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Red & Reb - by RVGleason (BBW, SSBHM, Romance, Feeding)

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Sep 29, 2005
BBW, SSBHM, Romance, Feeding - Love at first sight in the diner!

[Author's Note: This is my earliest story and characters, Red & Reb.]
Red & Reb

by RVGleason

Red yawned, covering his mouth with his beefy hand. He looked at the clock next to his computer.

“Almost midnight,” he said.

He stared at the document on his computer screen, made a few extra changes in the text, then clicked on "save", and put the computer in sleep mode. He started to rise from his chair, then flopped back down on the seat. It took Red two more tries before he managed to get his bulk in a standing position. After sitting for over four hours writing another Sci-Fi story, it was no wonder it took his legs awhile to find their strength to support Red’s weight.

Terry "Red" Patrick was one of the most successful science fiction writers in the business. His books always hitting number one in the Best Sellers lists, with several having been turned into major blockbuster movies and TV series. He was recognized worldwide for the quality of his writing. He was an imposing figure, both artistically and physically. He was not only recognizable by his shock of thick, red hair, hence his nickname, but also for being one of the fattest writers around. Getting into a routine of spending hours writing and eating, barely leaving his home except to visit his favorite diner, Tony’s, Red managed to pack on a good 430 pounds on his 5’11 frame.

What surprised many people, including his doctor, was that despite his weight, Red was as healthy as a horse (some remarked on the resemblance!). His whole family were heavy, with no history of major health problems, and Red was no exception to the family rule. When he was younger, his size did cause him humiliation from cruel schoolmates. But now, as an extremely successful and wealthy writer, he could care less what people thought. When he did venture outside his home, it was either to collect another award for his work, or to eat.

It was now five minutes past midnight, and he called his driver to take him to Tony’s, which was open 24 hours. He preferred going there after midnight anyway, less people to hassle and stare at him. The driver helped Red into the back seat of his limo, which noticeably lowered a few inches, then off they went to Tony’s.

Rebecca Jones, the new waitress at Tony's, poured another cup of coffee for the truck driver who grunted his thanks. She smiled as he paid his bill, gave her a tip, and gruffly said "Thanks, babe," before he headed for his waiting rig. She rang up the cash register and deposited the money. She watched from the counter as the truck roared off into the darkness of the highway.

Sally, the other waitress at Tony’s, walked over to Rebecca and gave her a thumbs up.

“Hey Reb!" grinned Sally, “Not bad for your first night on the job. Old Ben barely even looks up at me when I serve him, and you almost got a whole sentence out of that road jockey!”

“Just my bubbly charm, I guess!”, Rebecca giggled. “You know us fat chicks are just slopping over with it!”

They both laughed, Rebecca laughing the loudest.

“Girlfriend!” said Sally. “You are something else. You’ve been on the job since 10 o’clock, and you already made more on tips than I do, and this is just your first night! There’s just something about you that brings a smile to everyone who meets you. I’ve known a few girls of, shall we say, 'size', who are just plain miserable. But, you don’t seem to let it bother you at all.”

“Well,” smiled Rebecca, “I’ll admit I once did feel pretty low about myself. But then one day I figured I could either remain miserable or say ‘screw it!’ if people don’t like the way I look, that’s their problem, not mine! Hey! This is who I am,” Rebecca said, her large, round body jiggling. “So what if I’m over 300 pounds, big deal. I’m healthy, the doc says no problems so far as he could see; he said I’ll probably outlive him! Besides, I think Tony hired me because I make a great advertisement for his cooking!”

“Honey, I think you’re on the button there!” laughed Sally.

They were both laughing when they spotted the limousine pulling up to the dinner.

“Gee, we’re getting the fancy crowd tonight,” Rebecca chuckled.

“Hey,” said Sally, “that’s one our regulars coming for his nightly meal, and a celebrity to boot.”

“Really?” Rebecca whispered. “Who?”

“Oh, just ‘Red’ Patrick, the writer, that’s all.”

