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Glenn Beck, Martin Luther King and the Ground Zero mosque

Dimensions Magazine

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Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2007
I find it very interesting to see how the liberals look at this compared to the mosque issue.

In the case of the Ground Zero mosque, we’re told by the liberals that Muslims have every right to build there, and that there is NO symbolism that should be read into their desire to build a mosque at that location. The liberals say that opponents are too sensitive to alleged symbolism of a mosque, and that the only issue is that there is a right to build a mosque there.

In the case of Glen Beck having a rally at the Lincoln Memorial, the liberals are outraged at the symbolism of Glen Beck having a rally at the exact location, and the exact anniversary, of Martin Luther King’s “I Have a Dream” speech. To the liberals, the symbolism is the key issue. The liberals do not question that Glen Beck and his people have a right to hold a rally there. Instead they are outraged at the symbolism involved, as they fear Glen Beck will somehow dishonor the memory of Dr. King by going there.

So I ask, does the symbolism of an event matter or not? Does the symbolic nature of something happening, something which is otherwise perfectly legal, outweigh all other concerns? Which is it?

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