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Projetto Rondo - by Lilo (~SSBBW (multiple), ~Sex, ~XWG)

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Aged Member
Feb 8, 2007
~SSBBW (multiple),~Sex, ~XWG - a blatant desert fantasy ripoff of a favourite film: Bertolucci’s “Under the Sheltering Sky”

[Author's note: This is a multi-part FST (Fat Spy Thriller), a sequel to "Countersplurge." It has been around a couple of years or so –Italy was still involved in the Iraq war when it was written.]

A Heavyweight Road Movie
by Lilo

1 Preliminaries

“Down there! You say your mother is down there?”

Capitano Eusebio “Nino” Tarantola-Guarini of the Italian Navy SPS (special projects squad) peered down into the deep green water of the canal in disbelief.

Was this what he had flown right round the world for to Dolores, a tiny Polynesian island at the back of beyond?

“Of course” said the fat boy. ”She’s been down there ever since I was about 5 or 6. I can only just remember being allowed to roll around and play on her when she was still a Queen on dry land. She’s somewhere deep down in the Queens' Canal mingling with all the other great queens of the past. We are so proud of her. We think of her every day, when we drink our Schlum; it helps us get big”.

“But they told me in Washington she was one of their top agents in the War on Terror…”

“That’s exactly right - so she was” said a deep voice behind him. “I’m Sam’s li’l sister Trix, Hi! What can we do for you?”

“…the Admiral promised me Lieutenant Esfera would be just the right build for my project… ” The Capitano’s voice tailed off as he took in the full vision of Trixxi.

"Madonna! She’s big!" He gasped as he mentally weighed her up.

Two Royal lackeys were now helping Trixxi out of her electric Palace buggy. She was blond and she was wide. In fact, he reckoned, she was as wide as the height of a door but not nearly the height. She was also, he now realised, completely naked, yet not obviously so because she was so swagged around with countless necklaces, jewellery and strings of cowry shells.

She fully realised what he was thinking. She slapped an immense hip. “Yup. Have to stay mobile” she said with her fat continuing to jiggle. “I have to look after little nephew Cosmo here. He gets up to all sorts as boys will”

She chucked the cheek affectionately of the near spherical boy.

Cosmo attempted several Kung fu routines unsuccessfully. Perhaps the boy was about twelve or thirteen, the Capitano guessed, though it was difficult to tell.

“Geez! You still look pretty choked off Cap’n. Come and get lunch with us.”

Three hours later Nino lay stuffed, napping contentedly in Queen Trixxi’s private courtyard at the Palace. Queen Trixxi’s most alluring helpers had busied themselves dividing their attentions between feeding their charge and trying, as the Queen had commanded, to lift the distraught Italian’s spirits.

The Queen and young Cosmo had long ago stretched out asleep, yet the plump young helpers had continued cradling the visitor in their capacious laps until he too slept.

Jet lagged, he did not stir till the early evening. As he came round Queen Trixxi was eyeing up him appraisingly.

“That catnap won’t have done you any harm at all Cap’n.“When you’re showered off, we’ll ship you back to your hotel”

The lackeys attentively worked at rejuvenating the Capitano in the shower. He was dried off and re-packaged.

To say that he’d enjoyed the experience would be an understatement.

With the assistance of her helpers, Queen Trixxi now made an entrance wearing a long sea green silk dress. Boggling at the whole astonishing sight, it seemed to the Capitano that her mountainous corpulence had just been spray painted over with shimmering quivering green silk. Nothing was left to his imagination.

“OK buddy boy! Lets go eat”, the Queen said breezily as her helpers eased her across the courtyard to a waiting shiny black Hummer limo. After she’d been poured in, the Capitano climbed in alongside. With the helpers following on behind, they headed to The Inn on the Sea where Capitano Nino was staying.

The Queen was unceremoniously more carried than walked by her escorts through the great palm thatch roofed beach hotel reception area onto the pool terrace by the beach. She was parked on a wide ottoman someone had quickly produced and settled into bar snacks and aperitifs with the Capitano. It seemed she was a fairly frequent visitor.

