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Tiffany - by Pregnantstuffer (~BBW, Extreme eating, ~~WG)

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New Member
Apr 14, 2006
~BBW, Extreme eating, ~~WG -- a visit to her Aunt brings back a childhood lifestyle

[Original author's note: Hey its my first post and I'm working on a story; here is what i got right now. It's not spell checked or edited so please understand its just a draft. here you go I hope you like ot! Its not done by a long shot wadda ya thinK????]

by Pregnant Stuffer
- modified by the Observer​

The hot summer sun beamed down onto Tiffany's black hair as she walked slowly to her Aunt's house. It was her spring break and she was invited to stay with her for the week.

Tiffany was 18 years old and, as you would expect, she hadn't especially wanted to sit around her Aunt's old house on break. But her parents insisted that Aunt Mae should be humored - after all, she was helping with her neice's tuition.

Tiffany drgged her slightly thick but not fat 5'6 157 pound frame up the stairs lugging her suit cases behind her. By the time she reached the top her Aunt had opened the door and threw her arms around Tiffany.

"Hello Tiff, I haven't seen you in ages!"

"I know, its been what? 10 years?"

"At least," her Aunt said, stepping back and looking her over.

"You're so thin - your parents aren't starving you i hope!" she said with a laugh.

"No, i just dont like to cook and my mom always makes vegetarian food. I can eat pretty well given the right climate."

"Well, come in and sit down. i have lunch prepared for us"

As Tiffany walked inside she smelled the aroma of chicken and sweet corn bread tempting her from the kitchen.

Aunt Mae walked in after her plopping her bag on the ground.

"I'll unpack later for you, let's eat, ok Tiff?"

"Sure, I'm starving, Aunt Mae"

"Good, I've made your favorites. "

Tiff thought to herself for a minute but couldnt remember having any favorites. And how would her Aunt know them? Puzzled, she followed Aunt Mae into the kitchen and asked her what she meant by favorites.

"Oh honey you probably don't remember but I used to cook up a storm for you when you were younger. And all you wanted was ice cream floats, meat dishes and home made pizza when you were little. Your parents always scolded me but i couldnt resist making them anyways."

"Could I have been so forgetful?" Tiff thought to herself. "How could I forget eating such good food?"

"Well, why dont you sit down and I'll fix you a plate," her Aunt suggested.

Tiff took a seat and looked around the kitchen waiting for Aunt Mae to come out with lunch. She spotted a picture that caught her eye on a table and walked over to examine it. It was a portly little girl with a huge smile on her face and her parents in the background looking almost worried. The parents reminded her of younger versions of her own. "Could it be me?" she thought.

"Here you go sweetie," Aunt Mae said as she walked in and placed their lunch down on the table. "Oh I see you already found your old photos. Those were the days," Aunt Mae sighed. "Your parents dropped you off for the weekend and we would have so much fun."

Tiffany put the picture down and turned to her aunt. "I cant believe how i looked back then!"

"I know, you were as pretty as you are now," said Aunt Mae.

Tiffany was startled and didnt know what to say, but murmured a quiet thank you. She sat down and started small talk with Aunt Mae. She listned to her Aunt talk about the adventures they had and all the fun times Tiff and her had when she was younger.

As Tiffany listened she ate at a steadly faster pace as she grew more interested in the tales Aunt was telling her. She quickly slid a hot piece of pork into her mouth and nearly swallowed it whole.

She grabbed her spoon and took a big scoop of buttery gravy covered mashed potatoes and shoved it in. Before she knew it her plate was clean and Auntie Mae had taken it and replaced it with a huge ice cream float topped with cherriies and a big piece of triple chocolate cake.

Tiffany couldn't resist, actually she never considered trying to, and dug in. She enthusiastically slurped the float and ate the cake with her fingers while her Aunt did the dishes. Tiffany looked down at her belly and was shocked to see it was beginning to stick out of her shirt. But she wasn't bothered by it. Aunt Mae walked in smiling and went over to Tiffany and wiped the cake and remaining ice cream off of her face.

"I'm glad you enjoyed lunch sweetie" Aunte Mae said as she leaned in and softly patted Tiffany's little belly.

"Oh it was great Aunty. I really dont eat that much usually, i swear."

" It's fine honey I'm glad you liked my food. How about you go unpack and I'll start dinner?"

"Ok, I guess," Tiffany said, a little confused. "Why," she wondered, "is she starting dinner so soon - its only 12:00 in the afternoon."

She went into her room and headed straight for the bed were she fell asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow. In her dreams Tiffany was sitting on her Aunt's patio and sunbathing as she sipped a cool rootbeer float.

She awoke to the smell of ribs and decided to freshen up after her nap. She walked into the bathroom and took a look in the morror to check her makeup. It looked fine so she then viewed her wardrobe. She was shocked to see her reflection. Her once little flat abs were a soft little pot belly. She tried to suck the little bulge in but was still too full to hide it.

"Gosh , I've really got to watch my weight I'm going to be a baloon by the end of this trip," she thought for a leeting moment.

She walked down to the kitchen, her new found belly bouncing slightly with each step. She smelled the aroma and imagined with anticipation what awaited her.

"Hi Auntie," Tiff said.

"Oh hello sweetie" said auntie. "I hope you had a good nap. You were exhausted. I've prepared a great dinner for you and I."

Tiffany looked at her belly and thought for a moment to cancel her dinner but the smells of roasted garlic and buttter made her stomach growl for more.

