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Bad Day -by NemoVolo (BHM, Romance, FFA)

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Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2008
~BHM, FFA, Romance - After a bad day, a girl returns home to seek comfort in the arms of her boyfriend.

Bad Day
By NemoVolo

Romy had a horrible day.

It started out nice; Spencer was there when she woke up, just like every other day. He didn’t want to let her go, just like every other day. She made herself just a little bit later by going back to nuzzle his rounded tummy as a good-bye, just like every other day.

When she got to school, no one really paid any attention to her. That was fine; she rather enjoyed being invisible. Sometimes she wished she could share her invisibility with others. Today was one of those days.

There were quite a few heavy-set boys in her classes. She never talked to them; just watched them so she didn’t miss Spencer as much. Only one of them was a bit bigger than Spencer. It was on his behalf that she had a horrible day.

One of the cheerleaders must have been PMSing, because she started teasing the bigger boy. She picked on his size first; the guy, Sidney, really didn’t fit comfortably in his desk. His stomach pretty much rolled over the little bar and spilled a little onto his desk. Personally, Romy thought it was cute, but it really offended the cheerleader.

After his size, the bitch—as Romy started thinking of her as after five minutes—picked on his weight.
By the time class was over, Sidney practically flew out the door in tears. She wanted to go after him, but he hid in the boys’ bathroom.

She didn’t have another class with him until P.E. She was already dreading it and figured he was, too.

It was one of the soccer players that picked on him this time. He came running out of the locker room with Sidney’s extremely large shirt and proceeded to stretch it out like a tent. Romy snatched the shirt away and stormed into the boys’ room—completely ignoring the other changing guys—to give it back to Sidney. The boy was so embarrassed he’d locked himself in a stall and refused to open the door and take it from her. She eventually just gave up and tossed the shirt over the top of the door. He thanked her, but she could still here the tears in his voice.

The stupid boys mocked him as she left.

Now, however, she was finally on her way home. She’d stopped at Walmart to pick up a couple shirts for Spencer—the girl at the check-out had wrinkled her nose in disgust—but now she just wanted to get home. Maybe they’d order take-out or something if she didn’t feel up to cooking.

The apartment was quiet when she walked in. Not even their Doberman, Dikei, came to greet her. She wasn’t upset; quite the contrary, actually. With a soft smile, she shut the door and kicked her shoes off to the side next to a pair of Vans that hadn’t been moved in a long time. She dropped her bag on the couch as she headed towards the back of the apartment where the bedroom was.

Sure enough, as soon as she opened the door, a black-and-tan blur brushed past her with a wagging stump. The big dog who thought it was a kitten was probably thirsty from sleeping with Spencer all day.

“Spence?” She tried not to sound hopeful that he would already be awake.

She really just wanted to lavish the affection she wanted to show Sidney onto Spencer. It wasn’t really fair, but she didn’t care. She wanted to cuddle him.

Fortunately, Spencer opened one eye to look at her. The smile he sent her was a sleepy one that pushed the slight pudge of his cheeks up to somewhat hide his eyes. He reminded her of those chibis she saw being drawn online and in manga/anime. Even as big as he was, she still found him sexy.

Especially as he struggled to sit up, his arms jiggling a little along with a panting groan as he tried to force his weight to shift and reposition. She couldn’t help but grin a little to see that he hadn’t tried to squeeze into any of his t-shirts. Instead, he rubbed on his rounded belly and yawned, before pushing some of his long hair out of his eyes.

“Hey…” he mumbled, pushing his chubby fingers into his eyes to rub away the sleep.

She took a couple steps into the room and closer to him. Almost immediately he was frowning a little and trying to shuffle his body to get out of bed. Watching his belly sink into his lap reminded her of the miserable look on Sidney’s face as he squeezed himself into a desk. Suddenly she was swallowing back tears and fighting the urge to throw herself on him and cling desperately.

“Romy? What’s wrong?” The concern in his voice made it worse.

What right did she have to be so upset on Sidney’s half when she wasn’t at all near his size? In fact, Spence usually tried to get her to eat more. He didn’t want her to waste away while he kept getting bigger.

Still feeling guilty for being upset, she shrugged a little. “It’s…not a big deal.”

Spencer didn’t say anything; he was still struggling to sit up and not have to use his arms to keep himself that way. The roll of his belly was in the way. Not even thinking about it, she easily crossed the room and held out both hands for him to help himself up with. She braced herself and leaned backward even as Spencer groaned and pulled himself upright. Blushing in self-conscious mortification, Spencer dipped his head and swung his legs off the side of the bed. A curtain of light brown hair slid forward to hide his face.

Romy could almost see a little illusion of Sidney doing the same thing in his own room.

With a little whimper, she dropped to her knees between his legs. She ignored his rounded thighs pressing in against her and threw her arms as far around him as possible. She compensated for not being able to fully reach by squeezing them into his soft sides. Nuzzling his belly, she let herself relax so a few tears could slip free.