Rebecca blinked, "THE Red Patrick? Wow!, I've read all his stuff and seen the movies from his books. And he eats here?”

“Every night, honey," Sally answered. “But let me give you some advice. He likes coming here because it’s quiet and out of the way. Doesn’t like being stared at.”

“He doesn’t?” quizzed Rebecca. “They don’t even put his pictures on his book. I don’t even know what he looks like. I wouldn’t think he would get recognized if nobody's seen what he looks,....” Rebecca’s sentence stuck in her throat as she saw the huge figure emerging from the open car door. She watched from behind the counter as Red Patrick started lumbering towards the diner’s door.

Sally poked Rebecca in her plump ribs. “Don’t stare so, Reb, you’ll burn a hole into the door!”

“I can’t help it, Sal,” Rebecca whispered heavily. “I just never saw anyone so, so...” she stammered.

“Fat?” Sally said, thinking she was finishing the sentence.

“No,” Rebecca finally answered. “I never saw anyone so cute!”

And she blushed as Red Patrick entered the diner, his body filling the entire frame of the door.

Red slowly headed for his favorite table. When he became a regular patron, Tony made a special reserved table just for Red. It was out of the way and more private, with the table spaced just enough from the seat for Red to squeeze his body in. Since eating at Tony's, Red was a bit amused to find the space between the table and his belly had gotten smaller. "Tony must have moved the table closer," Red joked to himself, even though he knew the table was bolted to the floor. He started thumbing through the menu to decide what he wanted when he heard the waitress' voice.

"What can I get you, honey?"

"Hmmm, Sally's getting a little more familiar than usual," Red thought and he turned to give his order. The words stuck in his throat when he saw that it wasn't Sally but someone new waiting on him. She was no taller than 5'8, with soft, blond hair which cascaded like a halo framing her round face. Her eyes were a lovely shade of blue, which sparkled when she smiled. And her body was large, plump and round. She must have weighed at least 320 pounds, a good hundred pounds less than Red himself. Red couldn't help but keep staring at her beaming face with the sparkling blue eyes.

"Um, your order, Mr. Patrick?" Rebecca repeated, her voice almost like a song.

Red snapped out of his trance and quickly glanced at the menu in his hands. "Oh, yeah, right. Um, I'd like the T-Bone steak, well done, with onions and steak fries, and a large cherry coke, please."

"Okay, honey, coming right up. And if you need anything else, you just give ol' Rebecca a holler, okay?" Rebecca sweetly smiled as she collected the menu and headed for the order window. Red couldn't help but keep staring at her as she gave the order, so transfixed he didn't notice when Rebecca finished relaying the order by adding the sentence: "And make sure those are double portions, Tony!"

Red watched as Rebecca took another customer's order, her face beaming in a big smile. After awhile, he noticed Rebecca returning to his table with his order. She placed the dish down in front of him so as to get the full whiff of the food's aroma. Red blinked as he saw the huge platter in front of him overflowing with steak fries and the biggest T-bone steak he ever saw.

"Gee, I'm sure I ordered a regular plate," Red puzzled.

Before he could say anything, Rebecca placed the steak knife and fork into Red's hands and in bright voice said, "Now, if you need anything else, sweetie, Rebecca will be nearby. Enjoy!"

And Red watched as Rebecca practically skipped back to the counter. He watched her closely, fascinated that a woman that large could move so gracefully. He was still staring when she look his way.

"Now, you eat that while it's still hot and sizzling, you hear?" she playfully scolded. Red took another whiff of the hot steak, and began eating his meal.

"Delicious," he thought, "the best Tony's ever made." He put his attention to his meal, not noticing that Rebecca was now staring at him eating and enjoying every bite he was taking.

"My, my," Rebecca giggled to herself, "that boy is a good eater!" She continue to tend to her other customers, with one eye longingly fixed on Red.

