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Nancy & Ellie - Part Five by Sly (~BBW, Extreme Eating, Revenge, Touching, ~XWG )

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Apr 14, 2006
~BBW, Extreme Eating, Revenge, Touching, ~XWG - sorting out everyone's real preferences brings some surprises

Nancy & Ellie – Who’s The Piggy Now? (Part 5)
By Sly
([email protected])

(Click here for prior installment)

A couple of weeks pass. Ellie and Jeff are starting to see more and more of each other. With each date that Ellie goes on, Nancy gets more and more depressed. Their time together really starts putting serious strains on Ellie’s time. It’s more than a full time job to keep Nancy fed in a manner that she has been accustomed to, especially lately due to her state of depression that had been so cleverly crafted by Ellie.

Nancy has really become an eating machine. She is eating about 25% more than she was mainly due to the heartache pain that she felt. She was trying to drown her sorrows with food, but it wasn’t working. Ellie, the same as always, made sure that there was more than enough food for Nancy. This perfect scenario that Ellie has created is really packing the pounds onto her piggy.

Nancy has gained another 20 pounds over the past couple of weeks and is showing no signs of letting up. Nancy is in a permanent funk and again is confined to her bed where she wallows in her pain. For the past few months she has felt better than ever, happy, sensual and totally free but the last couple of weeks has been a nightmare. The man she truly loved was in love with another woman, and her best friend at that.

Ellie, realizing that keeping Nancy in her depressive state would only make her eat more, was always sure to keep her up to date on all of the events of each date. During Nancy’s feedings she would go on and on about her and Jeff and all the while Nancy would eat more and more as it seemed that with each sentence that Ellie would say, she would get more and more depressed. Nancy had a permanent pout on her face.

At first, Ellie only dated Jeff for the reason of making Nancy jealous. The latest weapon in her arsenal aimed at getting Nancy back. She is finding however that she is actually falling in love with him.

The only kind gesture that Ellie has given to Nancy was granting her wish of not bringing Jeff to the house, although it was for the wrong reason. Ellie figured that that may be too much for her to handle right now that she may get depressed to a point where she might do something drastic. That is the only reason why she granted Nancy her wish.

The phone rings and Ellie picks it up in the living room. Nancy can hear Ellie laughing away as the conversation goes on. In her bedroom Nancy knows that it is Jeff on the line and she buries her head in her pillow, trying to drown it all out.

About 15 minutes later, Ellie comes into Nancy’s room with the usual as it is feeding time. Almost right away, Ellie jumps right into a Jeff story. Ellie loves to see the torture on Nancy’s face as she is feeding her and telling her about herself and Jeff.

As Nancy finishes up, Ellie pats Nancy’s huge belly and gets up to leave. As she is walking out of the door she mentions to Nancy that she will be going out with Jeff again tonight. Nancy begins to weep, again.

The next morning during the breakfast feeding, after Ellie has finished recounting all of the events from her date with Jeff from the night before, Ellie announces, “I think, I’m going to go back home, I’ve loved my stay here but now I think that I’m imposing and it’s time for me to move back to the city”. Ellie says this with more of a probing intent, just wondering what Nancy would have to say about it.

This news comes as a complete surprise to Nancy. She gets a feeling of panic; although Ellie has been torturing her lately, she has become very much dependant on her. Not only in a physical way where Ellie has been hand feeding her and preparing all of her meals without Nancy ever lifting a finger to do anything, but also on an emotional level. Ellie is all that Nancy has in the world. Nancy props herself up a bit more on her bed, and starts to sweat a bit, but keeping her composure she says, “that’s nonsense, consider this house as yours, you can stay as long as you want”.

Deep down inside, they really both needed each other but Ellie just wanted to bring up the subject so she could gauge what their situation is… She says to Nancy, “I could never…”

Nancy interrupts her mid-sentence, “I insist, don’t think twice about it.”

“Are you sure?” Ellie asks.

“Absolutely, I don’t know what I would do around here without you” replies Nancy.

Feeling relieved, Ellie agrees and says, “Well, in that case, I’m going back to the city to clear out my apartment and move my stuff up here… I’ll be gone for about a week.”

The look of panic is hard to suppress now on Nancy’s face.

Ellie starts to giggle as she sees the look of panic on Nancy’s face, then she pinches Nancy’s huge chubby cheeks and says to her “awww don’t worry, I’ve arranged for my piggy to be taken care of. Here’s the number of a catering company in town that I have arranged for them to deliver all of your meals. It is already paid for and they have been instructed to leave it on the porch for you. It was funny; they thought I was ordering for an entire family.” Ellie giggles.

