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AgroCo - by Scx (SSBBW. WG Drugs, ~XWG )

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Fringy Lunatic
Nov 7, 2006
SSBBW. WG Drugs, ~XWG - Some employers do more for employees than just pay their salary

by Scx

A one-sided conversation

"Oh, hi, Bob, c'mon in, have a seat. Cigar? The new secretary hire will be along in a few minutes. Little slip of a thing, but very pretty."

"Don't mind if I do, then, please. How'd you like Katie, my secretary?"

"Come on, I saw you ogling her over the closed-circuit. Didn't you notice the camera? Oh no, it doesn't go to the security office! Ha ha. Besides, who wouldn't ogle Katie in that red outfit? It fit her well enough about 150 pounds ago - Now's she up to over 400, and it's about to explode. She rides the company van to work because she can't fit in her Datsun anymore. You saw how she has to squeeze her breasts together with her arms just to reach her computer keyboard, causing two feet of bulging cleavage trying to burst out from that neckline. Her belly, Bob, stretches so far under the desk... Oh, here's the new hire now."

"Come in, Miss Tanner. Miss Tanner - May we call you Gwenneth?
Thank you. Gwenneth, this is Bob Gilroy. Bob, Gwenneth Tanner. Gwenneth,
Bob here used to be the distributor for Missouri, but is moving up to the home office today. Bob, Gwenneth is fresh out of the university, BA in statistics. I'm sure you'll agree she'll fill the position nicely."

"Well, I've called you both in here for a little background information. As you both know, we at AgroCo. make cattle feed. Compressed, highly nutritious pellets that last forever without spoiling. We make hundreds of tons a day at our plant out on the west side, and ship it all over the country. Some to Canada, even."

"It's perfectly safe, of course, for humans too. We keep some around the office. Here, try some."

"No, Bob, this jar. That's Gwenneth's jar."

"Eating it ourselves shows our confidence in our own product. Cattlemen are very big on that sort of thing. Tastes good, hmm, Gwenneth? I hear the cows think so too."

"Sure, Gwenneth, you can have some more. Don't worry about your diet, I'm sure you won't wind up like Katie out there. Ha ha."

"Cattle, Bob, have four stomachs, and are constantly heaving up again, chewing their cud, and swallowing it again. This allows them to digest the highly fibrous grains and grasses we put in our pellets. Humans don't quite have the same digestive system, you know, and the result is that our body doesn't quite know what to do with it. It doesn't hurt anything, it just is stored in the belly for awhile, then very slowly, but very efficiently - No waste! - digested."

"Couple of months, Gwenneth. Not long. Some more? Of course,
there's plenty."

"Another thing, Bob, you remember old Dr. Wankenstaff? He's head of what I call the 'Special Projects' lab down in R&D. No, he didn't get fired for manufacturing narcotics in his chemistry lab, although most companies would have. We did catch him at it, more than once. But he developed a real zinger."

"Jar empty already, Gwenneth? There's a 50 pound sack in the
corner. Be my guest."

"As far as he was concerned it was a failure, but here's how it worked. It gave a mild high, a little rush, right away, but didn't last very long. The more you take, the higher you get. The crash came on slower, but was a really bad one. The user soon gets desperate for more. It's very addictive, and the body's tolerance doubles and triples with the first few doses. Poor Doc. We found him curled up under a lab bench sobbing his heart out - He'd run out of ingredients."

"Yes, means he had to keep taking bigger and bigger doses, more and more of the drug, until he ran out. We've gotten him off this stuff, but he's still doing drugs all over the place."

"Ahh, that's what Special Projects does. It makes this stuff, by
the gallon."

"Yes, you're excused, Gwenneth. Burping is perfectly natural. After all, if cows didn't burp, we'd be out of a job! Ha ha."

"Of course, Bob. It's the Doctor's invention, and has been kept secret, so hasn't, strictly speaking, been outlawed, but I'm sure it runs afoul of several other laws. Particularly in what we use it for.

"That's okay, Gwenneth, you can stick your head in."

"I thought you'd never ask. We sprinkle it onto the sample sacks of feed sent to the home office. Look carefully at this one. It's clean - See the little white flecks?"

"Here's one Gwenneth dropped. Those little flecks have turned brown. That's the narcotic's work. I wouldn't eat it if I were you - It's
potent stuff. Gwenneth will eat it, though."

"Yes dear, you're doing just fine."

"That's right, Bob. They get high off the sample, then take a bit more, and BANG - They're hopeless gluttons. It's worst the first few days. We get no work out of them at all. They have both hands and both cheeks constantly jammed full, when we can get their heads out of the bags. We send a sack home with them every night. Later in the week they slow down but continue powering the stuff down their throats constantly, stowing pound after pound away. Katie sucks down a sack and a half daily at work, and takes the last half home with her. I don't think she's feeding a bull with it - Just a cow! Ha ha. Eventually they get too fat to work at all. That's what happened to Amanda, my old office assistant."

"After nine months bloating out on cattle feed, she weighed about 650 pounds. She couldn't walk without help, nor get up off a chair. We had to call the janitor daily to haul her in and out of the toilet stalls. He really liked that part - Spent an extra half an hour 'helping' her get her pants back on every time. Finally I had the company van take her out to my ranch, where most of them wind up. Enough pellets are delivered to that ranch to feed 2000 head of cattle. There's always a few cows standing around for colour, but there's also fifteen 'graduates' of the narcotic. They're helpless. Most can't stand. They sit in their rooms all day long with chutes of feed dumping it at, and into them. They're all young, under 30, and, well, were very pretty. Two weigh almost a ton now. Now Amanda's belly sticks out twice as far as she can reach, and her breasts are too big for her to touch her own nipples. If she could bend her arms. Her ass probably weighs 500 pounds on its own."

"Katie will be headed there in a couple of months. I'm looking
forward to it."

"Look, Bob, Gwenneth's almost finished off that fifty-pound sack. Look at her eyes - She's higher than a kite. You could have sex with her now, and she'd barely notice. Tomorrow she'll have a little headache and not remember a thing except how much she enjoyed it."

"Look at her stomach, Bob. That's what happens when you stuff
fifty pounds of cattle feed into a skinny little woman in less than an hour. We'll send her staggering home with that massive swollen belly, and she'll be back at eight am tomorrow to 'start work'. Ha ha. One more special pellet, and she'll start guzzling all over again."

"Bob, fetch another sack. They're in the closet, over there."

"Gwenneth... Oh dear, Gwen, maybe you will wind up like Katie after all."
