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Defunding Planned Parenthood

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Oct 4, 2008
facebook.com/kellyplatco, Female
Following Texas' suit, North Carolina has overridden a veto in a midnight vote to defund Planned Parenthood.

While the states haven't yet realized what the financial impact is going to be, I don't think, because Federal Law prohibits them receiving Medicaid assistance when they decide to restrict what providers a person can attend, such as Planned Parenthood.

The common misconception is that Planned Parenthood's biggest service IS abortions. This is not so. While yes, they do uphold Roe Vs. Wade (for those who forgot a woman has a right to choose,) they do it at cost and cannot have tax money cover the cost of abortions (I think some states have funding for rape victims, but a lot of that comes from private donations.) This comes from the lovely Jon Kyl saying over 90% of what they do is abortions. That number has been changed to reflect Planned Parenthood's own numbers, where the common misconception is 97% of what they do is abortions. People take this as gospel, even though Kyl's office said, and I quote:

However, a few hours after the speech, CNN anchor T.J. Holmes told viewers that the network had received a statement from Kyl’s office saying that the senator’s remark "was not intended to be a factual statement but rather to illustrate that Planned Parenthood, an organization that receives millions in taxpayer dollars, does subsidize abortions."

Let's break it down, shall we?

Contraception (including reversible contraception, emergency contraception, vasectomies and tubal sterilizations): 4,009,549 services
Sexually transmitted infections testing and treatment: 3,955,916 services
Cancer screening and prevention: 1,830,811 services
Other women’s health services (including pregnancy tests and prenatal care): 1,178,369 services
Abortions: 332,278 procedures
Miscellaneous (including primary care and adoption referrals): 76,977
Total services: 11,383,900

So, out of the 4 MILLION people only 332,278 had abortions (and notice that it's people, not just women. Vasectomies are available services in larger areas and STD testing is available for both genders.)

Mathematically, it breaks down to 3% of what they do. Under Misc, you can file things such as diabetes testing for those at high risk.

This is the only doctor a lot of women will see in a year. Some women depend on Planned Parenthood for their low cost/no cost pap smear that ALL women should have annually (you are encouraged to get it once a year after you start your period, which is around 12 years old.) This takes cells from the uterine wall and tests them to make sure they aren't "abnormal." Abnormal cell grow indicates a problem which needs to be monitored or can indicate that there's the presence of cancer. Which, if a doctor ignores, you can have their license suspended for gross negligence (ask Octomom's Doctor. If he wouldn't have lost his license for her, he would've lost it because of the patient he failed to report had an abnormal pap smear and came up with cervical cancer later.) They also offer breast cancer checks, and they give literature on how to do it yourself along with showing you if you ask.

I do not understand this new mentality that "We'll show we're pro-life by ending low cost medical care to women." This has to end, because a lot more women are going to end up with late stage cancer or dying because people can't handle Roe Vs. Wade. I'm sorry you keep losing when you go up against it: Learn to deal with it like adults. This "all or nothing" mentality is going to cost someone their life.

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