Nancy feeling relieved, slouches back down onto her bed again, content for the moment.

The next day, Ellie leaves for the city.

Nancy welcomes this little break… after a couple of days; Nancy actually starts feeling a little better. Not having to hear about Jeff constantly has helped her to get her mind off of the situation. She has abandoned her bed and is now up and about the house. Of course especially since she is alone she remains in the nude. She loves being nude and the clothes that she had just bought are already getting a little snug on her.

Nancy now is having more difficulty getting around. She waddles more pronouncedly when she walks and her latest stint in bed has done nothing good for her health. She gets winded very easily these days and her cheeks are very often bright rosy red.

Nancy decides that she will start swimming again; she wanted to improve her health. So Nancy waddles out to the pool with her arms full of snacks for her to munch on and a romance novel that she has been meaning to read. Her recent weight gain has focused mainly on her belly that is now extremely large. It sticks out even further and hangs down even more and jiggles constantly when she walks.

Nancy arrives at the pool and pulls up a lounge chair and a little table where she places all of the items on. She then goes to the edge of the pool and slips in. Her flesh meets the water with a large slap sound and the waves rise high. She surfaces, her cheeks bright red again and she starts splashing around.

About a half an hour goes by and Nancy has had enough swimming. She makes two attempts to try and pull herself out of the water before she finally succeeds. Her face bright red and she is winded. She stops for a moment to catch her breath then she grabs a towel to dry herself off and she then plops herself down on the lounge chair. She rips open a bag of chips, cracks a can of pop and opens her novel.

Jeff who had not been to the house for some time decided to drop by and visit Ellie thinking that she may have returned from the city. After knocking on the door for a bit with no answer, he decided to check around back by the pool to see if anyone was there.

He rounded the corner into the backyard and noticed a very large girl lying on a lounge chair and his spirits soared… he wondered who this sexy thing was and he wanted to get a closer look. Was he ever excited! He walked up to the lounge chair with the customary box of donuts that he always brought with him whenever he came to the house and softly says “hello”.

Nancy was facing the other way and in terror she yelled and quickly sat up and threw her towel over herself. She looked at Jeff in slight relief and said “Yikes, you scared the hell out of me, don’t ever do that again!”

Jeff apologizes and his eyes widen as he realizes that this very fat woman is Nancy; he pulls up another lounge chair and sits down.

Nancy still getting over that little scare, tried to settle down her beating heart but she was realizing that it wasn’t settling down. Jeff looked better than ever, the man that had been absent for some time now, the man that she had been secretly fantasizing about for the past few months, the man that had practically ignored her, the man that she thought that she lost forever was right before her and she was awash with emotion. Her face felt flush and her body woozy, she felt so hot and turned on like never before, she didn’t know what to do.

“What are you doing here, stranger?” Nancy asks with a frowning face, trying not to expose her feelings.

“Well, I just wanted to swing by to see if Ellie was home yet” Jeff replies.

Jeff is still in a state of shock. He can’t believe that this fat girl in front of him was actually Nancy, the same girl that he knew before.

Nancy, noticing that her very erect nipples were showing through the towel, subtly folds her arms onto her chest and says “what have you been up to?” with a slight quiver in her voice.

Jeff caught a glimpse of her erect nipples and pretending not to notice replies “not much, just working and stuff... nothing special.”

Since the moment that he first caught a glimpse of this fat girl as he rounded the corner, Jeff had a very large erection in his pants that he couldn’t control… he too was trying his best to conceal this and save himself from the embarrassment… too late, Nancy had already noticed it, which didn’t help much with her situation.

A long silence occurred; both were squirming uncomfortably in their lounge chairs… they were both so wound up with sexual tension and energy.

“I didn’t think you were around, Ellie never mentioned that you were here” Jeff says to Nancy.

“She didn’t? That wasn’t very nice of her” replies Nancy.

“So what have you been up to?” Jeff asks wondering how on earth the skinny girl that he had known before has gained so much weight in the past year.

“Oh not much, just hanging around” Nancy replies as she starts squirming a bit in her chair.

Finally, Jeff remembers about the donuts he brought and says to Nancy, “I brought some donuts” as he shows her the box.

“You know I don’t eat those things!” Nancy replies in a softly/sexual but stern voice. “And I’m on a diet, trying to lose a few pounds” she adds.

Jeff looking at this fat woman in front of him, her soft fat arms and legs, enormous belly and huge boobs, he notices the huge selection of junk food on the little table beside her that is already half eaten and he thinks to himself ‘yeah right!’

