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The Waterpark 1-6 - Philled Up (~BBW (Multiple), BHM. Eating, Romance, ~SWG)

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Philled Up

Nov 7, 2005
~BBW (Multiple), BHM. Eating, Romance, ~SWG - a love triangle involving two curvy college co-eds and the FA they desire

The Waterpark​

by Philled Up

[Ed Note: this a 2007 remake and major expansion of an earlier posted story, found here]

Freshman Year

My freshman year in college was everything I had hoped it would be. I got good grades, made some friends and dated many beautiful young coeds. Actually, “dated” might not be the right term. I’ve got this thing about making commitments, so I really never had a steady girlfriend.

A number of girls expressed an interest in dating me exclusively, but I just didn’t want to limit my options. However, there were two girls I that I really liked: Carrie and Jessica. They were smart. They were sexy. And they were roommates. This is the rather complicated story of my relationships with Carrie and Jessica.

Carrie, Jessica and I were all Pre-Law students, taking many of the same classes, going to many of the same parties, studying in the same library and eating at the same cafeteria. Because we all knew that we’d be seeing each other a lot during college, and the girls didn’t want a guy to get between them and ruin their friendship, we decided not to do the boyfriend-girlfriend thing with each other. However, that didn’t mean we couldn’t fool around.

Jessica and I hooked up the third week of school. She was my first college “experience.” She was a pretty, large breasted red-head. At 5’4” and a curvy 140lbs, she really filled out a pair of jeans. Her legs were soft, but firm. The sex was good. She told me that she had a thing for smart, funny, athletic men. At that time, I was a lean 145lbs on my 5’9” frame. Jessica was a sweet, sensitive and passionate young woman who seemed out of place in the cut-throat world of Pre-Law classes. We were “friends with benefits.” We both enjoyed each others company and she seemed to accept my many rationalizations for why I wasn’t ready to date exclusively.

My roommate Brian also took an interest in Jessica, but she politely dismissed his advances. Brian was a nice guy and a good, reliable friend, but he didn’t have much luck with the ladies. He wasn’t a bad looking guy; he was just a little awkward around women. I hoped that some of my “mojo” would rub off on Brian. For all the hours that he spent sleeping in the hallway while I was entertaining a young coed in our dorm room, he deserved to get some female attention. I was constantly on the lookout for any opportunity for Brian to get some action. But for most of our freshman year, I was unsuccessful.

I had my eye on Carrie since the first week of college. When I first saw her, I thought she had the most beautiful green eyes, but she was a little thinner than most of the girls I normally go out with. At 5’6” and an athletic 135lbs, she wasn’t skinny, but a little too thin for my tastes. Jessica had told me that Carrie joined the cross-country team in high school and lost about 20 pounds her senior year. She also complained that neither she nor Carrie were getting much exercise due to our hectic course load and were planning on just letting the freshman 15 happen.

Carrie seemed a lot more ambitious than her roommate Jessica and a natural lawyer. She clearly had a competitive streak academically and seemed focused on achieving anything she put her mind to. Because I had hooked up with Jessica at the beginning of the year, it felt like she was making an effort not to get too close to me. Over the course of the first semester Carrie eventually began to warm up to me and I was able to get her to lower her defenses, at least a little.

Early second semester, after a dorm party, Carrie and I found ourselves alone on a secluded bench outside our dorm. We quietly began to explore each other’s bodies with our hands. I could feel that Carrie was no longer as firm as I once imagined, as the freshman 15 was beginning to take its toll. Instead of a lean 135lbs, she was more like a slightly out of shape 145lbs. Although still thin, she was now a little softer around the middle. Since there was no way I’d be able to make it up the stairs without exploding, I led Carrie to the soft grass behind the bushes.

Carrie wasn’t the only one putting on a few pounds. My roommate Brian and I were frequently meeting Jessica and Carrie at the cafeteria to study. Buffets are not the best places to study, if your goal is to stay in shape. That was becoming noticeable for each of us. Brian started the year at 5’10” and 170lbs, and by the beginning of semester had gained 10 pounds, just like Carrie. Jessica and I had each gained 7 pounds, weighing 147 and 152 respectively.

After Carrie and I hooked up, it was a little awkward between Carrie and Jessica. Since they were good friends and I had already stated that I wasn’t going to exclusively date anyone my freshman year, we decided to make a deal with each other. And since we were pre-law students, we decided to form a written agreement. They decided that it was alright to fool around as much as we wanted, as long as I didn’t date anyone exclusively. The deal seemed to work for all of us and the girls no longer felt like they were betraying their roommate every time they hooked up with me. Jessica wasn’t crazy about the arrangement, but went along with it, hoping that I would eventually make an exclusive commitment to her.

Summer Plans

Summer break was approaching and I was having such a great time in college that I didn’t want go home. Carrie and Jessica felt the same way. Brian lived in town, so he was already home, essentially. So in late April, we started looking for fun jobs near campus. I recommended that we work at the Wild Water World, the largest water park in the US. I knew that they were hiring for the summer and preferred hiring college kids. Although it didn’t pay well, we’d be able to ride all of the rides for free when we weren’t working and get a 50% employee discount on food. Plus, they had the longest enclosed waterslide in the world, “The Tunnel,” nearly half a mile long. The best part was that two people could ride the slide together, as long as their combined weight did not exceed 350lbs.

The idea of being in a hot, dark, wet environment for over three minutes with either Carrie or Jessica laying on top of me sounded too good to be true. But I knew the only way I could get this to work would be if I could convince Brian to work there. There would occasionally be two hot girls in bathing suits lying on top of him, which made it an easy decision. Brian and I also agreed that we’d go to the gym four days per week so we could get back in shape.