“I wanna dance before we eat” she announced, “cos once we’ve eaten I sure won’t be able to stand.”

The Capitano tried but failed to haul her up. The lackeys did the job for him.
Hardly moving as they began to “dance” she clung close to him. He felt almost enveloped in her endless softness.

“Look,” she mouthed in his ear, “cut all the Queen crap will you? I’m just plain fat Trix. In fact amazingly fat desirable Trix”.

She wiggled herself against him for added emphasis.

Against her lower abdomen she felt him rising to her in response.

”So what did you want with my sister? Would you like to ask me instead? After all, we were in it together. We were both agents. And obviously you are looking for a fat girl”.

Now she was rotating her belly around against his rigid dick.

“Though perhaps”, she whispered in his ear, “I’m not fat enough for you – eh Big Boy?”

She had to support him as he lapsed into incoherence.

She summoned her helpers and got assistance back to their table. Great glass bowls of iced Shlum served up as a kind of giant fruit salad restored the Capitano. The Shlum was the prelude to a long bulky supper. Piles of crabs arrived, a stack of corncobs dripping in butter, a yard long complete fish, pork ribs, platters of vegetables, mountains of rice, sweet and sour pineapples, marinated chicken. The Capitano ate a few items while Trix expertly demolished the rest.

In a low voice the Capitano briefed her as she ate, the constant pounding of the surf in the background protecting them from eavesdropping. He explained the purpose of his mission to seek out her secret agent sister. An Italian cruise ship, specialising in the needs of fat people had been hijacked near the coast of north Africa and tourists had been abducted as hostages. American citizens were among those missing but the most significant feature of the incident was that all the missing persons were female and very fat. Indeed, he lowered his voice even further, some were so extraordinarily fat, they were immobile.

“Wowee, that’s a load fatter than me, honey bun!” Trix cooed, then paused houghtfully.

“So why don’t I get back into shape and get after them for you, instead of big sister Sam?” she enthused, “I’m totally bored here being a Delorean Queen”.

Nino paused, then left to radio his superiors, who confirmed her background and security clearances.

“OK, we work together,” he reported back.

A month later Capitano Nino sat in his discreet black Alfa Romeo 165 in the docks at Catania, Sicily. He was watching the doors of the Stazione Marittima across the street, waiting for the passengers to emerge from the white hulk of a cruise liner that had just berthed.

Suddenly he saw her. Unmistakeable, even though much reduced in bulk, Trix came waddling out quite briskly, her blond hair flowing behind her.

But what appalled him was that the fat boy was with her, struggling to keep up!

“What is he doing here?” were his first words of greeting.
“I promised his mother I’d always look after him. If I go, he goes. If he doesn’t go, I don’t go! And besides, he has never been to Europe. Don’t you like the new shape I’m in?” she sashayed a few steps. “480 lbs now, I’ve lost over a third of my previous weight”.

“Si Si. But little Cosmo now looks to be bigger than his aunty! He is going to be a total liability on our assignment.”

Somehow they’d all squashed into the Alfa Romeo, their baggage following on later by Navy transport.

They ran through the citrus groves around the lower slopes of snow capped Mount Etna until, perched high over the Mediterranean alongside Taormina, they drove into a securely gated compound to halt on a gravel turning circle before a grandiose villa.

“Welcome to our Special Projects unit in Sicily. This is where we are training. Come and meet the other ladies of Progetto Rondo. They look forward very much to greet an American Queen.”

Parked alongside a pool under a pergola, Trix saw three other gigantic females overflowing their recliners. They wore matching bikinis, pink with white polka dots. After the Capitano had hauled them upright, they conducted a competitive appraisal of one another’s figures during the introductory pleasantries.

Zvtslyna from Albania, was a bubbly bottle blond (with black roots). Trix judged. Zvtslyna had to be close to herself weightwise, though where Trix had all the tell-tale signs of someone much reduced in body size, Zvtslyna was just the opposite. She seemed like she’d only very recently gained lots of weight Trix thought, with a bizarre pumped up hourglass figure. Her belly stuck out as if she was 11 months pregnant, her heavy jutting bosom rode even further ahead with a deep cleavage running right up to the chins of her rosy face but her enormous arse, two huge globes of jelly, dominated everything.