He slides over to Nancy’s chair, opens the box, reaches in, pulls out a donut and without hesitation puts it straight to her lips. Surprised by this sudden action Nancy let’s out a soft gasp… then with a sexy look of guilt she takes a bite of the donut. Jeff feeds the rest of the donut to Nancy as she lies back on her chair.

Nancy, lost in bliss let’s out a huge uncontrollable moan. She has never, ever, felt as aroused as she feels now. Nancy has had many highly erotic experiences in the last few months, each experience better than the next but this one tops them all. The combination of the delicious food, being hand fed and being hand fed especially by the man that she loves more than anything, sent her to the clouds.

The seams on Jeff’s pants zipper were about to burst, he too felt so sexually aroused that he was barely hanging on to his ejaculation. He reaches into the box again and feeds Nancy another donut as Nancy continues with her orgasmic hand fed snack.

After a couple of more donuts, Jeff can’t stand it any more so he pulls off his shirt, pulls away Nancy’s towel and presses his chest onto hers and gives her a long, deep, passionate kiss. Nancy embraces him and pulls him onto her soft body with all of her might.

The afternoon passes into the evening and the lovemaking continues, on the deck, in the pool, hours of passionate lovemaking and feasting. A bottle of champagne has been opened and an elaborate buffet of sweets has been assembled on the pool deck. Nancy and Jeff were holding each other in the pool, sipping their champagne and nibbling on the sweets buffet in the moonlight.

Nancy feeling lighter than air and still shaking from time to time as little orgasmic waves are still surfacing for her…she has just had the time of her life. She can’t remember at any point in her life where she has even come close to feeling how she feels now.

In each other’s arms, Nancy musters up the courage to ask Jeff about Ellie.

“I think Ellie is cool, I liked her from the first time that I saw her” Jeff explains. “She has changed though from whom she was, I really liked her when she was bigger, physically that’s what I’m attracted to and her attitude has also changed for the worse”.

“Is that why you weren’t interested in me?” Nancy asks.

“I wasn’t physically attracted to you then, I like bigger women and you were way too skinny for me, and you had a real bad attitude, I hate that!” Jeff replies.

Nancy briefly processes this information then quietly asks “what about now?”

A smile appears on Jeff’s face as he squeezes her tightly and whispers in her ear “you are what I’ve been looking for”.

Nancy instantly melts and gives him a long passionate kiss as they continue their lovemaking.

The next morning, Nancy wakes up and feels incredible as if she was still in a blissful dream. A moment of shock passes over her as she thinks that maybe this whole thing was just a dream. She struggles as she rolls over and to her relief she finds Jeff in the bed next to her. A huge smile appears of Nancy’s chubby face and she leans over to give Jeff a big kiss. Jeff wakes up, as he was almost crushed by Nancy reaching over him to kiss him. Jeff laughs, rolls over, embraces Nancy’s huge body in his arms then kisses her. “Good morning sunshine” he says to her.

Nancy giggles and returns the kiss. They stay in bed for a few minutes exchanging smooches until finally Jeff gets up out of bed. “Stay here my princess, this morning you will be treated like royalty… breakfast will be coming up shortly” he says to Nancy.

Nancy gives him a big approving smile and he leaves the room.

About a half an hour later, Jeff returns to the room with the serving cart that he found in the kitchen loaded with a delicious breakfast that he whipped up for the both of them. This was an extra large meal as he figured that Nancy surely can eat her fair share but he didn’t realize that the food he had made was barely enough to feed Nancy, let alone the both of them.

Jeff starts taking the contents off of the tray and carefully starts to feed it to Nancy. Nancy with a huge smile on her face accepts graciously.

After the meal, Jeff lays back in bed feeling stuffed. He looks over to Nancy and notices that she has a little pout on her face. “What’s wrong sweetie?” Jeff asks.

Nancy ashamedly turns her head away and says “nothing.”

Jeff knowing better rolls over and starts tickling her. Nancy begins to laugh and squirm. “If you won’t tell me what’s wrong, I’ll force it out of you” he says with a smile on his face as he continues tickling Nancy.

Nancy unable to bear it anymore yells out in a giggly way “ok, ok, just stop!”

Jeff stops and looks at her with a smile.

Nancy lowers her head ashamedly and softly says “I’m still hungry”.

Jeff a little surprised, smiles and says “Is that all?”

Nancy nods her head.

“Well then you just wait right here my princess, I shall return” Jeff says.

Nancy perks up with a huge smile and gives him a kiss as he leaves.

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