"OK, she said. "Digesting that lunch whiile taking a that nap really works up an appetite apparently," Tiff sad jokinly. "I'm hungry.

"How about we keep dinner a little less formal and eat in the family room while we watch television," her Aunt suggested.

"Sounds great." said Tiffany as she rounded the corner and saw two tv dinner type stands in front of the couch. She plopped down and pulled the small table towards her. Auntie rolled in a huge cart of food and placed it between their tables.

"Dig in," she said as she turned on the tv to watch Jepordy. Tiffany licked her lips a the sight of buttery rolls of hot bread and pork ribs in gravy. She felt her stomach gurgle and loaded up her plate.

Auntie seemed really into her show so Tiffany just kept on shoveling in spoonfull after spoonful of fattening goodness into her belly. She was finishing iff her third plate of ribs when Jepordy ended. Aunte Mae snapped out of her trance like state and looked at the nearly bare food cart.

"Oh no, I'im so sorry ," tiffany muffled out under her breath as she chewed a pice of pork.

"For what?" Auntie said.

"I ate all of our dinner. "

"Sweetie that was just the appetizer,I'd never make such a small amount for dinner, you know that.

"Of course ah, what was I thinking ," Tffany said in disbelief.

Auntie got up and rolled the cart back to the kitchen to restock it.

"Holy crap, I can't believe what I'm doing," Tiff thought as she grabbed a roll of fat hanging over her tube top. "I'm eating like a pig," she said aloud outside her Aubnt's hearing. "I cant help it though; the food is just so good. I know ill just run all of it off tomorrow. Yeah. that's what I'll do; indulge today work it off tomorrow. "

As soon as she finished her last words her Auynt came in with a new cart loaded to the gills. Most of it was pasta with some veggiers and chicken wings. Tiffany shoved aside her reservations and licked her lips ass her tastebuds anticipated the next course. . She dared to let herself think "Wouldn't it be great toeat like this every day!" And with that she began her second course; as soon as she was out of soda it was refilled by her auntie. She took hot pasta and dipped it into the cramy mushroom sauce then forced it into her mouth. The juices dripped down her chin and found there way onto her tube top.

Tiffany lay back and rubbed her new girth and let out a huge belch. Her Aunt rolled away the cart and left for the shower, leaving Tiffany alone. "There's ice cream in the kitchen, " she reminded her neice.

Instead, on the couch, Tiffany began to dream

I am in a state of bliss, stuffed to the gills with food and not a chore to do; Auntie takes care of everything.

"A girl could get used to this" Tiffany thought in her dream. She visualized her Aunt walking up to her after her shower, plopping down and engaging in small talk. "She doesn't seem to notice or care that my belly is bloated and my white tube top has stains from all the food on it.

"She kisses me goodnight and tells me i can go to sleep whenever i want to. I nod my head sleppily and doze off.

"I wake up next mornng to the smell of body odor and sweat. I get up slow and notice that I need a shower. I push myself up and head for the shower. In the bathroom I undress and rub my belly as if it needed affection from the abuse I caused the night before. It had grown quite a bit in fact and i notice my once slender thighs rubbing together when i walk.

"I hop in the shower and then look for somthing to wear. I chose my pink mini shirt and black and white polka dot button down top. The buttons strain against my stomach and I look allmost a little pregnant. The short skirt shows off my plump warm thighs rubbing together and I feel sexy as i jiggled down the stairs.

"I walk into the kitchen and noticed there is a note. "Sorry tiffany I have a meeting with a client today untill 5:00 pm. Breakfast is allready made and ive left you money for take out. "

"I smell the fresh pancakes under the heat lamp and waste no time. They are still hot and i loaded them with butter and syrup. I lick my fingers clean after devouring them and the eggs next to them and rub my belly which is now even bigger. It is an OJK thing. I sleep, then order chicken and pizza for an early afternoon lunch. Like when I was a little girl, I enjoy eating at Aunt Mae's

A loud commercial awakened Tiffany from her reverie and she snapped back to current time. Her Aunt was still taking her time in the shower.

"Why is this so exhilerating?"
Tiffany thought to herself. She slowlny stood up and placed on hand on her back and pushed her belly forward. It stuck out like a small beach ball. Tiffany giggled and remember the ice cream. She waddled into the kitchen and opened the fridge.

"What do we have in here?," she said. She spotted two liters of Hagen Das ice cream and a whole stick of unmade cookie dough. She grabbed a big spoon and slowly walked to her couch withone of the ice cream containers. She turned on the tv again, kicked her legs up and began gorging.

The sweet solid treat slid down her throat and into her fat waiting tummy. She let out a belch and continued. She ate untill there as nothing left. She had ice cream stains on her face and polka dot shirt. The botton button had popped as she licked her fingers and moaned in pleasure.

At this point Aunt Mae walked in, her shower and hair completed. She plopped down next to Tiffany and engaged in small talk. She didn't notice, or didn't care, that Tiffany's belly was bloated or that her white tube top had food stains on it. She kissed Tiffany goodnight and told her she could go to her room and sleep when ever she wanted to. Tiffany nodded her head sleepily and went off to her room where she immediately dozed off.

In the kitchen her Aunt laid $40 on the table and composed a note for the next day . . .

Editor's note: In its original draft form this story had potential but needed work. We never saw a revised copy and the author never posted again. So, after several months and the reviews below, it was revised to the state above.

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