As he was taking the final bite of his dinner, Rebecca quickly went to the pie rack and cut a huge slice of homemade apple pie, topping it with a more than liberal amount of whipped cream, and brought the pie to Red's table just as he swallowed the last piece of steak.

"Here's your dessert, honey!" Rebecca merrily chimed as she placed the tempting dish on the table.

"Dessert?" Red questioned. "But I didn't order dessert."

"It comes with the meal," Rebecca smiled sweetly.

"Really?" Red smiled back, knowing full well that wasn't the case. "Is this a new policy Tony instituted?" and waited to hear her answer.

Unfazed, Rebecca cheerfully returned the volley. "As of tonight, dearie! Now, you're not going to say no after I went to the trouble of bringing it, are you?"

Red grinned as he picked up his fork. "Well, if you put it that way, how can I refuse!" He speared a large piece of pie and cream with his fork and shoved it into him mouth. "Hmmmmm!", he exaggerated his delight. "Just like Mumsie used to make!" and helped himself to another forkful. He finished off he pie in a few minutes, leaving the plate empty except for a few crumbs and dabs of whipped cream. He placed the fork on the plate like a victorious hunter, and Rebecca clapped her hands in appreciation.

"My hero!" she laughed, and Red couldn't help but laugh as well. He began to raise himself out of the booth to take a bow, then found to his surprise that he couldn't move. His belly was pressed firmly against the table. What little space had been there was gone and Red found himself wedged tightly in the booth. His struggle was noticeable, and the few patrons in the diner turned their attention towards his direction, a few smirking as they watched. He saw them staring at him and he felt himself flush in embarrassment, when suddenly he felt a tugging on his arm and realized it was Rebecca helping to pry him loose.

"Now, don't you worry, honey," she said reassuringly. "This happens to ME all the time!" She gave him a wink as she tugged his arm again. Red pushed as she tugged, and found himself slowly but surely slipping out. He gave himself one more push just as Rebecca gave one final tug, causing him to pop out of the booth like a champagne cork and both he and Rebecca crashed to the floor of the diner with a loud THUMP! The rest of the customers watched as Red and Rebecca slowly sat up, bumping their heads together as they did. They both stared at each other for a second, and then Red gave out a loud, hardy laugh.

"Gee, I hope Tony has earthquake insurance!" he bellowed and was joined by Rebecca and the rest of the diner in a long, good natured laugh. A couple of the patrons came over to help Red and Rebecca to their feet, which took them a couple of tries before they succeeded. Red thanked them all and allowed Rebecca to lead him by the arm to the cash register.

"Well, Rebecca, not only do you serve great meals here," he grinned broadly, "but you even provide entertainment with audience participation!" and gave out another loud laugh.

"We aim to please!" Rebecca giggled as she rang up his bill. Red paid the bill, and gave Rebecca an extremely generous tip.

"Thank you," he grinned, " for a wonderful dining experience!"

"My pleasure, Mr. Patrick." Rebecca shyly smiled, feeling her cheeks warmly blush.

Red smiled back, "Please, call me Red." Then he leaned forward and softly whispered, "Rebecca, what time is your shift over?"

Rebecca blushed again and whispered back, "At 5 am, just before the breakfast staff comes in. And you can call me Reb".

Red warmly smiled. "Reb, would you care to join me for breakfast? I hear Tony's serves a great ham, eggs and pancake breakfast platter."

"I'd love it," Rebecca answered, feeling herself blush again.

"Then, I'll see you at five, Reb!" Red winked as he headed for the door with a more noticeable waddle to his walk. Rebecca watched as Red managed to squeeze himself back into his limo, and saw him wave as the car drove off.

She went back to the counter to see Sally giving her a wry smile.

"Well," said Sally, "I guess Tony is going to have to move Red's table out a couple of more inches."

"Inches?" Rebecca slyly smiled. "I think perhaps another foot and a half is going to be a necessity!" They both laughed and went back to work, Breakfast was only a few hours away and Rebecca made a note for the cook to make sure and have an extra large order of hash browns ready.

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