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  1. Clonenumber47

    Looking Looking for Companionship and perhaps Relationship in or around Orlando, FL

    My name is Mike. I’m 6’3, 290, 35yrs, Italian, with dark hair and Hazel eyes. I am straight, and monogamous. As the title says, I live in the Orlando FL area, and am looking for a female friend to be a companion and perhaps start a relationship. I am an FA, Feeder, and Encourager. Although...
  2. F

    Is it fair for one person to date or be committed to another person and then try to get the other person to change their body size?

    It's "to be healthy", of course. Hello again. I met a seemingly nice dude and we had our first phone chat tonight. He asked me if, should we end up together, I'd be interested in going to the gym with him. I then asked him to clarify if he wanted me to just go with him or exercise with him and...
  3. DazzlingAnna

    Couple Things

    As I am personally faced with some "unconventional" acting in my private life I am curious: what do you consider as "essential behavior" in a relationship. Things in everyday life, same as general action or way of living. For me one would be that a partner is not feeling uncomfortable to be...
  4. W

    Girlfriend wants to lose weight but I don’t want her to. How can I change my attitude?

    My girlfriend and I are in a bit of a rough patch. She knows I’m a feeder and an FA, and initially was alright with it. But then, a few years into our relationship, she decided she wants to lose weight. Now I love my girlfriend and value her over a sexual kink any and every day, but it’s been...
  5. gedjt1

    Looking Single mature man looking for Love

    Hi ladies, single, tall 6'1, athletic with average looks, is interested in politics, current affairs, loves sports, watching not participating haha. Im a big reader mainly biographies and non fiction, ive been lucky enough to travel round lots of the world and lived in Japan, Thailand, Spain and...