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Advice required about the girl of my dreams

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Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2005
Hello everybody. I rarely post here but have been lurking since about 1997/8 and I would just like your adult thoughts and advice about how to pursue this friendship/possible relationship. Please note, as this is the weight board, it contains my opinions and fantasies with regards to feeding and weight gain. However, I would appreciate your constructive comments.

This post is about a friend of mine who I have recently got back in touch with. I have changed her name to protect her identity.

About three and a half years ago I met a local girl who had just turned 16 years old through her mum who knew a friend of mine. One night a few weeks later she asked me round to her house where she had a tent in the back garden and a couple of her girl friends were staying the night with her. Of the two girls, Emma really caught my attention. She was taller than my friend and the other girl, very big boned but most of all she was quite fat with massive potential. Her face was very round, hint of a double chin but it was her thighs and butt that really struck me. I would've put her just above 200lbs, about 14-15 stone. We hit it off and became friends, texting each other often. Nothing really happened because the first friend and I had a bit of a carry on before I met Emma, so whenever I hinted at getting it on with Emma she just accused me of not being able to make up mind which girl I liked. Personality wise, both girls were great but a bit giddy for their age, but Emma's shape really excited me.

I saw them on and off over the next year or so, and sure enough, Emma began to get bigger. I don't think she was bothered about her extra weight because of the clothes she wore, but you could tell she lacked confidence in her esteem. To give you an example, Emma and my friend went on holiday to France about two years ago, and when they came back they were both nicely tanned. I remember them sitting on my garden patio and Emma just looked incredible. Probably about 250 by now, she was wearing grey jogging bottoms but they were skin tight on her. Her ass was amazing and her thighs were to die for. Her belly was overhanging the waistband onto her lap as she sat and her boob tube top left little to the imagination. Her flab was mesmerizing and I just wanted to squeeze her. Another time she was was walking past my house with my first friend and I didn't know it was her, but I just saw this huge butt waddling past with a big roll of flab exposed above her butt and round to her navel. Being the FA I am, when I realised it was Emma I ran after her and got into conversation with her.

I know this is a bit long but I just have to tell you. I didn't see them for a while but mid summer about 18 months ago (summer 04) I was sat with a gang in the beer garden outside my local pub and Vicky, one of the girls in the gang commented on someone a distance away down the pavement. Her comment went along the lines of, "OH MY GOD! There is no way I'd wear that if I was that big." Sure enough, Emma came along (18 now because I remember she came into the pub and ordered a drink legally) but she was wearing these white stretch pants that just accentuated the vastness of her thighs. She looked colossal! She must have been tipping the scales at 300. She was very fat all over, except for her thighs and ass which held a lot more fat. Needless to say, when they came into the pub I went and sat with them! But that comment from Vicky really had turned me on that hot summers day. Sitting with Emma though, her self esteem had plummeted further. Sad really, because she had beautiful long moussy coloured hair, a lovely fat face and her chest and belly had really filled out.

Again, I didn't see much of her for the rest of the year and that was in fact the last time I have actually seen her to date. But, get this. This time last year I was texting her to try and meet up with her. She said that she didn't want me to see her because some medication that she'd recently been on had caused her to gain even more weight. I just wondered if she might have been depressed. Before I carry on, you need to be aware that upto her being 300 pounds, this was without medicine. It is purely because she is a BBW and she does have an appetite according to the third friend from the camping story who now works at the same pub behind the bar. This girl also told me that Emma tries a different diet every now and again but gives up after a day!

Anyhow, when she didn't want to see me I texted her about me being an FA and that I will like her no matter what weight she was. In my head, I wanted her to be enormous but truth be known I haven't a clue how much weight she had gained, or whether she has even lost it to date. I also told her that I like very very fat girls and will always go for the fattest girl (first impressions right?). I told her about websites like Dimensions in the hope of boosting her self worth but I have no idea if she ever visited them. The next day she texted to say we were still friend and that I had said some pretty mind blowing stuff.

I don't know what happened next except that I must have given up or tried to supress my FA and feeder tendencies. But this year, they have won through and I am proud of it. This year I was dating a BBW (probably about 280) for about 3 months. When I was with her I longed to be with Emma though. No chemistry emerged and she didn't know about BBW/Feeder/Feedee community, but at least I had told Emma about it, albeit in a rather clumsy text message.

I split from my BBW girlfriend about 3 months back and a few weeks later in the pub I bumped into my first friend again. She is slim, she has cut her hair and changed its colour! She was with her boyfriend and it got me dreaming about Emma again, and whether I could try again with her. So this week I have been texting her and the responses are getting warmer. She seems a little non-plussed as to why I have revived my interest in her after over a year of not having seen her. I really want to catch up with her and maybe get with her. But of course, I really want to see how fat and beautiful she is now and how much weight she did gain.

In fantasy, I would like to be with Emma and for her to be 600 pounds of pure wobbling flab, and me feeding her but I know this is totally unrealistic at this moment in time. But I would really welcome your advice on how to approach her and also your thoughts on this life story from the last 3 and a half years.

For your information, I am a 25 year old FA living in north west England and I've lurked here for years. Isn't is great being an FA!

Thank you for reading and I really do look forward to your comments and observations.
