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Binge Play- by Yin X (BBW, Stuffing)

Dimensions Magazine

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Cool Yin

Active Member
May 4, 2007
~BBW, Stuffing - An evening with the glutton Stacy.

Binge Play
by YinX

Scene: The living room of Marcus L.'s big mansion

Enter Stacy, sits on a couch watches TV.
Enter Marcus, coming home from work and kissing her.

Stacy: Welcome home, my dear. How was your day at work?
B]Marcus[/B]: Hello, honey. You look great. Work is always the same, you know.

Stacy: It brings you a lot of money.

Marcus: That's the only positive thing you can say about it. And how was your day?

Stacy: Nothing special, too. In the morning I had an economic lecture, from then on I've been learning and working with a few fellow students in the library. I came here about 1 hour ago.

Marcus: I hope they stopped making fun about your weight.

Stacy: Sure, they are all nice. A few of the girls even have the same figure as me.

Marcus: Sounds good. You know that you can bring your friends here anytime.

Stacy: No, I didn't know that, dear. It is the first time you mention it. Is there maybe a connection with me mentioning their figure?

Marcus: You got me, I hoped for something for the eye. But don't be jealous. You are only one for me and no one is as pretty as you. And you know that if a woman is enough for a man, then you.

Stacy: Oh, thanks, dear, you are so charming.

Marcus: If you want you can introduce them to me someday. But let's change the topic. What is in that big pot on the eating table?

Stacy: Mayonnaise.

Marcus: And what do you want to do with all that Mayonnaise?

Stacy: What do you think I will? Eating it of course.

Marcus: A pretty big pot, even for you. And you won't eat it pure I guess.

Stacy: Nope. I called Pizza Service for me.

Marcus: Sweet. Seems like you plan to pig out today.

Stacy: Dead sure I will.

Marcus: You know I love it when you do this, honey.

Stacy: My delivery should be here in a second. I just heard a car stopping. Go and pay for it.

Marcus: Whatever you say, honey.

A bell rings.
Enter Paul.

Paul: Hi, Marcus.

Marcus: Hi, Paul. Since when do you work at a delivery service.

Paul: Since a while. So you are having a party today and did not invite me?

Marcus: I am not having a party...

Paul: Stop searching for excuses. What would you want to do with such an order then?

Marcus: My girlfriend ordered it. I had no idea...

Paul: Stop it. If you don't want me here just tell me.

Marcus: Come in and look if you want.

Paul: Oh, shut up. You know I have no time for that. It looks like I don't fit into your society. So just pay me and then I am gone.

Marcus: It really was my girlfriend. But you won't believe me anyway it seems. So how much is it?

Paul: 217 dollars

Marcus: What?

Paul: 217 dollars.

Marcus: Twohundredandsev...whatever. Ok, I give you 250$.

Paul: I am not taking a tip from you. I don't need you or your money. Have a nice party. Your delivery is here...ufff...and here....and here...and here. Goodbye.

Exit Paul

Marcus: Honey, did you order 6 family Pizzas, 8 big baguettes, 4 XXL portions lasagna, three Big bottles Cola and two bottles of wine for 217 dollars?

Stacy: Yes, except for the wine. One bottle of wine is free for each 100$ order. Why are you asking? Was something wrong with the delivery?

Marcus: A friend of mine delivered it and now he thinks here is a party and I am excluding him.

Stacy: That was neither my fault nor is it my problem so why should I care. Is my food ok?

Marcus: Sure...but what do you want to do with all that?

Stacy: Eating it.

Marcus: It is too much. You can't eat all that by yourself.

Stacy: Oh I see what you want. But don't touch it. If you want something order it yourself.

Marcus: Ordering is not the major part of dealing with delivery services. Paying is!

Stacy: Say what you want, you won't get any of this. It's all mine.

Marcus: I don't like that junk food food anyway and you know that. It is just that not even you are able to eat that much.

Stacy: Oh, dear, you have no idea.

An alarm rings.

Marcus: Honey, what was that?

Stacy: The oven. I made myself some fries to eat with the mayonnaise and put them into the hot oven so they taste better. Go and bring me them. And when you are in the kitchen, bring me a a wine glass and fill it for me.

Marcus: The baking sheet is completely filled and the fries are piled up nearly 3 inches high.

Stacy: Whom are you telling that? I put them in the oven myself. And now you put them on a prettier plate and serve me.

Marcus: Honey, here is your wine.

Stacy: You can take your time with the fries, I have lots to do while waiting for you.

Marcus: You sound pretty happy.

Stacy: I am. I don't even know what to eat first. This Pizza looks so delicious and the baguettes, too. So long, thick, with a lot of cheese, Salami, Ham and even more Mayo for me. And the smell of the fries and the lasagna increases my appetite even more.

Marcus: Ok, before I sit down and watch you quit before finishing half of that....Was that all or do you have any more cooking or ordered?

Stacy: Nothing ordered or cooking, but did you think I eat without a proper dessert? I have 3 boxes of Donuts here, some big pots of pudding in the fridge and a family storage tub Ice Cream in the freezer. I'll tell you when you can bring them to me.

Three hours later, the same place.

Stacy: Oh my god. My stomach is so bloated.

Marcus: Honey, I told you that you can't eat all that.

Stacy: My stomach hurts.

Marcus: Sure it does. And now you lie here on the living room floor, unable to move like a beached whale.

Stacy: Stop making fun of me.

Marcus: Sorry, honey. And I have to admit it was close. You wolfed down more than I ever thought you could. Everything is gone except for 3 baguettes, some fries and 2 pots of pudding.

Stacy: I can't believe I didn't finish a meal. But I am just so full and tired. Bring me a pillow for my head and a blanket.

Marcus: Don't you rather want to get up and lay down on the couch or bed?

Stacy: I told you I can't move a single inch.

Marcus: Maybe if I push the couch over to you I can lift you on it.

Stacy: In your dreams you are Hercules and can then you can lift me. But for now just let me rest here for a few minutes.

Marcus: Or hours...

Stacy: I told you to stop making fun.

Marcus: Sorry again. But why did you get up from the couch at all?

Stacy: I couldn't eat another bite, but there was not much left and I didn't want to quit. So I thought a little walk would get me back my appetite. I was wrong and had to lie down after 5 meters.

Marcus: Here's the blanket and the pillow.

Stacy: Why did that take so long? Put the pillow under my head, I am a bit tipsy.

Marcus: A bit tipsy? You drank two bottles of red wine.

Stacy: And it tasted really good.

Marcus: You are unusual, amazing and sexy, do you know that?

Stacy: Yes, I know that. But I am not in a romantic mood now, dear.

Marcus: Maybe I can change that.

Stacy: Ok, unless you want to risk our both lifes you better get off of me.

Marcus: As if this was my fault...

Stacy: Ok, ok. You were right. I promise, when I am able to move again I will compensate for that three times. And until then you can caress and kiss my stomach. How about that?

Marcus: That sounds more than fair. Does it feel good when I rub like that?

Stacy: Yes, keep on. But please, please be careful and gentle.

Marcus: Sure, honey...Your stomach feels hard under all that belly fat and it makes constant gurgling noises. But that's nothing unsual for you, honey, or is it?

Stacy: zzz..

Marcus: Oh...sleep well and I wish you nice dreams.

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