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Noctournes - by Basshead (SSBBW Eating Fantasy, semi-mobility)

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New Member
Mar 18, 2007
SSBBW Eating Fantasy, semi-mobility - some people of the night aren't like you and I, as the counterperson of an all night Chinese diner discovers

[Author's note: my first attempt at erotic fiction... not quite perfect but I decided it's finished enough to post. Enjoy (?)]

by Basshead

the bell tinkles as the door swings open. In walks the first patron, quickly. He is in his early twenties, blonde, tall and slender. He's dressed in clean black slacks and a trendy striped button down shirt. He carries a pillow. He starts to glance around nervously, then catches himself.

"How many?" says the cashier at the counter.

"Three," says one, handing counter his visa as the second patron steps through the door.

She is slightly older then one, of average height. she walks slower, in no hurry. She is wearing new black sweat pants which tightly hug her thick legs and a well worn t-shirt. her hair is brown, prematurely gray at the temples and pulled back in a ponytail. her pendulous tummy reaches mid thigh. as she walks, it swings and pulls down the waist of her pants just enough that to allow a few inches of gossamer blue-veined skin to roll over the waist band. The casier at the counter raises an eyebrow.

One props open the left door and steps outside. Two holds the right door. The third patron takes a deliberate step forward.

"Stop!" says two. "There's a stair. She'll tear the skin."

One slides back into the restauraunt. He crouches and carefully, cautiously, slides his arms under three's belly. Straining, he gently lifts it a few inches. She inches forward, one heavy step at a time. Two grips her arm for support. Three's hips brush the double doorframe on both sides as she climbs the single stair.

Three is roughly the same age as two and has similar features; they are probably related. She is clad in a straining black garment which reaches mid calf and may have been sewn from king-sized bedsheets. four inches of gelatinous belly dangle below the hem, nearly brushing her flip-flopped feet. her breasts, like prize winning pumpkins, hang to her waist below a foot and a half of exposed liquid cleavage. her hair is cut short and dyed hot pink.

"What is . . . ," blurts a middle aged woman seated near the front. She blushes and covers her mouth before saying more.

"Four," says the counter person. Three giggles girlishly and shoots one a knowing smile. He hands over his plastic.

One and Two take three's forearms for support and lead her slowly towards the back of the restaraunt. Three's ass juts out two feet past her lowest back roll. the tip of an inner thigh roll bounces between spherical calves which would otherwise touch. The counterperson ogles her as she completes her ultra-slow motion sashay across the lobby.

One pulls three chairs together at the back of the room, away from the nearest table. Three breathes heavily, exhausted, as two navigates her back. One holds the pillow under her exposed sensitive tummy as she gently eases her bulk onto the chairs. there is a loud creak and they lower noticably, but hold. She overhangs to the first rung on either side.

Still under the table, one quickly slides his hand up her dress, closes his eyes and sighs contentedly as runs his hand down her tummy. She giggles and tells him "stop it, that tickles."

One pulls up a table, with the longer side facing three. It presses into her breasts. the sides of her resting belly barely clear the legs. she rests her forearms on the table, still breathing heavily from her walk.

two goes to the buffet and loads two plates of cheap chinese food. she sets it down at her place then heads back. foregoing plates, she piles a tray half with rice and half with pork, then douses the whole mess with copious amounts of sweet n' sour sauce. careful not to spill, she carries it back and sets it before three, who has already stolen a few bites of her own meal.

one, having eating earlier (expensive vegetarian cuisine), carries a tray to the fountain machine. he fills a cup with coke, no ice, and sprinkles a couple of sugar packets in. he repeats the process until the tray is full, then plops a straw in the corner cup and carries them back to the table. she doesn't mind if it's flat, as long as it's extra sweet.

finished with seconds, two sighs contentedly and leans back, resting her hands on her full, round tummy.

"slow down," she cautions three. "you have to slow down or you'll cramp and have to stop."

one nods in agreement and sips his black coffee.

counter walks back. "we're closing." he's a skinny kid, black hair, a trace of acne. he's maybe 18. his nametag says "jimmy".

three glances up, pausing with a forkfull of general tso's halfway to her mouth. unable to keep her dangling unclad forearms clear of the table as she reaches for the far side of the table, they are smeared with sauces. two takes advantage of the pause and wipes her younger sister clean with a napkin dipped in water.

one rolls his eyes and points to the blinking neon sign in the window: open 24 hours.

jimmy tries again. "you have to leave. it's all YOU can eat, all a normal person can... you know?" he sounds panicked. he's young and in fear of losing his first job.

three looks apprehensively at her food, then spears a piece of meat, unable to restrain herself.

