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Tracey's Young Admirer - by Samster (~BBW, Imagery, Rivalry, ~SWG)

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Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2007
~BBW, Imagery, Rivalry, ~SWG

Tracey's Young Admirer
by Samster

Part 1

Inside the offices of SFR Ltd, it was Monday lunchtime and Tracey Harrison was sat in the café eating her lunch. She’d been in the office since eight thirty and was starting to feel the refreshing effects of the weekend disappearing.

Taking a bite of her parma ham and cheese Panini she glanced down and couldn’t help noticing her crisp blouse was a little tight round her thickening middle. It was a blouse bought immediately after her weight loss and as the months had rolled by it was rapidly becoming a size too small. It was particularly tight around her breasts and the short sleeves dug in ever so slightly to her plump arms.

Meanwhile her black pencil skirt clung like a second skin around her bubble butt and made it a battle for her to cross her legs. Since she’d landed a major bonus and blown it all on liposuction and a health spa Tracey had piled the weight back on. Her size too small work outfit was driving that point home.

“You know Kath” said Tracey between mouthfuls “I reckon I totally wasted that twenty grand I got”

Kath smiled and watched her friend devour the Panini.

“Ummm…but you enjoyed being slim for a bit?”


Taking a bite of her own sandwich Kath changed the subject; she liked watching Tracey chubbying up and didn’t want to do anything to discourage her.

“Did you see Beth Armstrong this morning?”

“What?” whispered Tracey, surveying the room with her big brown eyes “oh myyyyyy…”

“You remember Beth?”

“She looks like a bag lady or something”

For a brief moment the “bag lady” in question caught Tracey’s gaze. She smiled a fake smile, flashing her pearly white porcelain veneered teeth. Beth looked away. All her life Tracey had been devastatingly good looking. Now in her late thirties she had to work harder on her look. A once rapid metabolism had started to slow. Unfortunately for Tracey her look had gone from beauty queen to corporate chubby trying desperately to hold onto her glory days.

“She looks scary” said Tracey finally.

“Yep…but I was meaning did you see her report?”

“Ummm…no but I saw that wierdo dress she’s wearing”

Kath sighed; Tracey was indulging her bitchy side.

Meanwhile across the café Beth was sat with her colleague, Jack. She was intently aware of the disapproving look followed by the fake smile Tracey Harrison had directed her way. She was also intently aware of the HR review her team was receiving that afternoon. Beth and Jack managed a branch office in Scunthorpe and were nervous visitors to the regional companies head office.

“That’s Tracey Harrison” she said to Jack.

“The one doing our review this afternoon?” said the young man.


The young man nodded. Since they’d arrived at the café he’d been doing nothing but devouring the plump blonde babe with his eyes. She looked like a major league MILF who’d fallen in love with Baskin Robbins.

“She’s totally hot!”

Glancing back over her shoulder Beth sighed. She’d worked for SFR close to seventeen years and remembered the blonde back then. Since then she’d watched blondie’s once slim and firm figure soften and thicken. Frustrating thing was she still had the same effect on men.

“She’s really got fat”

Jack winked. “I can see that, and its what makes her soooo hot”

A smile curled around Beth’s lips. She found her young colleague amusing sometimes.

“You want a piece of that chunk?”

“In my dreams”

“She’s married with two kids you know?”

“Did she start putting weight on before or after the kids?”


“They always do”

“She’s on her second husband too”

“Ah so you know her?”

“We used to work together, years ago. Before she got promoted”

“How come she got promoted?”

“Cos she’s a shameless ass kisser”

At that Beth watched as Tracey Harrison rose from her chair, tugged down her blouse and headed for the door. In her experience the blonde office hottie was a vacuous, vain bimbo who’d been promoted because of her looks. If Jack somehow found her getting fat attractive that was fine with Beth.

“Maybe he can help her get fatter?” she speculated to herself.

The HR review itself was a pretty straightforward process. Attendance records and disciplinary actions were reviewed. Jack smiled and decided the phrase “corporate bimbo” was perfect to describe Tracey. She had an orange fake tan, long perfectly straight platinum blonde hair, and a shinny, wrinkle free forehead that suggested some botox. A clear complexion suggested many facial treatments. Her teeth were porcelain veneers and bleached perfectly white and her breasts were definitely implants.

To add to the effect her outfit was designed to show off all her assets. Her too tight blouse was crisp and pressed. The buttons around her store bought breasts struggled to meet and provided a generous view of her hefty cleavage. Around her neck was a silver, heart shaped necklace that dangled tantalisingly close to her breasts. A glittering Cartier wristwatch hung around one wrist with a sliver bracelet around the other.

All added up she looked like an extra out of Boston Legal. That was an extra who spent a little too much time at the refreshments stand.

Clearly there was also some tension between Tracey and Beth. Not a subtle person Tracey made a point of addressing all the difficult questions to Beth whilst giving Jack the soft balls. Clearly Beth had no interest in a fight so just answered the questions – but the spat was the hook Jack hoped to use to catch the fish.

With the review over he said. “You know we have some really interesting training ideas, we should meet for lunch one day to discuss”

“Ummm…Scunthorpe’s a long way away…”

“I can drive over here. We could meet over lunch?”

A smile curled on Beth’s lips. Jack obviously did have a thing about blondie’s weight.

“Maybe sometime” she reached into her folder and pulled out a business card “you can email me”

“Will do”

“Of course I’m a busy bee so it may take me some time to get back to you”

“I understand”

At that the meeting ended. Driving back Jack couldn’t get the blonde out of his head. She was the absolute picture of perfection in the world of soft, pampered corporate queens. Without a doubt Jack knew he was going to email.

Meanwhile Tracey returned to her desk. She was glad a meeting with Beth was out of the way but her mind settled on the young man she was with. Jack was a good looking young man.

“Maybe I will set up a meeting with him…” mused Tracey “or maybe not…”

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