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From one extreme to another.

Dimensions Magazine

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Apr 17, 2009
Ok so I've been lurking for a while and I'm starting to think I am in the completely wrong place because of the hypocrisy I see here.

I get that the media's image of beautiful is a six packed man and a sickly thin woman, I can understand that to a point even if I don't agree with it completely. However, I feel healthy living and a healthy body fat is your moral obligation to yourself, your family, and your community. I can't help but be bothered by the fact that so many here glorify the morbidly obese while bashing the other end of the spectrum for doing the same thing, glorifying the thin. I don't view a skin and bones girl any differently than I view a morbidly obese girl, both need to change their body weight for health reasons.

From one extreme to another. How is this site any different than the media perception of everyone should be thin as the expense of health and happiness?
I came to this site to learn more about how others cope with being morbidly obese, and I find a huge veil of denial and glorification of self destruction.

I know I will be flamed, and negged into the red and probably banned and ..so be it, like I said before, I'm starting to think I am in the completely wrong place.
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