa knew it already, but it sounded even better when he said it out loud.

"W-Well I like you too." gasped Mel, struggling to breathe in her binding dress.

Nick stuttered, trying to think of what he wanted to say.

"Would you ever want to go out....like only if you want too...." said Nick.

Mel's heart flipped, "I'd love to!"

Both smiled a little in the awkwardness. Nick watched as a frown suddenly came across Mel's face.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

Mel looked away and then back at Nick.

"You said I was too fat to date....." she uttered timidly.

Nick felt like an idiot for ever saying that.

"Mel, I'm sorry I said that. I was just a little freaked out you'd gotten so....big in such a short time. But looking at you now, I can honestly say I think you're beautiful."

Mel was shocked. Someone had just genuinely said she was beautiful. They both gazed into each other's eyes before she leant over and kissed him softly. Mel sat back, biting her lip while Nick smiled stupidly.

"Wow....cool.....well ok....I'll ring you...." he stuttered, the smile never leaving his face.

"....Ok." smiled Mel in return, "Oh....I really gotta get back to the girls...."

Mel's breath was short and laboured, her heart running a hundred miles an hour.

"Ok, I'll ah....see you soon then." said Nick.

Melissa giggled a bit, "Ok!"

She backed up a little and knocked the mailbox with her hefty butt. She quickly held it sturdy before giggling awkwardly.

"Bye!" she said quickly, pulling her hair behind her ear.

Mel stumbled back to her front door, she felt like she was floating on a cloud.

"So what happened?" taunted the girls upon Mel's return.

Mel smiled and told them.


After an overly successful birthday party, and the prospect of a new boyfriend, Melissa floated through her first exam. Although she wasn't sure how well she'd done in her English exam, she honestly didn't care. Someone thought she was beautiful. She was beautiful, and fat. The words didn't seem to click well in her head. She didn't need to worry about how she looked....she was beautiful and fat. She was one sexy fat girl. Melissa beamed with confidence. All the pressure of losing weight from her mum, peers and herself, when the were guys out there who'd like her for who she was, a fat woman!

Christie and Mel walked home from the school after the exam. Melissa was restraining herself from skipping. She hugged her books to her chest and hummed happily.

"I'm guessing you haven't come down from cloud nine yet?" laughed Christie.

"Huh?" said Mel suddenly.

"Stop daydreaming, silly!" said Christie.

"Teehee, I'm hungry." said Mel, changing the subject.

Christie turned to see what Mel was looking at.

"Yeah I could eat." she replied, before the two went into the corner shop. Melissa darted over to her obvious favourite section, chocolates.

"Didn't we get you enough for your birthday?" joked Christie.

Mel seemed distracted by one chocolate bar, she was busy reading the label.

"Dude, you wanna stop ignoring me?!" said Christie, snapping her fingers in Mel's face.

"Sorry Chrissy, it's this chocolate, look! 1 in every 5 gets a free chocolate bar! Send in enough wrappers and you could win - "

Mel stopped, her jaw dropped.

"What? Let me see." Christie snatched it from Mel's smooth hands.

"A year's supply of chocolate and a tour of your regional chocolate factory.....Mel this is like your dream prize!"

Melissa was excited, "Oh my goodness! I have to win!"

She eagerly grabbed ten king size chocolate bars and waddled to the counter. The clerk eyed her suspiciously.

"That'll be $25." said the clerk.

Melissa pouted, "Oh poo.....what can I get for 20?" she asked, unable to calculate it in her air head.


Mel sighed, "Well I guess that's a start."

The two girls continued off down the street, Mel crammed all bar one chocolate into her bag and began to eat it.

"You really gotta be careful, Mel." warned Christie, "We bought you a ton of chocolate for your birthday, now your into this competition. With all the free time we have I'd be watch my eating habits."

Mel scowled a little, "I'll be careful...."

She placed a bite of chocolate into her plump lips and chewed.

"Well anyways, I'll catch you later. I got extension maths tomorrow." said Christie, who was a bit of a brainiac.

"Ok Chrissy, I'll see you later!"

Melissa skipped off home, her bum cheeks bouncing as she did so, happily eating her chocolate.


"Alright! Let's get started!" giggled Mel greedily.

She wriggled her fingers as she gazed at her bed. On it, were the seven remaining chocolate bars she had eaten as well as some of the stuff the girls had bought her. Mel was unsuccessful in obtaining a free chocolate bar on her first, and was hoping for better luck in the second. She lay down on her side, supporting her head on her hand. Her wide hips rose up from her bed as her side fat bunched up around her waist. Her belly bulged out, and sank to the bed due to her position. Her belly had a cute little roundness to it. She had never really gotten what could be called a pot belly, her abdomen always being just pudgy and wobbly. Her ghetto booty had obviously copped the most attention. Melissa eagerly unwrapped her second chocolate bar and looked on the inside of the wrapper.

"Please oh please!" she squeezed her eyes shut.

"Try again?! OH POO!" she yelled loudly, getting frustrated already.

She stuffed the entire bar into her face and opened the third.

"Yes! Free bar!" she mumbled, she was still struggling to chew and swallow the first one.

"Mmph, so good." she muffled, rubbing her chubby midriff.

She finished off another two bars before feeling a little sick. However, she certainly reaped rich rewards. The next two had free bars as well.

"Must be good luck!" she moaned, "Oooh....I'm so full....I still have three bars left!"

Melissa bit her lip, "I think I'll eat them later, I have to get my three free ones! Uhh!"

Mel wriggled, trying to sit up, but her tubby body was too stuffed and bloated. She felt lazy and lethargic, but didn't want to move.

"Awww, oh well. I guess I'll have some of my birthday choccies."

Mel rolled onto her tummy and reached for a box. Her stomach squashed against her bed and made her feel a little queazy.

"Ooo..." she continued to lie on her stomach, and opened her box of chocolates.

Mel kicked her legs in the air, sending little quivers though her enormous bottom and plump thighs. Her butt stuck out so far it looked like a mountain when she lay down on her tummy, her too inflated cheeks wobbling like a plate of jelly. She popped a few pieces of chocolate into her mouth and smiled dreamily.

"Mmmm....I love chocolate!" she giggled.

With birthday chocolates, chocolate bars and free bars, Melissa had plenty of chocolate to last her a long time....

Click here for next installment

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