Spencer looked down at her in startled confusion. He definitely didn’t mind her touching him; after all, no one else really wanted to. He slipped his arms between his legs to attempt to wrap her up in a hug. The combination of his fleshy arms and bulging sides kept him from reaching. A sigh of frustration escaped him.

He was too fat to comfort her when she clearly needed him.

She was just glad to hold him like this. Squeezing him a little more, a small roll of flesh overlapped onto her arms.

“Romy…?” He said her name hesitantly, not sure if she was crying, because his gigantic gut hid her face from him. He shifted and leaned forward a little so he could at least see the top of her head.

She just tightened her grip and sniffled a little. “I…I don’t want you to be miserable.”

He blinked. “What?”

“I don’t want you to be miserable.”

“I’m…not?” He made it a question because he was confused.

She shrugged a little. “But you never go out.”

He frowned, thinking of where this was going. “…you want me to go out?”

Shrugging again, she nuzzled her face into the soft, smooth surface of his stomach.

“Why…?” he asked, voice soft and quiet. “To…exercise?”

Romy’s eyes snapped open and she jerked her head up to look at him. “W-what?”

He swallowed and shrugged. “Well…why else would I go out? I have everything I could want here. If…if you want me to lose some of this—” He pressed a couple fingers into his side and grimaced a little when they sunk in about an inch. “—just…just say so.” His voice was a pitiful whine when he stopped talking.

“That’s—I didn’t—No!” Romy stumbled out, not even really knowing where he got that idea. “That’s not what I meant!”

He looked at her, a little hopeful. “You didn’t?” he asked, hating himself just a little bit more for sounding so childish and desperate.

“No! I don’t want you to hate yourself for this.” She put her head back onto his belly. It comforted her and was so warm.

“For what? Fat?


He sighed and stretched his arms as far as he could and managed to get a hold of her upper arms. “Did someone say something about me?”

She shook her head, causing him to shiver a little as her hair tickled the sensitive skin of his stomach; she didn’t notice.

“Not you…” she said with a sigh. Finally, she quietly explained everything to him, finding herself blinking back angry tears; angry on Sidney’s behalf. She felt defensive, too.

When she finished, she glanced up so she could see Spencer’s response. Any confusion was gone and, to her surprise, he was smiling softly at her. It wasn’t a particularly happy smile, but there was a certain fondness in it.

“I think you should invite Sidney over,” Spencer finally said. His grip on her arms flexed a bit as his fingers grew tired along with his arms. “He sounds like he needs a friend or two.”

Romy laughed softly and wiped away the remaining tears. “You just want to prove to yourself that you’re really bigger.”

Spencer just grinned. “That…and you’ll end up cooking for us.”

She nodded and shifted a bit uncomfortably as her feet began to fall asleep and go numb. He noticed and tugged on her a little, wanting to lie back down and hold her as close as his fat body would let him. It really was a nuisance to be so big when he wanted to comfort her. At roughly three hundred pounds, mobility and cuddling was hard to come by.

Romy didn’t seem to think the same and happily got back up. Deciding it might be a while before she willingly moved again, she took the time to tug off her jeans, stepping out of them as she unfastened her bra, wiggling out of that as well without taking off her t-shirt. Spencer pouted playfully at her, causing her to blush. Chuckling, He laboriously scooted back so lean against the headboard. She crawled onto the bed, and sprawled out along his lap, ending up with her flat stomach resting on his much larger one.

It was Spencer’s turn to blush as she started massaging his sides, rolling the fat of his love handles between her fingers. When she nuzzled between his breasts, he just smiled softly and reached up to take her hair out of the messy bun. He dropped the tie onto the bed next to them and combed through his hair with his plump fingers.

“You better now, babe?” he asked after a couple minutes.

With a soft sigh, she nodded and nuzzled the very top curve of his belly. “Yeah. I’m good now.”

She knew what he wanted to do before he could even whine and squirmed up so their faces were closer. He blinked in surprise, before smiling softly and kissing her forehead lightly. With a small noise of protest, she stretched to press her lips against his.

“You going to invite the kid over?”

Shrugging a little, she placed her head on his shoulder, arms relaxing along his sides. “You know, I think I will. He’s probably a real sweetheart and all, too.”

“Careful. You might make me jealous,” Spencer teased, even though he was only half-joking.

“Alright. I’ll make sure not to think about how his belly pushes into the desk too much,” she said with a smirk evident in her voice.

“Be nice, Romy,” he pouted.

“I am being nice, Spee,” she murmured, eyes closed. Being pressed into his warm, malleable body was putting her to sleep like a special lullaby.

He noticed and shifted the two of them so he could lie back as well. With a small noise of protest, she slid over to curl up against his side, an arm stretched up as far over his mound of a belly as it could go. She nuzzled the side of his chest and snuggled as close as she could when his arm slipped around her.

“I’ll…fix dinner in a bit. Let me nap first.”

“No problem. I’m perfectly fine with sleeping some more,” he muttered sarcastically, although he meant it.

Romy wasn’t awake to hear him anymore, though, too worn down by her emotional turmoil.

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