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Jun 8, 2007
Why why why are they so difficult?

I love mine a lot, and most of the time we get along well, but why does she a) blame my lack of anything, especially relationships, on my weight, and b) blame my weight on herself?

It's frustrating, especially since she's blaming herself for not making me be more active (I remember a childhood of swimming, wrestling, biking, nature hiking, camping, sledding, and generally being sent outdoors every day to run around and play) or allowing me to eat too much junk food (never mind that when the dietician told her I could only have McDonald's once a week, my 7-year-old eyes lit up with rapture that I was supposed to go get a happy meal toy that often instead of once every few months, and our house scarcely ever had potato chips until after I graduated from high school). Not to mention that neither of my siblings are remotely close to overweight (though a good deal of my extended family is).

I tell her right up front that she's being ridiculous when she says stuff like this, but she just sighs and goes on believing it's her fault, and that my life is ruined because of it.

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