For Carrie and Jessica, their concerns were a little different. They wanted to share time with me as equally as possible. So, after some negotiation, we drafted a new contract for the water park and signed it.

1) We each commit to spending at least four days or evenings at the waterpark together and working the same shifts. (Group’s idea)
2) While at the waterpark our primary ride will be “The Tunnel.” (My idea, which everyone liked)
3) We will alternate partners for The Tunnel, opposite gender only, at every possible opportunity. (Carrie and Jessica’s idea)
4) At no time will someone go down The Tunnel by themselves if it is possible to ride with someone else. (Brian and Carrie’s idea)
5) There will be no exclusive dating of anyone signing the contract while we are working at the waterpark. (My idea, but everyone seemed to agree with this one)

It seemed to be an agreement that everyone could live with. Brian liked that he was guaranteed to go down the slide with one of the girls every time, assuming that their combined weight remained under 350 pounds. The girls liked that they would be alternating turns with me and there was no exclusive dating. I liked that I would be able to fool around with two attractive young women all summer long. I wasn’t crazy about the agreement between Brian and myself to go to the gym and get back in shape, but I knew both Carrie and Jessica found me more attractive when I had my washboard abs. I told them that I found them more attractive with their new curves. To my delight, they each said that they didn’t mind the few extra pounds.

By the end of our freshman year we moved into new, single apartments for the summer. With school out, housing was very cheap. Brian and I had started going to the gym everyday. Our first trip to the gym was shocking for both of us as we got up on the scale. I had gained 8 more pounds since winter break and was up to 160lbs. Brian had gained 7 more pounds and was up to 187lbs. I figured by working out four times a week and getting some additional “exercise” with Carrie or Jessica in the evenings, I should be able to drop my freshman 15 by the end of the summer.

After working out, I went out to lunch with Jessica and mentioned that I was now in the 160’s and Brian was near 190. She told me that she thought she was probably close to 150 herself, but she hadn’t weighed herself since winter break, after her mom ridiculed her for gaining a few pounds. She also thought that Carrie probably now outweighed her. I pressed her a little about what she thought about my weight. She said that she’d like to see me lose a couple of inches around the waist and put on some muscle. Then she turned the tables on me and asked what I thought about her body. I told her that she was sexier now than when we first met.

For the summer, both Carrie and Jessica decided to enjoy themselves and not worry about their weight. I told them that sounded like a very enjoyable plan. Because both girls were still a little self-conscious about wearing bathing suits in public, neither girl applied for life-guard or ride operator positions. However, around me, they had no such inhibitions about their bodies.

New Jobs

We started our new jobs at the waterpark near the end of May. We all worked the same shifts so that we could either enjoy the waterpark after work or on our shared days off. Brian and I were looking forward to working on our tans as lifeguards. The rides that we were watching had very little chance of anyone drowning, so there wasn’t much pressure. Carrie got a job at the Fudge Shoppe and Jessica worked at the Ice Cream Palace. Since neither girl had to wear a bathing suit in public all day nor were either of them on a diet, they both liked their jobs.

We worked from 8:00 to 4:30 five days a week. After our first day, we decided to spend the night at waterpark. We had a big dinner at the park (50% off food for employees is a pretty good deal). Over dinner, both girls raved about their new jobs. Carrie loved cooking and sampling the fudge while Jessica got free ice cream and cookies. All that food didn’t seem to affect their appetites during dinner or desert. Then we changed into our swim suits and headed toward The Tunnel.

Jessica was wearing a tight, one-piece bathing suit that was straining to hold her growing butt. Carrie decided to wear a bikini from high school. It was a little snug and really showed off her round breasts and little tummy. We approached the elevator that would take us up nearly 10 stories to the top of ride. The last time I rode The Tunnel, nine months ago, I fantasized about going down the ride with a hot, voluptuous woman. Neither girl was in the voluptuous class yet, but they were both approaching chubby.

When we got to the top, there was an operator there to instruct people on going down the ride, making sure people didn’t go down too close together and checking so that each pair didn’t exceed the 350lb limit. Jessica and I got weighed first. She was a little self-conscious about getting on the scale with me. We combined to weigh 310lbs, well within the limit. Next, Brian and Carrie got on the scale. 337lbs. Brian and I each lost 4 lbs since we started working out, so I was able to estimate that Jessica and Carrie were each up to 154 pounds.

The ride down with Jessica was fantastic. I laid down on the foam mat facing up while Jessica laid down on top of me. It wasn’t long before she rolled over and we were face to face. We ravaged each other’s bodies and kissed the whole 3 minutes. Luckily the ride is enclosed so we didn’t have to worry about children watching. About 30 seconds later, Brian and Carrie came down the slide together. Both enjoyed it, but not nearly as much as Jessica and I did.

Next it was Carrie’s turn to ride with me. We got on the scale for a combined 310lbs. Jessica and Brian combined for 337lbs. Carrie and I made out a little, but also talked more. She mentioned that she was worried that by working in the Fudge Shoppe, she might get fatter than Jessica, who was now technically overweight. I replied that because she is taller than Jessica by two inches and more athletic, that even if she weighed 15lbs more than Jessica, she’d still be thinner. I also told her how hot she looked in that little bikini.

At the end of the first week, both girls really liked their new jobs and Brian and I were enjoying The Tunnel tremendously. Brian and I each lost one more pound that week, taking me down to 155lbs and Brian down to 182lbs. We made the decision to eat less of the fattening, deep-fried waterpark food. He was a little concerned that if they gained too much weight, he wouldn’t be able to ride with them. I told him that if he focused on losing weight, that wouldn’t happen. After a little reflection, Brian responded, “If the girls do get too big to ride the Tunnel with me, I’m not sure I’d really want to be riding with them anyway.”

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