"why leave? we haven't even started eating yet" says one. he produces his visa and a twenty.

three relaxes and settles back into her routine. jimmy pockets the cash and carries a stack of dirty trays topped with empty cups and crumpled napkins back to the kitchen.

three stops eating suddenly and looks up. she reaches under the table and presses her hands below her overripe breasts.

two snorts. "i told you to take your time. now we have to go, and you haven't even got dessert in you yet."

"it's not that." says three. there is a small tearing sound, then a louder one.

she lets out a squeal as her makeshift dress rips from top to bottom. suddenly free of contraint, her impossibly soft body cascades outwards. mountainous breasts drop below waist level, revealing areola the size of dessert plates. her belly pillow slides forward several inches.

"Blast it!" says one. "i can't believe we didn't think of that."

two lets out an exasperated sigh and looks questioningly at the front.

"don't worry about it." says jimmy. "there's nobody else here. you can stay."

one pulls three's pillowy upper arms out of the remains of her sleeves. he attempts to pull the tatters of her dress out from beneath her and only succeeds in tearing off a large chunk of material. nothing is going to slide out from under that amount of weight. her thong matches her hair. the strap digs deeply into the fluffy cellulite of her ass and dissapear beneath her belly. comfortable and still quivering slightly, she sucks the very last of the chow mein.

three sets down her fork and lets out an enormous belly-shaking belch.

"time for dessert!" she says excitedly.

jimmy wheels over the ice cream machine.

"i was supposed to clean it out half hour ago, but i figure you folks could help with that."

"come here, boy," says three. she pulls him over and gives him a messy, sideways hug. one watches jelously. two smirks at one. jimmy blushes and pulls away, his apron soaked in soy sauce. three gives one a sweet n' sour peck on the lips as two pours chocolate syrup, gummy bears, and strawberry topping into vat of leftover ice cream.

"no nuts!" says three.

jimmy appears from the kitchen with a freshly scrubbed funnel. two holds it in place while one and jimmy heft the vat of leftover ice cream over her head and begin to pour. three sucks it down at an inhuman rate, twice signaling to stop to let allow her to catch her breath. spillage drips into her deep cleavage and down her wide belly. she inconsciously kneads it as she finishes the last of her meal.

they set the vat on the table and two pulls the funnel out. three inhales deeply, then moans, satisfied. she spontaneously grabs one and pulls him close to her vast shivering body. they kiss, long and hard, one apparently forgetting his vegan preferances as he tastes the dairy on her lips. two smirks. jimmy blushes and looks away.

one pulls away reluctantly, lips white. three whispers something for his ears only; now he's blushing too.

two reaches for her arm as if to help her stand.

"i couldn't possibly walk now," says three.

jimmy wheels a pair of freight trolleys from the back as one and two gently wipe clean three's expansive body, he caressingly and she sternly.

jimmy helps one carefully lift three's tummy, soft and white as a cloud but heavier then either of them, and slide the first trolley underneath it lengthwise. it droops over the edge and stops just a couple of inches above the tile. her tummy pillow lies completely flattened on the floor. with a helper on each arm, she leans forward, and with monumental effort lifts free of her perch. she errupts suddenly with hiccups. the tattered remains of her dress are caught in between the twin globes of her ass. one yanks them free. they are soaked in sweat.

slowly, carefully, with a person balencing on each arm, three sits back onto the second trolley. her ass sticks out on both sides several inches but does not sag.

three falls asleep as they wheel her slowly out, gently to avoid disturbing her overfilled stomach, careful to keep the trolleys rolling together in synch. two keeps a careful eye on the overhang of her belly to make sure the delicate skin does not catch on anything.

jimmy holds the doors and tells them to leave the trolleys in the parking lot and to please, please, PLEASE come again. as the door tinkles shut, three yawns and asks if they can stop for sodas on the way home.

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