Olga from Russian was vast and slack bellied, much like Trix herself only shorter and with a huge coil of yellow hair .. A spongy lower belly apron sagged to below mid point on her thighs. Olga was introduced as an Arabic speaker.

Last and certainly not least, Marijka was Dutch and very scary. She looked to be the height of a basketball player and everywhere she was very much more meaty than soft fat. She had long blond hair that, like Trix’s, she’d been born with. Only she just helped it to be a little more platinum.

Cosmo meanwhile had contrived to fall into the pool, bouncing about in it like a large beach ball. His tee shirt and shorts looked like they would burst off him. He was only lured out by the cook displaying large pizza slices and Coke.

It being lunchtime, the bossy cook shooed them off the pool terrace. Like geese they were all waddling in front of her into a cool shadowy room. For two hours they reclined around a low table stuffing themselves. It was a classic Italian meal of Parma ham and melone followed by a mountainous platter of pasta marinara for each of the ladies, salad, cassata Siciliana and coffee.
The cook and Cosmo having become firm friends, she spirited him away into the kitchens for stuffing with his own favourites.

Around 5.30 the Capitano roused the ladies to continue with a briefing session.

Registered in Genova, “La Vita Ronde” is one of the world’s most luxurious ships. It specialises in lavish catering exclusively for the leisure needs of fat people. After sampling “Life in the Round” during a cruise, many patrons decide to continue their life of pleasure on the ship. By acquiring their own bespoke shipboard accommodation they are able to live permanently afloat.

Six weeks ago a masked gang hijacked the ship and passengers were brutally abducted.

The ship had just made one of its routine visits to the Italian island of Pannecottera in the southern Med. Since the Tunisian coast is close enough to be seen on a clear day, the island’s culture is a mixture of Arab and Italian. Pannecotterans love pampering their children and enjoy a cuisine of both pasta and sweet things in abundance. Not surprisingly they have earned a tourism reputation for being by far the fattest people in Europe.

The hijackers must have slipped on board the ship while it was berthed at Pannecottera. The ship’s departure had been delayed for more than 12 hours due to a disturbance in the harbour. There is an annual procession of decorated boats marking the traditional way provisions arrived by boat for Christmas feasting in the capital. Noisy fireworks explode and there is boisterous rivalry about who has the best decorated boat. This year the fighting got out of hand, completely blocking the narrow harbour entrance. We have reason to believe provocateurs were at work.

“La Vita Ronde” eventually left the next morning but not before the Americans on board had complained vigorously about the delay. They’d already been jumpy because they felt the ship uncomfortably close to Muslim Africa.

They had every reason to be alarmed. Hours later, just after lunch, masked gunmen seized the ship. They occupied the bridge, compelling the ship to heave to. A couple of fishing boats (their markings obliterated) came alongside and individuals from the ship’s complement were singled out and forced to transfer. The prime targets were Americans, English and Italians, because of the Iraq war, it seems

But an extraordinary aspect is that all the women in what the ship terms its “special accommodation” were abducted while a couple of American men alongside, in similar shape, were passed over. “Special accommodation” residents share one thing in common: they are all so grossly fat that, even by the standards of the ship, they have all been declared officially immobile. Twelve enormous women were craned out in slings of whom four were Italian, three American and one English - others removed were German, Russian and Swedish.

Along with Washington and the Brits, we at first labelled this an al-Qaida attack, a view reinforced by a fuzzy video shown later on Al Jazeera where an al-Qaida deputy claimed it as a revenge attack for infidels in Islamic lands.
More recently however, our informers inside the Mafia report the involvement of those who make money trafficking humans across the Med. We are keeping an open mind until we know more.

You ladies, we hope, will be our means of learning more.

Briefing continued the next day on the smuggling of illegal immigrants and the involvement of Sicily and the various isolated Italian islands in the south Med such as Pannecoterra and Lampedusa.

The women were also briefed on the customs and culture of North Africa as well as learning of current volatile issues and personalities.

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