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Welcome to the Dimensions' "Public Library"

Dimensions Magazine

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Dimensions' loiterer
Staff member
Global Moderator
Library Mod
Sep 29, 2005
The great white north, eh?
Welcome to the Dimensions’ “Public Library.”

This online library features stories with themes and characters that are almost non-existent in mainstream fiction: It’s about fat people, their lives, loves and emotions as well as people who admire them for being fat, defying the social dogma ‘only thin is beautiful’. If you are not interested or do not want to read about fat characters – women and men - and weight gain in a positive manner, then this board is not for you – so don’t read further.

Fat or weight gain fiction is a special interest field of writing – and this Library wants to showcase some good examples of this genre: From short stories to almost short novels. It’s not all eating and gaining. Many feature classic story lines and narratives adding the challenge of fat and weight for characters in a thin-obsessed reality, stories of overcoming insecurities and finding acceptance or an own voice. Stories many people who are overweight or fat will probably be able to relate to. Others openly celebrate the physical gratification and erotic excitement of a fat body, the illicit pleasures of gaining weight.

Featured are only stories that in the quality of their writing and themes might appeal to and are appropriate for a general audience – more or less the equivalent of US movie classification “PG13” or the Prime Time TV standard. They can also be seen as a first introduction to this type of story.

Weight gain fiction has many sub-categories – to give readers a basic overview of the main characters and themes, tags are added to the story titles. The abbreviations used are:

BBW = Big beautiful woman (the story contains one or more fat female characters)
BHM = Big handsome man (the story contains one or more fat male characters)
SSBBW, SSBHM = “super-sized” BBW or BHM respectively. As above, but extra-fat.

WG = weight gain (the story includes one or more characters who gain weight during the story)
XWG = “extra” weigh gain (as above, but they gain a lot of weight)

There may also be tags regarding the type of story (romance, dark, fantasy, science-fiction, etc).

This board is not open for comments. If you have concerns or questions, please send them to [email protected]

Background Information

DimensionsMagazine has featured weight related stories starting in its days as a print magazine. This tradition was continued onto its web site, and stories became a popular part of the web forums that carry on the Dimensions name. By now, a collection of over 3.000 stories has been established.

These can only be viewed in 11 sub-forums - only visible to those who sign-in to the site, however, as some stories have adult content or contain fairly specific fetish material that is not considered appropriate for an open board. Yet there are many great stories posted on Dimensions that are entirely appropriate for general availability, offered enjoyable reading and a different perspective for anybody interested in reading them.

Hence this board, where the moderators re-post some of the best material from the full library of stories. The initial set of stories has been chosen by the moderators, however there is a nominations thread in which Dimensions members can suggest stories they think would be appropriate to this board.

Any member may post stories in the Dimensions "Recent Additions" forum, as long as they abide by some basic rules. New authors are always welcome, so if you would like to write about fat characters or characters who are attracted to fat people, please consider signing up and contributing! The moderators are always glad to help new authors who may need some support.

Dimensions Membership

Becoming a member of the Dimensions forums is free, however you need to be at least 18 years old, and your membership request will have to be approved by one of the moderators.

Besides the story forums, there are forums discussing many other facets of being fat, being attracted to fat people, as well as general interest forums. You’ll find a diverse community, and posts ranging from fat fashion to the challenges of being attracted to fat partners, to discussions between people who want to be fatter to word games and friendly banter.

The current boards have been running since 2006, so there is also a huge history of older discussions to explore


The Public Library has been set up as a board that can be read without being logged in to Dimensions. For many years the main part of the library was set this way, but given the adult content of many of the stories, and the sites general 18+ requirement, this was changed to require logging in to read.

However a fair number of people initially found Dimensions via the Library, and only ended up joining in order to give feedback on stories or to post their own. We don’t want to entirely lose this path for people to explore their interests, nor its value in pulling new members into the community. Hence we are creating one board, fully moderated, where we can post stories that are appropriate for a general, completely unscreened audience.

In other words no explicit sex, no very heavy fetish activity, and we’ll think long and hard about darker stories before posting. The Public Library is about finding good stories to introduce a general audience to weight gain fiction – it is not about what pushes an individual’s mental fat blue movie buttons best.

Summary: This board will contain copies of existing good, quality stories, not new content. We are looking for nominations for suitable stories.

How you can help:

That is what is going on. Now for where you come in.

The team moderating the library is only so diverse in our tastes. If we only move our favourite stories to the new forum, it won’t really represent the diversity of stories found here. You can rest assured that FFA/BHM stories are known well by the moderating team, but we are collectively weaker in other areas.


Please nominate stories that are:

  • well written, meaning you could imagine them being published or posted alone for their writing quality in some other context.
  • would not freak out the parents of your fifteen year old niece or nephew, if they found them reading them. Meaning stories that meet a current PG13 or Prime Time TV standard.
  • - put a link to the story – to avoid mix ups or misunderstandings and save the moderators time. (You can use the ‘search’ and ‘advanced search’ feature to find it—and if you can’t remember it well enough to find it, odds on your description won’t be enough for us to find it either).


if you have written a story that you think may be appropriate, please let us know. If you have one you would like to touch up before it gets copied over, or which might be suitable if you just made one little change, also let us know—we can help with that.

This will take time

Please be patient if things don’t get migrated as quickly as you’d like. We don’t have the ability to copy entire threads over, so we have to go into edit view on each story post, copy it, and post it into the new thread. It takes time, especially on longer stories, and all of the moderators do this purely on a volunteer basis and have other things happening in their lives. We are eager to populate the new board, but it will take some time.

Want to tell the author how much you love the story?

There are no comments allowed on this board. However all of these stories are still on the main library boards; members can find the original posting and provide comments there. In fact if you read the original postings of any of these stories you'll find posts of praise and feedback--the main boards of the library are quite interactive between authors and readers, and you are certainly welcome to join that interaction.

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